What is an appropriate nursing intervention to minimize separation anxiety in a hospitalized toddler

At the end of unit 2, the students will be able to:
Appreciate the differences between children and adult
Describe the hospital environment for a sick child
Explain the impact of hospitalization on child
Discuss the grief and bereavement
Outline the role of a child health nurse
Explain the principles of pre- and post-operative care for children
Perform pain assessment in children

At the end of unit 2, the students will be able to:
Appreciate the differences between children and adult
Describe the hospital environment for a sick child
Explain the impact of hospitalization on child
Discuss the grief and bereavement
Outline the role of a child health nurse
Explain the principles of pre- and post-operative care for children
Perform pain assessment in children


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Which of the following represents the major stressor of hospitalization for children from middle infancy throughout the preschool years? Separation anxiety
During the first 4 days of hospitalization, Eric, age 18 months, cried inconsolably when his parents left him, and he refused the staff's attention. Now the nurse observes that Eric appears to be "settled in" and unconcerned about seeing his parents. He may be experiencing detachment, which is the third stage of separation anxiety.
When a preschool child is hospitalized without adequate preparation, the nurse should recognize that the child may likely see hospitalization as which of the following? Punishment
Because of their striving for independence and productivity, which age-group of children is particularly vulnerable to events that may lessen their feeling of control and power? School-age children
A 10-year-old girl needs to have another intravenous (IV) line started. She keeps telling the nurse, "Wait a minute," and, "I'm not ready." The nurse should recognize that: this is normal behavior for a school-age child.
The most common initial reaction of parents to illness or injury and hospitalization in their child is which of the following? Disbelief
An appropriate nursing intervention to minimize separation anxiety in a hospitalized toddler would be which of the following? Encourage parents to room in.
Four-year-old Brian appears to be upset by hospitalization. Which of the following is an appropriate intervention? Let him know it is all right to cry.
Latasha, age 8 years, is being admitted to the hospital from the emergency department with an injury from falling off her bicycle. Which of the following will help her most in her adjustment to the hospital? Explain hospital schedules to her, such as mealtimes.
Samantha, age 5 years, tells the nurse that she "needs a Band-Aid" where she had an injection. Which of the following is the best nursing action? Apply a Band-Aid.
Kimberly, age 3 years, admitted for about 1 week. Her parents tell the nurse that they are going to buy her "a lot of new toys, because she will be in the hospital." The nurse's reply should be based on an understanding of which of the following? At this age, children often need the comfort and reassurance of familiar toys from home.
Matthew, age 18 months, has just been admitted with croup. His parent is tearful and tells the nurse, "This is all my fault. I should have taken him to the doctor sooner so he wouldn't have to be here." Which of the following is appropriate? Clarify misconception about the illness.
The nurse is caring for an adolescent who had an external fixator placed after suffering a fracture of the wrist during a bicycle accident. Which of the following statements by the adolescent would be expected about separation anxiety? “I hope my friends don’t forget about visiting me.”

What is the primary nursing goal for a hospitalized toddler?

The primary nursing goal in the care of a hospitalized child younger than 5 years of age is to prevent or minimize separation from parents or primary caregivers. Although preventing discomfort is important, the primary nursing goal is to prevent separation from parents or primary caregivers.

During which phase of separation anxiety is a toddler most likely to cling to the parent quizlet?

During the protest phase of separation anxiety the toddler is most likely to cling to the parent. Inactivity is characteristic of the despair stage. Depression and sadness are characteristic of the despair phase. Regression to earlier behavior is also a characteristic of the despair phase.

What represents the major stressor of hospitalization for children from middle infancy throughout the toddler years?

Separation Anxiety. The major stress from middle infancy throughout the preschool years, especially for children ages 6 to 30 months, is separation anxiety, also called anaclitic depression.

Which rationale would the nurse provide for using therapeutic play in a hospitalized preschooler quizlet?

Rationale 1: Therapeutic play is a means of anxiety reduction in the hospitalized child. Allowing the child to play with safe medical equipment is an age-appropriate method through which the child can express her feelings, thereby reducing anxiety.


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