What hormone is secreted in response to a decrease in the sodium level or an increase in the potassium level quizlet?

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Terms in this set (142)

Any cell that ingests microorganisms or other cells is called a(n):


A patient is found to have a high blood sugar level (hyperglycemia). What is a cause of this?

deficient insulin levels in the blood

Substances that release ions when dissolved in water are called:


The brain and spinal cord are connected through a large opening at the base of the skull called the:

foramen magnum

The most important nerve of the cervical plexus, which innervates the diaphragm, is the:

phrenic nerve

Thromboxane A2 is a short-lived compound that causes:

platelet clumping

What type of tissue covers and lines internal organs?

epithelial tissue

Which organs/structures lie(s) in the retroperitoneal space of the abdomen?


Which structures comprise different types of tissues that work together to perform a particular function?


A bruit differs from a murmur in that a bruit:

is auscultated over a main blood vessel

A fracture of the orbital bone is commonly referred to as a:

blowout fracture

All of the following are formed components of the blood, EXCEPT:


A projection of the second cervical vertebra (C2) that fits into the vertebral foramen of the first cervical vertebra (C1) is called the:

odontoid process

A specialized part of the venous system that filters the blood and metabolizes various drugs is called the:

hepatic portal system

Beginning with the outermost layer, the three meningeal layers of the central nervous system are the:

dura, arachnoid, and pia matter

Blood enters the right atrium of the heart from the:

vena cavae and coronary sinus

During an acidotic state, the kidneys attempt to maintain a normal pH by:

retaining bicarbonate

In response to shock or stress, sympathetic nervous system stimulation causes:


Molecules that bind to a receptor's cells and trigger a response by that cell, thereby resulting in some kind of action or biologic effect, are called:


The average total body water content of a healthy adult is approximately ____% of his or her body weight.


The Broca region of the left frontal lobe is responsible for the muscular actions that are associated with:


The catecholamine epinephrine (adrenaline) has an affinity for:

alpha and beta receptors

The epiglottis can be BEST described as:

a valve that covers the trachea during swallowing

The first artery to branch from the aortic arch is the:

brachiocephalic artery

The heart muscle lies within a space in the thoracic cavity called the:


The heart's primary pacemaker, which is located in the right atrium, is the:

SA node

The hypoxic drive, a backup system to control breathing, is stimulated when:

oxygen levels decrease

The limbic system, a portion of the cerebrum and diencephalon, contains structures that:

influence emotions and mood

The majority of the body's total body water is contained within the:

intracellular space

The myocardium is the only muscle that can generate its own electrical impulses. This process is called:


The process in which glucose is broken down to yield pyruvic acid is called:


The process of moving air into and out of the lungs is called:


The pulmonary circulation is responsible for:

ensuring blood gets reoxygenated

The right and left coronary arteries arise from the:

ascending aorta

The separation of the intracellular and extracellular areas by a selectively permeable membrane helps to maintain:


The shoulders and hips are examples of __________ joints.


The superior portion of the brainstem that contains reflex centers for pupillary reflexes and eye movements is the:


The thyroid gland is responsible for the:

metabolic rate

What is the action of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)?

stimulates hormone secretion from the adrenal cortex

What is the function of a baroreceptor?

monitoring changes in arterial pressure

What physiologic reaction occurs when a person's blood sugar level falls?

glucagon production is increased

What type of valves are the aortic and pulmonic valves?


Which of the following are typically found in the muscle cells, and provide cell movement and contraction via interaction with actin and myosin?


Which of the following is a function performed by all cells?


Which of the following is NOT a function of the skin?

production of antibodies to foreign organisms

Which of the following statements regarding type O blood is correct?

it contains no surface antigens

Which of the following structures comprise the axial skeleton?

Skull, face, thoracic cage, vertebral column

Which of the following vessels or structures is NOT part of the pulmonary circulation?

descending aorta

Which type of nerve cells conduct electrical impulses toward the cell body?


With regard to the heart, ejection fraction is defined as the:

% of blood ejected from the heart

A 2-year-old child has experienced a proximal humeral fracture involving the growth plate. This plate is also called the:

epiphyseal plate

All of the following are functions of the parasympathetic nervous system, EXCEPT:

decreased GI function

A protein of the immune system that recognizes foreign substances is called a(n):


Normal inhalation is the result of:

negative pressure in the thoracic cavity

Phagocytosis is the process by which:

monocytes digest microbes

The cell membrane is selectively permeable, which means that it:

allows only certain substances to pass through it

The diencephalon, a region of the brain, contains which of the following structures?

thalamus and hypothalamus

The first and second cervical vertebrae are called the:

Atlas and Axis

The formation of glucose in the liver is called:


The integumentary system includes all of the following structures, EXCEPT:

blood vessels

The left main coronary artery rapidly divides into the:

left anterior descending and circumflex arteries

The longest portion of the aorta, which subdivides into the thoracic and abdominal aorta, is the:

descending aorta

The movement of a substance against a concentration or gradient that requires energy is called:

active transport

The process in which malignant cells travel to other organs or tissue and establish secondary tumors is called:


The second heart sound (S2) represents:

semilunar valves closing

The semilunar valves of the heart function by:

preventing backflow of blood into the ventricles

The shoulder joint is a ball-and-socket joint where the humeral head articulates with the:

glenoid fossa

The sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves arise from the:

autonomic nervous system

The term inotropy refers to the:

strength of myocardial contraction

The term perfusion is BEST defined as:

circulation of blood within an organ or tissue

The three small bones in the middle ear are the:

malleus, stapes, incus

What are the three layers of the blood vessel, starting with the outer layer?

