What do nontraditional college students report as their number one reason to return to college quizlet?

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1. create and manage a career plan that meets your career goals

2. use a process decision making as one component of career development

3. use accurate, current, and unbiased career information during career planning and management

4. master academic, occupational and general employability skills in order to obtain, create, maintain and/or advance your employment

5. Integrate changing employment trends, societal needs, and economic conditions into your career plans

b. Senescence

. What is the pattern of gradual age-related declines in physical functioning called?
a. Progressive aging
b. Senescence
c. Functional aging
d. Physical maturity

a. Muscle development

Which of the following changes in early adulthood physical development peaks around age 30?
a. Muscle development
b. Reproductivity
c. Skin elasticity
d. Cardiovascular health

a. Athletes experience more subtle and gradual declines in physical abilities from the late-30s to the 60s.

What is the difference between adults who are considered athletes versus nonathletes in terms of physical aging?

a. Athletes experience more subtle and gradual declines in physical abilities from the late-30s to the 60s.
b. Nonathletes experience more gradual declines because of less damage to ligaments and tendons.

c. The muscles and motor skills of nonathletes are more susceptible to damage due to infrequent but more strenuous use.

d. Athletes age faster in early adulthood, but the declines are not as noticeable until they reach middle age.

d. Ovarian cancer is one of the causes of infertility, so if she is having difficulty conceiving that may be the reason.

Beverly was diagnosed with ovarian cancer when she was 35. At age 38, Beverly and her partner want to start a family. What should Beverly know about her chances of getting pregnant?

a. Beverly should not have any difficulty conceiving because many women are waiting until later in their 30s to have a child.

b. Beverly should be aware that ovarian cancer increases the likelihood of having multiple births.

c. Beverly may get pregnant fairly easily, but will have difficulty carrying a baby to full term.

d. Ovarian cancer is one of the causes of infertility, so if she is having difficulty conceiving that may be the reason.

d. Karen should drink more milk and eat healthier.

Karen is concerned about losing muscle strength. She speaks to a sports medicine physician to find out what she should do. What will the doctor recommend?

a. Nothing—muscle strength declines with age no matter what a person does.

b. Karen should exercise and start a training program in the same way an athlete does.

c. Karen should find supplements to take in order to maintain muscle strength.

d. Karen should drink more milk and eat healthier.

a. The sun

What is responsible for 80% of skin changes?
a. The sun
b. Exposure to pollutants
c. Facial expressions
d. Poor nutrition

b. Aging results from damage to DNA and chromosomes, leading to an increase in cellular mutations.

The cellular mutation theory of aging involves:

a. With age, the immune system is less able to differentiate healthy cells from pathology, so the body attacks healthy cells instead of harmful cells.

b. Aging results from damage to DNA and chromosomes, leading to an increase in cellular mutations.

c. The body wears out, aging, from use.

d. The rate of aging is influenced by DNA and heredity.

a. Stress

What factor is associated with both free radicals and the shortening of telomeres?
a. Stress
b. Diets low in fat
c. Excessive exercise
d. Genetics

c. Ben will probably live to be somewhere around 84 or 85.

Ben's grandfather died at the age of 85. Ben's father died at the age of 84. Based on the programmed genetics theory of aging, what can Ben predict about his aging future?

a. Ben will live longer than his father and grandfather because of evolutionary changes.
b. Ben will not live as long as his grandfather or father because his father didn't live longer than his grandfather.
c. Ben will probably live to be somewhere around 84 or 85.
d. Ben cannot predict when he will age because genetics are altered due to the environment, leading to unpredictability

c. Programmed genetics

Which theory best explains the finding that parents' lifespans predict those of their children, and identical twins share more similar lifespans than do fraternal twins?
a. Aging immune system
b. Cellular mutation
c. Programmed genetics
d. Free radicals

a. She will most likely lose weight.

