What is a reaction or response of approval or disapproval to anothers behavior or appearance?

Behavior and appearances that follow and maintain the group standards; the acceptance of culturally valued goals and the pursuit of those goals through means defined as legitimate

Any behavior or physical appearance that is socially challenged or condemned bc it departs from the norms and expectations of the group

Methods used to teach, persuade or force a groups members and even nonmembers to computer with and not deviate from it's norms and expectations

Customary ways of handling the routine matters of every day life

Norms that people define as essential to the well being of the group or nation; people who violate these are usually punished severely

Reactions if approval or disapproval to others behavior

An expression of approval and a reward for compliance

An expression of disapproval

Spontaneous, unofficial expressions if approval or disapproval that are not backed by the force of law

Expressions of disapproval backed by laws, rules or policies that specify (usually in writing) the conditions under which people should be rewarded or punished and the procedures for allocating awards and administering punishments

A method of preventing information from reaching an audience

People whose job is to sift through information in movies, books, letters, TV, Internet and other media and to remove or block any material that those in power consider unsuitable or threatening

A mechanism of social control that involves monitoring the movements, activities, conversations and associations of people who are believed likely to engage in wrongdoing; catching those who do engage in it; preventing people from engaging in it and ensuring the public is protected from wrongdoers

People who have not violated the rules of a group and are treated accordingly

People who have broken the rules of a group and are caught, punished and labelled as outsiders

Master status of a deviant

An identification marking a rule breaker first and foremost as a deviant

People who have broken the Ike's of a group but whose violation goes unnoticed or, if it is noticed, prompts no one to enforce the law

The acceptance of cultural goals but the rejection if the legitimate means to achieve them

The rejection if cultural goals but a rigid adherence to the means of achieving them

The rejection of both Irkutsk goals and the means of achieving them

The full or partial rejection of both cultural goals and the means of achieving them and the introduction of a new set of goals and means

A deliberate simplification or caricature that exaggerates defining characteristics, thus establishing a standard against which real cases can be compared

An organization that strives to use the most efficient means to achieve a valued goal

Sociology must study an interpretive understanding of social action

An empathetic understanding of social causes

The official side of the organization governed by written guidelines, rules and policies

A process in which thought and action rooted in custom, emotion, or respect for mysterious forces--is replaced by value-rational thought and action; thought and action grounded on the logical assessment of cause and effect or the means to achieve a particular event

An organizations claim of offeringthe "best" products and services, which allow customers to move quickly from one state of being to another

Quantification and Calculation

Numerical indicators that enable customers to evaluate a product or service easily

The expectation that a service or product will be the same no nagger where or when it is purchased

The guiding or regulating, by planning out in detail, the production or delivery of a service or product

Multi-National Corporations

Enterprises that own, control of license production or service facilities in countries other than the one where the corporation is located

Hidden costs of using, making or disposing of a product that are not figure into the price of the product or paid for by the customer

A everyday event in which at least 2 people communicate and respond through language and symbolic gestures to affect one another's behavior and thinking

Work that is broken down into specialized tasks, each performed by a different set if persons trained to do that task

Ties that bind people to one another in society by social order and cohesion

Totality of beliefs and sentiments in society creates a determine system

2 or more people occupying social statuses and interacting in expected ways

Social status that results from chance 

Social statuses acquired through some combo of personal choice, effort and ability

One status in a status set that is so important to a persons social identity that it overshadows all other statuses a person occupies

Used drama as a metaphor for social performance

Basic background assumptions that enable us to understand what is goin on in any encounter or situation

Basic understandings individuals being to interaction, providing a means for comprehension

Thomas Theorem (Definition of the Situation)

"If we define situations as real, they are real in their consequences"

Oberlin CollegeWrote "The polish peasant in Europe and America"

A person who or group blamed for conditions that can't be controlled or threatened a community's sense of well being or that shook the foundations of an important institution

Chicago sociologistI me and the generalized other

Social learning perspective

Child's acquisition of cognitive and behavioral skills comes from the environment; rolling and crawling before walking 

Romulus, Remus, Kamala and Amala

It is impossible for a society to exist without deviance; social determination of defiance binds the group together and allows for social change

An act is deviant when people notice it and then take action to label it as a violation and apply appropriate sanctions

A campaign to identify, investigate and correct behavior that is believed to be undermining a group

Milgrams experimentThe firm commands if a person holding a position of authority over a person hearing those commands can elicit an obedient response
Nuremberg trials

Deviant behavior is a response to a situation on which a disjuncture exists between culturally valued goals and legitimate means for achieving those goals

Theory if socialization that explains how deviant behavior, especially delinquent behavior, is learned

French sociologistDivision of labor

German theory of bureaucracy

Formal organizations that draw together people who give time, talent or treasure to support mutual interests, meet human needs, or achieve a not-for-profit goal

Rule based upon tradition or custom

Rule based upon personal qualities of the leader

Rational-Legal Legitimacy

Rules and laws and a legally appointed ruler

The process by which the principles of the fast food restaurant are coming to dominate more and more the sectors of American Society as well as the rest of the world

The imposition of rational principles and rules results in a set of irrationalities generated by the rational system

Rule by the few; the concentration if power in the hands if a few people who hold the top positions in a hierarchy

State of being in which human life is dominated by the force of its inventions

A system of expected behaviors, meanings and viewpoints that transcend those of the ppl participating

The experiences shared and recalled by significant numbers of people 

To posit a single rather than synergistic or interactive effect

A process in which a sense of self develops, enabling one to see oneself reflected in others real or imagined reactions to ones appearance and behavior

Developmental Perspective

A process of physical and psychological maturation (biologically determined) that results in socialization

What is meant by deviant Behaviour?

Deviant behavior is defined as actions that violate social norms, which may include both informal social rules or more formal societal expectations and laws.

What are the 4 types of deviance?

Key Points.
Social strain typology, developed by Robert K. ... .
According to Merton, there are five types of deviance based upon these criteria: conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism and rebellion..

What is crime and deviance?

- Crime: an illegal act which is punishable by law. - Deviance: behavior which does not conform to society's norms and values and, if. detected, is likely to lead to negative sanctions.

What is an example of negative informal sanction?

Sanctions can either be positive ( rewards ) or negative (punishment). Sanctions can arise from either formal or informal control. With informal sanctions, ridicule or ostracism can realign a straying individual towards norms. Informal sanctions may include shame, ridicule, sarcasm, criticism, and disapproval.


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