What is the main difference between a light and electron microscope multiple choice question?

1. When the power of ocular lens is 10 X and objective lens is 20 X, the magnification is

a) 30 times

b) 20 times

c) 200 times

d) 2000 times

2. Which of the following light is suitable for getting maximum resolution?

a) Red

b) Green

c) Blue

d) Orange

3. All the following are components of compound microscope except

a) stage clips

b) fine adjustment

c) electron gun

d) Binocular eye piece

4. Resolving power of an instrument can be increased by

a) using an illumination of longer wavelength and by decreasing the NA

b) using an illumination of longer wave length and by increasing the NA

c) using an illumination of shorter wave length and by increasing the NA

d) using an illumination of shorter wave length and by decreasing the NA

5. Which of the following is best suited to get the surface view of an object?

a) SEM

b) TEM

c) both a and b

d) compound microscope

6. The resolving power of unaided human eye is

a) 1 cm

b) 100um

c) 200 nm

d) 400 nm

7. Which of the following is used to visualize live cells?

a) SEM

b) TEM

c) phase contrast microscope

d) All of these

8. The refractive index of air is

a) 0.50

b) 0.75

c) 1.00

d) 1.25

9. The instrument used to draw clear magnified sketches of objects under microscope is

a) Compound microscope

b) Light microscope

c) camera lucida

d) camera attached stereomicroscope

10. Which of the following is true about dark field microscopy?

a) Adding disc called ‘stop’ to the condenser will make bright field to dark filed

b) The stop disc prevents the entry of light from the central field and object is illuminated with beam of light

c) The light gets reflected from the sides of the specimen and appears bright in dark background

d) all of these

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1. c) 200 times

2. c) Blue

3. c) electron gun

4. a) using an illumination of longer wavelength and by decreasing the NA

5. a) SEM

6. b) 100um

7. c) phase contrast microscope

8. c) 1.00

9. c) camera lucida

10. d) all of these

Grade 9 Biology Quiz Answers - Topic

Light and electron microscopy Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve light and electron microscopy quiz answers PDF to learn 9th grade biology online course. Cells and Tissues Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Light and Electron Microscopy quiz questions PDF for taking online classes. "Light and Electron Microscopy Book" PDF: microscopy and cell theory, passage of molecules and cells, formation of cell theory, cell organelles test prep for online learning.

"The kind of electron microscope which is used to study the internal structure of cells is" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on light and electron microscopy with choices scanning electron microscope, transmission electron microscope, light microscope, and compound microscope for taking online classes. Learn cells and tissues quiz questions for online certificate programs for virtual online school.

MCQs on Light and Electron Microscopy

MCQ: The kind of electron microscope which is used to study the internal structure of cells is

scanning electron microscope

transmission electron microscope

light microscope

compound microscope

MCQ: The electrons of the Scanning Electron Microscope are reflected through

metal-coated surfaces

vacuum chamber

MCQ: The magnification of light microscope is

MCQ: The photograph which is taken from a microscope is known as

MCQ: The object can be magnified under an electron microscope about

350, 000 times

250, 000 times

300, 000 times

450, 000 times

More Topics from Grade 9 Biology Book

What is the main difference between a light microscope and an electron?

Electron microscopes differ from light microscopes in that they produce an image of a specimen by using a beam of electrons rather than a beam of light. Electrons have much a shorter wavelength than visible light, and this allows electron microscopes to produce higher-resolution images than standard light microscopes.

What is the main difference between a light and electron microscope quizlet?

What is the difference between an electron and light microscope? Electron uses electron rays to see the specimen, whereas a light microscope uses light to see the specimen.

What is the difference between light and electron?

The difference between light and electron microscope is mainly due to the two properties like one is the source of illumination, and the second is the type of lens. Source of illumination: It is the property of a microscope that ensures the clear visibility of the object or specimen and adds brightness to it.

What is the difference between a light microscope and an electron microscope Brainly?

Answer: The main difference between light microscope and electron microscope is that an electron microscope uses beams of electrons to magnify the image of an object while light microscope uses rays of visible light to form highly magnified images of tiny areas of materials or biological specimens.


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