Andrea engages in about 300 minutes of moderate activity each week. What can we assume will be the result of her weekly activity?

a. She will most likely lose weight.

b. She will probably have damage to muscles and joints if she persists at this level of activity over time.

c. She will increase her dietary intake in order to account for all the activity.

d. She will crave saturated fats.

c. Inadequate knowledge on how to eat healthily

Which of the following is not a reason young adults find it difficult to eat healthily?
a. The absence of parental controls
b. Access to an abundance of food
c. Inadequate knowledge on how to eat healthily
d. Busy lives

d. Because caloric needs drop between the ages of 25 and 50, and the metabolic rate gradually falls as muscle cells decline in number and size.

Why is it difficult to avoid overeating as people age?

a. Because as people age they spend more time socializing around meals and eating higher caloric foods.

b. Because more individuals are in a low socioeconomic status (SES) group throughout life, and low SES individuals have higher rates of obesity.

c. Because as people age they get busier and have less time for healthy meals.

d. Because caloric needs drop between the ages of 25 and 50, and the metabolic rate gradually falls as muscle cells decline in number and size.

d. When people experience stress, cortisol is released and the body readies for action, raising blood pressure and heart rate. Danica experiences this on a daily basis.

Danica lives in a high-crime neighborhood. She worries about her safety on a daily basis. She has always worried about finances and does not have medical insurance. She could be described as a person with chronic stress. How is the stress affecting her health?

a. Danica will not receive important health checks to moderate the stress because of her lack of health insurance.

b. Danica will experience mental health issues that cause her to choose unhealthy foods more often.

c. Danica will have built up a tolerance for the stress since she has experienced it most of her life and therefore will not have negative health effects

d. When people
experience stress, cortisol is released and the body readies for action, raising blood pressure and heart rate. Danica experiences this on a daily basis.

a. social support within the context of a relationship characterized by a secure attachment.

The factor associated with the greatest benefit for stress management is:

a. social support within the context of a relationship characterized by a secure attachment.

b. relaxation training.
c. healthy diet.
d. career and financial stability

d. 35%

What percentage of American adults are considered obese?
a. 10%
b. 15%
c. 25%
d. 35%

a. Because young adults become parents and transition into new family roles.

Why does substance use tend to decline in young adulthood?
a. Because young adults become parents and transition into new family roles.
b. Because young adults experience more peer pressure to not use substances.
c. Because young adults visit health care providers more often and are aware of their behaviors being monitored.
d. Because young adults do not have as much time as they did in adolescence to engage in substance use.

c. Daily use and dependence at age 24

What is weekly marijuana use in adolescence associated with?
a. Frequent use of cocaine at age 21
b. Daily use of alcohol at age 30
c. Daily use and dependence at age 24
d. Daily use of tobacco in adolescence

d. Experimentation

Which of the reasons for use of marijuana is least likely to be associated with marijuana-related problems?
a. Social enhancement
b. Enjoyment
c. Relaxation
d. Experimentation

b. Impairs a person's ability to recognize emotional expression in others

Which of the following is not an outcome of heavy marijuana use?

a. Impairs a person's ability to shift attention from one item to another
b. Impairs a person's ability to recognize emotional expression in others
c. Impairs a person's ability to form memories
d. Impairs a person's ability to recall material

b. No, I don't consider myself a smoker because I only smoke occasionally.

Jeannie only smokes cigarettes when she goes out to a bar with friends. According to the data on smokers, when asked if she is a smoker, her response most likely would be:

a. Yes, a person is a smoker if they smoke cigarettes at any time.
b. No, I don't consider myself a smoker because I only smoke occasionally.
c. Yes, but I would only be considered a semi-smoker because it isn't every day.
d. I would be a smoker if I couldn't quit, but I could quit anytime I want.

c. David will most likely increase to daily use and dependence on marijuana in his 20s.

David, a 15-year-old boy, smokes marijuana on a daily basis. He thinks that it helps him to talk to friends. Most of his peer group smokes marijuana. What can we predict will happen when David is in his 20s?

a. David will become a heavy drinker with potential alcoholism in his 20s.
b. David will continue using marijuana at the same rate in his 20s as he does in his teens.
c. David will most likely increase to daily use and dependence on marijuana in his 20s.
d. David will most likely quit because he mainly uses it for conformity, and that isn't important in the 20s.

b. Students in graduate school who are challenged to think both philosophically and practically.

