What involves analyzing information setting goals and making decisions about what needs to be done?

identity an example of this influence would be support for a team leader because they like her and believe she has the best interests of her employees in mind
Supervisors These are the first level of managers
staffing a function that includes all of the activities involved in obtaining and compensating employees
Top level these managers include executives like CEO or a CFO
Implementing Supervisors are mainly concerned wtih this management function
Core values outline of the important principles that guide company decisions
planning management functions involves analyzing information, setting goals, and making decisions about what needs to be done
strategic management management style best to use when work is routine
staffing function this includes all the activities obtaining preparing, compensating, employees
tactical management management style best for working with part time or temporary employees
organizing identifying and arranging work and resources
controlling determining to what extent the business has accomplished its goals
judgement this leadership characteristic is shown by carefully making decisions
management style the way a manager treats and invloves employees
leadership ability to motivate individuals and groups to accomplish goals
ethics principles governing an individual or group
Supervisors often have non-management duties in addition to their management work
strategic management in this managment style, managers are less directive and involve employees in decision-making
influence enables a person to affect the actions of others
ethical behavior It is EQUALLY important for managers as employees to practice this
Mid management examples of this level of managment's jobs could include customer service, information technology, marketing
Executives planning and controlling activities are where these managers spend most of their time
authority If someone does management jobs but is not considered a manager they most likely lack this
human relation skills these cnsist of self understanding, communication, team building
vertical manager, has sent a memo to employees is what type of communication
informal communication group of employees talking in the break room to discuss what’s going on in the office
job satisfaction a source of this might be recognition from supervisors for a job well done
Ethical this behavior is the result of the actions of individuals and groups. and the results of actions
Directive tactical managers are more ______________ and controlling
Initiative having the ambition and motivation to get work done without being asked
formal communication methods have been established and approved by the organization

Formal Influence The leadership role is part of the organization's structure.
Core Values The important principles that will guide decisions and actions in the company.
Implementing The effort to direct and lead people to accomplish the planned work of the organization.
Staffing All of the activities involved in obtaining, preparing, and compensating the employees of a business.
Influence Enables a person to affect the actions of others.
Ethical Business Practices Ensure that the highest standards of conduct are observed in a company's relationships with everyone who is a part of the business or affected by the business' activities.
Management The process of accomplishing the goals of an organization through the effective use of people and other resources.
Human Relations The way people get along with each other.
Leadership The effort to inspire and motivate individuals and groups to accomplish important goals.
Controlling Determines to what extent the business is accomplishing the goals it set out to reach in the planning stage.
Planning Analyzing information, setting goals, and making decisions about what needs to be done.
Management Style The way a manager treats and involves employees.
Organizing Identifying and arranging the work and resources needed to achieve the goals that have been set.
Informal Influence The leadership role is not part of a formal structure.
Executives Top-Level Managers with responsibilities for the direction and success of the entire business
Mid-Managers Specialists with responsibilities for specific parts of a company's operations
Supervisors The 1st level of management
Tactical Management Style in which the manager is more directive and controlling
Strategic Management Style in which managers are less directive and involve employees in decision-making
Mixed Management Combo of Tactical/Strategic
Understanding Respecting the feelings and needs of the people they work with
Initiative Having the ambition and motivation to get work done without being asked
Dependability Following through on commitments
Judgment Making decisions carefully
Objectivity Looking at all sides of an issue before making a decision
Confidence Being willing to make decisions and take responsibility for the results
Stability Not being too emotional or unpredictable
Cooperation Working well with others, recognizing others' strengths, and helping to develop effective group relationships
Honesty Being ethical in decision-making and treatment of others
Courage Willing to take reasonable risks and make unpopular decisions
Communication Able to listen, speak, and write effectively
Intelligence Having the knowledge and understanding needed to perform well
Self Understanding To be able to meet the expectations of others, leaders must first understand their own strengths and weaknesses
Understanding Others Leaders recognize that people in a business often are more alike than different
Formal Communications Methods have been established and approved by the organization
Informal Communications Common but unofficial ways that information moves in an organization
Internal Communications Occur between managers, employees, and work groups
External Communications Occur between those inside the organization and outsiders such as customers, suppliers, and other businesses
Vertical Communications Move up or down in an organization between management and employees
Horizontal Communications Move across the organization at the same level, employee to employee or manager to manager
Oral Communications Word-of-Mouth
Written Communications Include Notes, letters, reports, and e-mail messages
Team Building Businesses are made up of groups and teams, not individuals
Developing Job Satisfaction Having jobs tha use their skills and interests
Position Influence The ability to get others to accomplish tasks because of the position the leader holds
Reward Influence Results from the leader's ability to give or withhold rewards
Expert Influence Arises when group members recognize that the leader has special expertise in the area
Identity Influence Stems from the personal trust and respect members have for the leader
Ethics Code of Conduct

What management function involves analyzing information setting goals and making decisions about what needs to be done?

Chapter 7 Review.

What is the process of controlling and making decisions about a business?

One of the five functions of management, it involves analyzing information, setting goals, and making decisions about what needs to be done.

What is the process of accomplishing the goals of an organization through effective use of people and other resources?

M. Craft Business Management Ch. 1.

What is the management function that determines the extent of the business in accomplishing the goals set out to reach in the planning stage *?

POBF Chapter 7 Vocabulary.


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