What did the framers of the Constitution mean with the term republic quizlet?

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Aristole, defined democracy as the rule of many, rule by ordinary people most of whom would be poor, but democracy can easily decay into the rule of the rich or the rule of a dictator, to prevent this a good political system will be a mixed regime combining elements of democracy and oligarchy, most people will vote but talented people will play a large role in managing affairs.

Locke, people can exist in a state of nature, without a ruler so long as they can find food to eat and a way to protect themselves. didn't think an all-powerful government was key, people can get along with each other if they had farms and could live off of it, but for that to happen a decent government must exist with the consent of the governed and managed by majority rule, to prevent a majority from hurting a minority, the government should separate its powers with legislative and executive branches.

Hobbes, people live in a war of all against all, and an absolute supreme ruler was essential to revent civil war

federalism, government authority shared by national and local governments,
enumerated, powers given to national government only, declare war, print money, treaties
reserved, state powers, issue license regulate commerce within a state,
concurrent, collecting taxes, building roads, borrowing money
all of these powers represent federalism because they are equal

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What did the framers of the Constitution mean with the term republic?

A republic (from Latin res publica 'public affair') is a "state in which power rests with the people or their representatives; specifically a state without a monarchy" and also a "government, or system of government, of such a state."

Why did the framers of the Constitution create a republic?

The Founding Fathers, the framers of the Constitution, wanted to form a government that did not allow one person to have too much authority or control.

What is meant by the term Republicanism quizlet?

Republicanism. -A philosophy of limited government with elected representatives serving at the will of the people. The government is based on consent of the governed.

Why did the framers favor a republic over a direct democracy quizlet?

the framers chose a republican form of government because they did not trust individuals to make right decisions over the laws that are passed. thus, they wanted a republican form of government so that people can elect representatives who are wise to make and pass the laws.


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