What did orwoll and achenbaum 1993 conclude after reviewing the role of gender in the development of wisdom?

Who is widely considered to be the author of the serenity prayer?

What is NOT one of the four cardinal virtues?

What was not found in Robinson's review of the early western conceptualizations of Wisdom?

Theoretical thought and knowledge

What president of the APA wrote a book in 1922 that discussed how wisdom is gained during the aging process?

What statistical procedure was used by Clayton and Sternburg to determine the dimensions of wisdom?

Which of the following was identified by Clayton as one of the underlying dimensions of Wisdom?

What did Baltes NOT find when analyzing cultural-historical and philosophical writings?

Wisdom is valued more in western cultures

Compared to implicit theories of wisdom, explicit theories of wisdom focus more on which characteristic? 

Behavioral manifestations of Wisdom

What was the focus of Jean Piaget's stage theory of cognitive development?

The different kinds of thinking that occur during childhood and adulthood.

Riegal built upon Piaget's stage theory by adding a stage to represent wisdom. What was the name of this stage?

Dialectical Operations Stage

In the movie "Wizard of Oz", the wizard tell the Cowardly Lion "You are under the unfortunate delusion that simply because you run away from danger, you have no courage." What was the Lion confusing courage with?

Which life span theorists believed that Wisdom reflects a maturity in which concerns for the collective good transcend personal interests?

What ideas about Wisdom is NOT found in either the Balance Theory of Wisdom or the Berlin Wisdom Paradigm?

Wise people are extremely intelligent

Who developed the Balance Theory of Wisdom?

How many criteria did the Baltes group identify as characteristic of wisdom and wisdom-related performance?

What role do mentors play in the development of wisdom according to Baltes and Staudinger?

Mentors are important but their effects are sometimes indirect

What group of professionals has been found to have high levels of wisdom?

Which of the following was a finding of Monica Ardelt's "Berkeley Guidance Project"?

The quality of a person's social environment in early adulthood has a significant effect on the development of wisdom

What did Orwoll and Achenbaum (1993) conclude after reviewing the role of gender in the development of wisdom?

Men's wise acts are more likely to take place in public, whereas women's wise acts are more likely to take place in private

What decade has been found to be a major time in the development of wisdom?

What did Baltes and Staudinger (2000) find when examining wisdom in people between the ages of 25 and 75?

Wisdom was not associated with age in this age range

What statement most accurately states the relationships between wisdom and intelligence

Intelligence is not necessarily associated with wisdom

Who defined courage as "grace under pressure"?

What was NOT part of Cicero's (as summarized by Houser) definition of courage? 

What did K.K. O'Byrne and colleagues (2000) identify as the three types of courage?

Vital, Physical, and Moral

What best exemplifies Vital Courage?

A child with a heart transplant maintaining intensive treatment even when her prognosis is uncertain

What did the "Hemingway code" suggest as a code of conduct for Americans?

Strength, knowledge and courage

What was the basis of Jack Rachman's research on courage?

Courage is the mirror image of fear

What type of courage did John F. Kennedy give the most attention and reverance to in his book Profiles in Courage (1936)

What type of courage can be considered the "equal opportunity" form of courage that doesn't require special training?

The stories in Jerome Groopman's "The Anatomy of Hope" (2004) were examples of what type of courage?

How did Putnam (1997) define Psychological courage?

Strength in facing one's destructive habits

According to Szagun's research, how do children's perceptions of courage change with age?

The tendency to equate courage with the experience of fear increases with age

According to Haase, what determines how people become courageous?

Courage develops through attitudes and methods of coping

What statement most accurately describes the state of self-report measures of courage?

The development of measures of courage is in its early stages because of the lack of a comprehensive theory of courage

What is the adaptive value of wisdom according to Csikszentmihalyi and Rathunde (1990)?

Through wisdom we make good choices when challenged by the social and physical world

What type of courage did Senator John McCain indicate can be strengthened when he said, "The first time you stand up to a bully its hard. The second time it's not so hard."

According to the Balance Theory of Wisdom, what is the goal of Wisdom?

Achievement of a common good

What processes are balanced in the Balance Theory of Wisdom?

Interests and environment

What do three meta-criteria of Baltes' five criteria of wisdom have in common?

A focus on flexible thinking and dialectical processing

How does Sternburg distinguish between Wisdom and Intelligence?

Wisdom is more associated with resolving major life problems

What can be concluded from Rachman's research on the relationship between fear and courage in paratroopers?

Courage develops from performing behaviors despite fear and thus decreasing later fear

According to Szagun, which age group likened courage to the difficulty of the task at hand along with being fearless?

What has been demonstrated about gender differences in wisdom?

What has been demonstrated about gender differences in wisdom? Women who were wise tend to follow a more cognitive orientation. What did Baltes and Staudinger find when examining wisdom in people between the ages of 25 and 75? Wisdom was not associated with age in this age range.

What is the core concept of the theory of Tangney and colleagues for forgiveness?

What is the core concept of the theory of Tangney and colleagues for forgiveness? Give up negative emotions. A student is walking in the hall and sees another student drop their books. The thought process behind helping the student who dropped the books included a feeling of slight sorrow for them.

Who developed the balance theory of wisdom?

Sternberg, R.J. (1998) A balance theory of wisdom. Review of General Psychology, 2, 347-365.

Which one of the following factors is associated with wisdom?

Wisdom is associated with attributes such as unbiased judgment, compassion, experiential self-knowledge, self-transcendence and non-attachment, and virtues such as ethics and benevolence.

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