Who is more likely to engage in postformal reasoning?

a. Students from cultures such as China, who are guided by elders in terms of decision making.

b. Students in graduate school who are challenged to think both philosophically and practically.

c. Students with older siblings that model different forms of reasoning.

d. Students in a high school with a focus on reading, writing, science, and math.

d. Relativistic thinking

Thinking that is dependent on the situation and thinker is called:

a. Autonomous thinking
b. Reflective thinking
c. Dualistic thinking
d. Relativistic thinking

b. Reflective judgment

What type of thinking does this question illustrate: "When approaching a problem, there are probably several ways to do it. What are they? Which one's most efficient? Which one will give us the most accurate results?"

a. Autonomous judgment
b. Reflective judgment
c. Dualistic thinking
d. Relativistic thinking

d. relativistic thinking

If a person says, "I really can't [choose a point of view] on this issue. It depends on your beliefs since there is no way of proving either one . . . I believe they're both the same as far as accuracy," they are demonstrating:

a. autonomous judgment.
b. reflective judgment.
c. dualistic thinking.
d. relativistic thinking

a. The ways in which individuals understand how they arrive at ideas, beliefs, and conclusions.

What is epistemic cognition?

a. The ways in which individuals understand how they arrive at ideas, beliefs, and conclusions.

b. Polar reasoning in which knowledge and accounts of phenomena are viewed as either right or wrong with no in-between.

c. Knowledge is viewed as relative, dependent on the situation and thinker.

d. reasoning that synthesizes contradictions among perspectives

a. Beginning college students

Who is most likely to display dualistic thinking where knowledge is viewed as either right or wrong?

a. Beginning college students
b. Individuals in their mid- to late-20s
c. People in their mid-30s
d. Individuals in their late-30s

b. Ultimately, few adults demonstrate reflective judgment.

Which statement is true regarding postformal thought?

a. Postformal reasoning is universal across cultures.

b. Ultimately, few adults demonstrate reflective judgment.

c. Social interaction is not related to postformal thought.

d. Beginning college students are more likely to use reflective judgment.

a. Pragmatic thought

Which type of thinking is most likely to involve the acceptance of inconsistency and ambiguity?

a. Pragmatic thought
b. Dualistic reasoning
c. Relativistic thinking
d. Autonomous judgment

a. Annie works at a job where she is an assistant to a clothing designer. She is told what to do and is not allowed to make any decisions on her own. At home, she has freedom to come and go and makes all the decisions.

Which statement illustrates pragmatic thought?

a. Annie works at a job where she is an assistant to a clothing designer. She is told what to do and is not allowed to make any decisions on her own. At home, she has freedom to come and go and makes all the decisions.

b. Adrian is really good at coming up with several ways to solve a problem, so his coworkers like to have him on their team

c. Jennifer gets very frustrated in class when the professor asks her what she thinks about an issue. She just wants to be told what idea is correct.

d. Hannah's friend asks her if she should break up with her boyfriend. Hannah tells her that she can't answer that because it all depends on how her friend looks at the situation.

b. reflective judgment.

Pragmatic thought entails acceptance of inconsistency and ambiguity; therefore, it is most like:
a. autonomous judgment.
b. reflective judgment.
c. dualistic thinking.
d. relativistic thinking

b. Derrick, a first generation college student who is African American.