Tunica adventitia, media, intima

What body system is comprised of various glands located throughout the body?

endocrine system

What happens when the PaCO2 of the arterial blood increases?

pH decreases and respirations increase

Which hormone prepares the uterus for implantation?


Which layer of the blood vessel wall is composed of elastic tissue and smooth muscle cells?

tunica media

Which of the following is NOT a type of white blood cell?


Closure of the tricuspid and mitral valves occur during:

ventricular contraction

Decreases in the PaCO2 result in _____________ pH levels in the respiratory center and a(n) _____________ in ventilation.

increased, decrease

Freshly oxygenated blood is returned to the left atrium through the:

pulmonary veins

In addition to facilitating the uptake of sugar into the cells, insulin is responsible for:

chemical conversion from glucose to glycogen

Osmosis is the movement of a:

solvent from an area of low solute concentration to one of high concentration

Oxygen and carbon dioxide pass across the alveolar capillary membrane through a process called:


Stimulation of alpha-1 receptors of the sympathetic nervous system results in:

peripheral vasoconstriction

The abdominal aorta begins at the level of the:

12th thoracic vertebra

The body's ability to spontaneously cease bleeding is called:


The layer of tissue that lines the inside of the chest cavity is called the:

parietal pleura

The middle muscular layer of the heart is called the:


The movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration is called:


The olfactory nerve (CN I) is responsible for:


The point where the first cervical vertebra (C1) articulates with the base of the skull is called the:

atlanto-occipital joint

The primary respiratory stimulus in a healthy adult is a(n):

increased arterial carbon dioxide level

The reticular activating system is located in the __________ and regulates __________:

midbrain, consciousness

The subclavian artery gives rise to the:

vertebral arteries

The two major veins that drain the head and neck of blood are the:

jugular veins

All of the following are facial bones, EXCEPT the:


A medication that possesses a positive chronotropic effect is one that:

increases heart rate

A slight dilation at the carotid bifurcation, called the ________________, contains structures that are important in regulating blood pressure.

carotid sinus

Examples of steroid hormones are:

cortisol and testosterone

Extracellular fluid accounts for what percentage of the total body water?


Immediately inferior to the suprasternal (jugular) notch is the:


Insulin and glucagon are produced in specialized groups of cells in the pancreas known as the:

islets of Langerhans

The gap that lies between each nerve cell is called the:


The substance that contains all the cellular contents between the cell membrane and the nucleus is called the:


What hormone is secreted in response to a decrease in the sodium level or an increase in the potassium level?


When activated, fibrinogen is converted to:


Which layer of the heart would be penetrated during an emergent medical procedure in order to remove fluid?


Which of the following is NOT part of the pelvis?


Which of the following processes initiates urine formation?

glomerular filtration

All of the following are endocrine glands, EXCEPT the:

sweat glands

A pH of 7.30 indicates:


Dysfunction of the mitral valve may cause backflow of blood into the:

Left atrium

End-diastolic volume is primarily a reflection of:

venous return to the heart

If too much water moves out of a cell, the cell shrinks abnormally. This process is called:


Nicotinic receptors are found:

on skeletal muscle

The aorta and pulmonary artery exit the heart just beneath the:


The femoral artery gives rise to all of the following arteries, EXCEPT the:

iliac arteries

The first two cervical vertebrae, in descending order, are called:

atlas and axis

The hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine are synthesized by the:

thyroid gland

The ilium is defined as the:

bony prominences of the pelvis

The thick fibrous membrane that surrounds the heart is called the:


What are the functions of the pancreas?

production of insulin and certain enzymes that aid in digestion

What happens when systemic vasoconstriction occurs?

afterload increases

What is the cardiac output of a person with a stroke volume of 60 mL and a heart rate of 90 beats/min?

5.4 L

Which of the following conditions would cause a left shift of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve?

increased pH

Which of the following statements regarding interstitial fluid is correct?

it is located in the extracellular space and between the cells

A(n) ___________ is a substance that can absorb or donate hydrogen ions.


A person with type A+ blood could receive which of the following blood types?


As an electrical impulse travels down the electrical conduction system, it transiently slows at the:

AV Node

Increased myocardial contractility secondary to stretching of the myocardial walls is called the:

Frank-Starling mechanism

Of the 12 pairs of cranial nerves, which two do NOT exit from the brainstem?

olfactory and optic

The parathyroid glands produce and secrete a hormone that:

maintains normal levels of calcium in the blood

Ventricular muscle contraction and the pumping of blood throughout the body occur during:


Which portion of the spinal column articulates with the pelvis?


Efferent nerves of the peripheral nervous system are responsible for:

carrying commands from the brain to the muscles

Tidal volume is defined as the volume of air that:

is moved into or out of lungs during a single breath

Afterload is defined as the:

degree of pressure against which the left ventricle pumps

All of the following are voluntary muscles, EXCEPT:

smooth muscle

Leakage of cerebrospinal fluid from the nose following severe head trauma suggests:

fracture of the cribriform plate

Severe injuries to the liver are life threatening because it is:

highly vascular and very fragile

What occurs during the initial phase of hemostasis?

local vasoconstriction and platelet activation occur

Which is a function of the lymphatic system?

filtration of debris and bacteria from the blood

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Aldosterone is produced in the adrenal cortex. Aldosterone increases sodium reabsorption by increasing the number of Na+-K+ ATPase pumps in the luminal membrane of the proximal tubule.

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lungs and blood vessels. Which hormone increases sodium excretion? A. renin.

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