What consists of computer equipment to perform input processing and output activities?


An information system is integrated and co-ordinate network of components, which combine together to convert data into information.

Components of information systems

An information system is essentially made up of five components hardware, software, database, network and people. These five components integrate to perform input, process, output, feedback and control.

Hardware consists of input/output device, processor, operating system and media devices. Software consists of various programs and procedures. Database consists of data organized in the required structure. Network consists of hubs, communication media and network devices. People consist of device operators, network administrators and system specialist.

Information processing consists of input; data process, data storage, output and control. During input stage data instructions are fed to the systems which during process stage are worked upon by software programs and other queries. During output stage, data is presented in structured format and reports.

Classification of Information System

In any given organization information system can be classified based on the usage of the information. Therefore, an information system in an organization can be divided into operations support system and management support system.

  • Operations support system
  • In an organization, data input is done by the end user which is processed to generate information products i.e. reports, which are utilized by internal and or external users. Such a system is called operation support system.

    The purpose of the operation support system is to facilitate business transaction, control production, support internal as well as external communication and update organization central database. The operation support system is further divided into a transaction-processing system, processing control system and enterprise collaboration system.

  • Transaction Processing System (TPS)
  • In manufacturing organization, there are several types of transaction across department. Typical organizational departments are Sales, Account, Finance, Plant, Engineering, Human Resource and Marketing. Across which following transaction may occur sales order, sales return, cash receipts, credit sales; credit slips, material accounting, inventory management, depreciation accounting, etc.

    These transactions can be categorized into batch transaction processing, single transaction processing and real time transaction processing.

  • Process Control System
  • In a manufacturing organization, certain decisions are made by a computer system without any manual intervention. In this type of system, critical information is fed to the system on a real-time basis thereby enabling process control. This kind of systems is referred as process control systems.

  • Enterprise Collaboration System
  • In recent times, there is more stress on team effort or collaboration across different functional teams. A system which enables collaborative effort by improving communication and sharing of data is referred to as an enterprise collaboration system.

  • Management Support System
  • Managers require precise information in a specific format to undertake an organizational decision. A system which facilitates an efficient decision making process for managers is called management support system.

    Management support systems are essentially categorized as management information system, decision support system, expert system and accounting information system.

Management information system provides information to manager facilitating the routine decision-making process. Decision support system provides information to manager facilitating specific issue related solution.

Further Classification

An information system can be categorized based upon activity into strategic planning system, tactical information system and operational information system.

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The article is Written By “Prachi Juneja” and Reviewed By Management Study Guide Content Team. MSG Content Team comprises experienced Faculty Member, Professionals and Subject Matter Experts. We are a ISO 2001:2015 Certified Education Provider. To Know more, click on About Us. The use of this material is free for learning and education purpose. Please reference authorship of content used, including link(s) to ManagementStudyGuide.com and the content page url.