. Who is most at risk of dropping out of college?

a. Juanita, a Hispanic student who is from a wealthy family where her father attended college.

b. Derrick, a first generation college student who is African American.

c. Anne, a college student attending a 2-year institution.

d. Jeff, a college student attending a 4-year institution.

c. Student involvement

Compared to the type of the institution (2-year, 4-year), what is the most important aspect of attending college for developmental outcomes?

a. The size of the institution
b. The rigorousness of the curriculum
c. Student involvement
d. Diversity of the institution

d. Easier time making friends

Which of the following is not an advancement in social development that is influenced by college attendance?

a. Tolerance of diversity
b. Expanded worldview
c. Interest in art and literature
d. Easier time making friends

d. They have few family and peer models of how to succeed in college

With respect to family and peer factors, why do first-generation and minority students find it difficult to succeed in college?
a. They don't receive positive support from their family and peers.
b. They are criticized for "selling out" and attending college.
c. They have too much pressure to work and help support the family.
d. They have few family and peer models of how to succeed in college

d. The institution should treat first-generation and minority students exactly the same as other students on campus in order to not alienate them and make them feel different

If an institution wanted to retain first-generation and minority students, which of the following would be least beneficial?

a. The institution should facilitate interactions between students and faculty; for instance, assign each student a faculty mentor.
b. The institution should create a support network to help develop study skills for students.
c. The institution should encourage participation in campus events, possibly even requiring participation in the students' first year on campus.
d. The institution should treat first-generation and minority students exactly the same as other students on campus in order to not alienate them and make them feel different

b. They tend to show a readiness to learn and a problem-centered orientation toward learning.

Why do nontraditional students have strengths that traditional students may not?
a. They have more social support than the traditional college student.
b. They tend to show a readiness to learn and a problem-centered orientation toward learning.
c. They are more likely to have financial stability.
d. They are more driven, so they tend to graduate earlier than traditional students

a. They are looking to be eligible for higher-paying careers.

What do nontraditional college students report as their number-one reason to return to college?
a. They are looking to be eligible for higher-paying careers.
b. Mid-life crisis.
c. Children are grown so they have time for college.
d. Interest in learning something new.

c. 27%

What percentage of college students are considered to be nontraditional?
a. 54%
b. 10%
c. 27%
d. 6%

c. Take a full load of classes in order to complete their education sooner.

Which of the following characteristics is not consistent with nontraditional college students?
a. Have dependents (children) that take away time from studying and class.
b. Work full time and have work-related travel that interferes with school.
c. Take a full load of classes in order to complete their education sooner.
d. Financial independence, which can make paying for college difficult.

c. Because they have life experience and knowledge of multiple roles that help.

Why are nontraditional students better at making meaning of theoretical concepts?

a. Because their brains have developed more fully and are more capable of understanding abstract concepts.
b. Because they typically have learned the different theoretical concepts previously, and upon coming back to college it is a review.
c. Because they have life experience and knowledge of multiple roles that help.
d. Because they are more ready to learn and focused academically in general

a. Low faculty to student ratio

. Which of the following is not a factor related to the choice of college typical of nontraditional students?
a. Low faculty to student ratio
b. Flexible in course scheduling
c. Readily accessible
d. Training relevant to their current life needs

b. Although he is a good student, he is not interested in academics.

Andrew is an academically prepared, motivated high school student who has chosen not to attend college. What is the most probable reason that he is making that decision?

a. He didn't feel his high school prepared him well enough for the transition to college.
b. Although he is a good student, he is not interested in academics.
c. He has a learning disability that he feels will prevent him from being successful in college.
d. He did not have any other family members who attended college.

Why do nontraditional students have strengths that traditional students may not quizlet?

Why do nontraditional students have strengths that traditional students may not? They tend to show a readiness to learn and a problem-centered orientation toward learning.

Which characteristic is typical of a nontraditional college student?

According to the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES), characteristics of nontraditional students are one or more of the following1: financially independent, enrolled part- time, delayed enrollment after high school, full-time employment, having one or more dependents, single-parent classification, and not ...

What is an advantage that nontraditional college students have over traditional students?

Advantage: Problem solving skills A nontraditional student advantage comes from solving problems on the job and in their careers. Nontraditional students have skills that younger students may not have. They better manage the stress that comes with unexpected situations and roadblocks.

What percentage of college students are considered to be nontraditional?

In fact, estimates suggest that 40% of the current undergraduate population at American colleges and universities are non-traditional (CLASP, 2015).


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