What does object reference not set to an instance of an object mean in unity?

Hello there! I'm pretty new to this myself (and I don't comment in Reddit much so please forgive my formatting) so I find trying to discern what is wrong to be very helpful in my own learning process. To summarize what you have so far:

  • you have a GameObject named 'player 2'.

  • you have a few Components on that GameObject, most importantly being:

  1. BoxCollider2D

  2. a script named 'Player'

  • in your 'Player' script, you do the following pertaining to the BoxCollider2D component:

  1. RequireComponent which, as I understand it, would create this component if it didn't find one on the script's associated GameObject. (don't quote me on that. It's just my loose interpretation of the Unity Scripting API)

  2. declare a private object of type BoxCollider2D named boxCollider

  3. assign the BoxCollider2D Component from your GameObject that your script is tied to via GetComponent

This all sounds good so far to me. I'd even argue you don't necessarily need the line for RequireComponent, but, again, I'm new so I may just not see the value in that when your scripts are fairly simple at this stage.

Continuing on:

-you declare float values x and y and have those assigned values from the inputs on your keyboard (GetAxisRaw can only be three values. In the case of "Horizontal", it will be -1 when pressing A, 1 when pressing D, and 0 when neither/both are pressed) -then these values should output to the console when read into Debug.Log

As for what you've told us:

  • the NullReferenceException error is gone so I would guess that was probably the issue pointed out by others: your had the script calling for the BoxCollider2D but you hadn't added that Component to the GameObject yet. Looking at the screenshots, I think the error should be gone or else it's referencing something else entirely.

  • now the console is not outputting anything. I have three thoughts on this:

  1. is the game running when you're trying to read these inputs? (You pressed the Play button at the top of the Unity Window)

  2. I noticed your VS is not in English. This is probably a wild goose chase but are you sure that your X and Y axis inputs are named Horizontal and Vertical? You can verify this by checking, in the Unity Window, go to Edit => Project Settings => Input Manager. Under 'Axes' expand Horizontal and Vertical to see that in their Name fields they are named the same as the Axes you referenced in your Script. (I do realize your Unity Window is in English but I figured it's worth verifying)

  3. Lastly I see your Console appears to have Error Pause selected. This didn't stop me from getting console messages, but you might make sure it's not just filtering them out.

The only other thing I could think of is that you aren't showing us the entire Script or that there's another script in here somewhere. Good luck! Hope this helps!

This is one of the most common problems we get asked, and it's also the one we are least equipped to answer, but you are most equipped to answer yourself.

Let me just explain what the error means: You have tried to use a variable, property, or a method return value but it contains null - which means that there is no instance of a class in the variable.
It's a bit like a pocket: you have a pocket in your shirt, which you use to hold a pen. If you reach into the pocket and find there isn't a pen there, you can't sign your name on a piece of paper - and you will get very funny looks if you try! The empty pocket is giving you a null value (no pen here!) so you can't do anything that you would normally do once you retrieved your pen. Why is it empty? That's the question - it may be that you forgot to pick up your pen when you left the house this morning, or possibly you left the pen in the pocket of yesterday's shirt when you took it off last night.

We can't tell, because we weren't there, and even more importantly, we can't even see your shirt, much less what is in the pocket!

Back to computers, and you have done the same thing, somehow - and we can't see your code, much less run it and find out what contains null when it shouldn't.
But you can - and Visual Studio will help you here. Run your program in the debugger and when it fails, it will show you the line it found the problem on. You can then start looking at the various parts of it to see what value is null and start looking back through your code to find out why. So put a breakpoint at the beginning of the method containing the error line, and run your program from the start again. This time, the debugger will stop before the error, and let you examine what is going on by stepping through the code looking at your values.

But we can't do that - we don't have your code, we don't know how to use it if we did have it, we don't have your data. So try it - and see how much information you can find out!

How do I fix object reference is not set to an instance of an object?

To fix "Object reference not set to an instance of an object," you should try running Microsoft Visual Studio as an administrator. You can also try resetting the user data associated with your account or updating Microsoft Visual Studio to the latest version.

What is object reference not set to an instance of an object unity?

Well the error "object reference not set to an instance of an object" means that you are trying to access something that is currently empty. To try and fix this first be sure that all of your variables have set values and are not null.


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