What is a key risk of neglecting to integrate subcultures within high risk industries quizlet?

Last Update: May 27, 2022

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Prof. Yazmin Zemlak I

Score: 4.5/5 (70 votes)

Which of the following often determine the development of subcultures? Occupational groups, divisions or departments, products and technologies.

Why do organizations develop subcultures?

Organizational subculture forms when people of common situations, identities, or job functions gather around their own interpretations of the dominant company culture.

In what type of organizations do subcultures tend to develop?

Subcultures tend to develop in large organizations to reflect common problems, situations, or experiences. These usually are defined by department or geographical separations. Core Values or dominant (primary) values are accepted throughout the organization.

What is a key risk of neglecting to integrate subcultures within high risk industries quizlet?

market. clan. adhocracy. What is a key risk of neglecting to integrate subcultures within high-risk industries? a failure to interpret and implement safety measures.

What kinds of emotions tend to travel faster and farther within an organization quizlet?

Neuroscience research shows that people learn and pay attention to the emotions leaders exhibit. Positive emotions spread, but negative emotions travel faster and farther. Rites and rituals are the planned and unplanned activities and ceremonies used to celebrate important events or achievements.

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What are the 4 organizational cultures?

4 Types of Organizational Culture

  • Type 1 - Clan Culture.
  • Type 2 - Adhocracy Culture.
  • Type 3 - Market Culture.
  • Type 4 - Hierarchy Culture.

What are the three layers of organizational culture?

Schein divided an organization's culture into three distinct levels: artifacts, values, and assumptions. Artifacts are the overt and obvious elements of an organization.

Which of the following is a psychosocial function of mentoring?

They include challenging assignments, coaching, exposure, protection, and sponsorship. Psychosocial mentoring functions, which include counseling, friendship, role modeling, and confirmation and affirmation, enhance mentees' sense of competence and identity.

Why might a company choose an open office layout quizlet?

Companies with a(n) ____ culture have a strong external focus and value stability and control. Why might a company choose an open office layout? ... They emphasize stability and control, they view efficiency as one measure of effectiveness, they focus internally with a high degree of structure.

Is the first level of organizational culture?

To recap, Schein created three levels of organizational culture. First, at the top of the pyramid are artifacts. ... Artifacts include organizational structures and processes that are apparent and visible. Right below the top of the iceberg, in the middle of his cultural pyramid is the values level.

What are examples of subcultures?

Subcultures develop their own norms and values regarding cultural, political, and sexual matters. Subcultures are part of society while keeping their specific characteristics intact. Examples of subcultures include hippies, goths, bikers, and skinheads.

What are the seven components of culture?

  • Social Organization.
  • Language.
  • Customs and Traditions.
  • Religion.
  • Arts and Literature.
  • Forms of Government.
  • Economic Systems.

What is the importance of subcultures?

The subculture can provide the individual with a sense of autonomy – they can achieve prestige in the eyes of their peers. Subcultures can provide a sense of belonging. Marxists would say that some groups in society have more say in defining, ordering and classifying the social world and making cultural rules.

How can we prevent subcultures?

Here are the five ways to manage subcultures:

  1. Identify where the subcultures exist. Before you can manage something, you need to study it. ...
  2. Determine the active culture and subculture. ...
  3. Think whole, part, whole. ...
  4. Address dysfunction. ...
  5. Engage the subcultures.

How do you identify subcultures?

Subcultures have their values and norms concerning political, cultural and sexual matters. Subcultures are an integral part of society, and they keep specific characteristics intact. Hippies, bikers, goths are a few examples of subcultures. Subculture is perceived as a subversion to normalcy.

Where are strong subcultures found?

Departments or other subunits based on function or geographic location are more likely to produce strong subcultures than product-based departments. After all, grouping workers by function puts people together who already have similar occupational interests, ongoing experiences, and educational backgrounds.

Why might a company choose an open office layout?

One of the biggest reasons more businesses are choosing open offices is because the layout removes barriers between employees and supervisors. There are literally no offices for managers to hole up in, which often makes them seem unapproachable.

What are three things you can do to positively impact your personal and professional life?

What are three things you can do to positively impact your personal and professional life? Take ownership for enhancing your skills, abilities, and developmental networks. Asses your level of fit with current and future employers. Engage in regular contact with people in your developmental network.

Which of the following are functions of organizational culture?

Four functions of organizational culture are organizational identity, collective commitment, social system stability, and sense-making device.

What are the seven roles of a mentor?

The physician-researcher as mentor has at least seven roles to fill: teacher, sponsor, advisor, agent, role model, coach, and confidante (1, 6, 7). The mentor needs to customize each role to match the characteristics of the fellow. The following description is an ideal after which mentors strive.

What is a function of a mentor?

A mentor may share with a mentee (or protege) information about his or her own career path, as well as provide guidance, motivation, emotional support, and role modeling. A mentor may help with exploring careers, setting goals, developing contacts, and identifying resources.

What are four mentoring functions?

Kram (1985a) theorized that mentors may provide four psychosocial functions: help- ing the protege develop a sense of professional self (accep- tance and confirmation), providing problem-solving and a sounding board (counseling), giving respect and support (friendship), and providing identification and role modeling ( ...

What are the 5 major functions of culture in an organization?

To keep and attract that high-caliber talent, companies need to build and sustain great organizational cultures. To do this, there are five essential elements organizations should address: purpose, ownership, community, effective communication, and good leadership. Let's look a little deeper into each of them.

How do you identify organizational culture?

Identify Your Company's Culture

  1. Review mission and vision statements, shareholder reports or marketing materials that convey the company's self-identity. ...
  2. Conduct a survey. ...
  3. Interview a cross-section of employees and leaders about the work environment.

What are the different levels of culture and its importance?

Anthropologists recognize three levels of culture: international, national, and subculture. Keep in mind that while anthropologists have classified these three general patterns, it is acknowledged that there is variation within any given culture.


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