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Information and data are essentially the same thing False
Computers are required to organize or process data. False
Using a computer to forecast future sales and order more inventory before a shortage can occur is an example of information system feedback. True
A CBIS is a single set of hardware, software, databases, telecommunications, people, and procedures configured to collect, manipulate, store, and process data into information. True
The technology infrastructure is a set of shared IS resources that form the foundation of each computer-based information system. True
Today’s more advanced processor chips have the power of 1990s-era supercomputers True
Teraflops is a measure of computer storage capacity False
Application software such as Windows Vista and Windows Seven control basic computer operations such as start-up and printing. False
Software is needed for computers of all sizes from cell phones and small hand held devices to the largest supercomputers. True
Private cloud computing applications are available to everyone. False
Information about the documents on the Web and access to these documents are controlled and provided by tens of thousands of special computers called Web servers. True
A virtual reality system is an example of one of the most common types of information systems. False
Transaction processing systems were developed in the 1950s. True
C2C stands for computer-to-computer e-commerce. False
DSS systems were first developed over 30 years ago. True
Mobile commerce is the use of mobile, wireless devices to place orders and conduct business. True
While technologically advanced, unfortunately, e-commerce offers few advantages for streamlining work activities. False
Electronic business goes beyond e-commerce and e-procurement by using information systems and the Internet to perform all business-related tasks and functions. True
Computers have been used to perform common business applications since the 1950s. True
Companies soon learned that they could use the data stored in transaction processing systems to make better decisions. True
A decision support system is an organized collection of people, procedures, software, databases, and devices that provides routine information to managers and decision makers False
MISs typically provide standard reports generated with data and information from a TPS or ERP system True
MIS reports may be generated daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. True
A DSS can include a collection of models to support a decision maker, a collection of facts, and procedures that help decision makers to interact with the DSS True
DSS became more widely used in the 1980s as a result of dramatic improvements in technology. True
With an AI system, the computer takes on the characteristics of human intelligence. True
Neural networks give the computer the ability to make suggestions and function like an expert in a particular field, helping enhance the performance of a novice users False
The unique value of neural networks is that they allow organizations to capture and use the wisdom of experts and specialists. False
Directional sound, tactile and force feedback devices, voice recognition, and other technologies are used to enrich the virtual reality experience. True
Systems analysis defines the problems and opportunities of the existing system True
____ is an important component of every information system that helps organizations to achieve their goals. FeedBack Mechanism
The value of information is directly linked to how it helps decision makers achieve their organization’s ____. Goals
In information systems, ____ is used to make changes to input or processing activities. Feedback
Many excellent computerized information systems follow stock indexes and markets and suggest when large blocks of stocks should be purchased or sold in a process called ____. Program trading
consists of computer equipment used to perform input, processing, and output activities. Hardware
Keyboards, automatic scanning devices, and equipment that can read magnetic ink characters are examples of ____ hardware input
The One Laptop per Child computer costs ____. Under $200
consists of computer programs that govern the operation of the computer. Software
____ is an example of application software that allows you to accomplish specific tasks such as word processing or tabulating numbers. Windows Microsoft 2010
connect computers and equipment in a building, around the country, or around the world to enable electronic communications. Networkds
People can send short messages of up to ____ using Twitter. 140 Characters
Another name for a Web log is ____. BLOG
Using ____, you can download audio programs or music from the Internet to play on computers or music players. Podcasting
An ____ is a network based on Web technologies that allows only selected outsiders, such as business partners and customers, to access authorized resources of a company’s intranet. extranet
_ is (are) considered to be the most important element in a computer-based information system. People
People who work with information systems to get results are called ____. Users
include(s) all the people who manage, run, program, and maintain the system, including the CIO, who manages the IS department. IS personnel
A common type of information system used in business organizations are those designed for ____. All of the above -Electronic and Mobile commerce -Transaction Processing -Decision support
____ involves using information systems and the Internet to acquire parts and supplies. Mobile Commerce
The earliest type of business information system developed in the 1950s was the ____. Transaction Processing system
A(n) ____ is an organized collection of people, procedures, software, databases, and devices that support problem-specific decision making. DSS
____ involves computers understanding and acting on verbal or written commands in English, Spanish, or other human languages Natrual Language Processing
Hiring an outside company to perform some or all of a systems development project is called ____. Outsourcing
The goal of the ____ phase of systems development is to gain a clear understanding of the problem to be solved or opportunity to be addressed. system investigation
____________________ data is a form of data that is represented by numbers, letters, and other characters. Alphanumeric
____________________ is the awareness and understanding of a set of information and the ways the information can be made useful to support a specific task or reach a decision. Knowledge
In information systems, ____________________ means converting or transforming data into useful outputs. Processing
In information systems, the activity of gathering and capturing raw data is called ____________________. Input
Predicting future events to avoid problems is called ____________________. Forecasting
________________________ refers to hardware, software, databases, and telecommunications. Information Technology
Computerized _________________________ are being placed in vehicles to record vehicle speed, possible engine problems, driver performance, and more Event data recorders
Although most software can be installed from CDs, many of today’s software packages can be downloaded through the ____________________. Internet
A(n) ____________________ is an organized collection of facts and information, typically consisting of two or more related files. DataBase
An approach to work called ____________________ that enables people to work from home or while traveling Telecommuting
The ____________________ is the world’s largest computer network consisting of thousands of interconnected networks, all freely exchanging information. Internet
____________________ allows people to get the information they need from the Internet instead of from desktop or corporate computers. Cloud Computing
The ____________________ is a network of links on the Internet to documents containing text, graphics, video, and sound. WWW World Wide Web
The technology used to create the Internet is also being applied within companies and organizations to create ____________________, which allow people in an organization to exchange information and work on projects. Intranets
___________________ include the strategies, policies, methods, and rules for using the CBIS. Procedures
CBIS stands for ___________________? Compute Based Information System
___________________ involves any business transactions executed electronically between companies. E-commerce
An organized collection of people, procedures, software, databases, and devices used to record completed business transactions is called a(n) _________ Transaction Processing system
A(n) ____________________ is a set of integrated programs that manages the vital business operations for an entire multisite, global organization. Enterprice resource planning system
_________, a German software company, is one of the leading suppliers of ERP software. SAP
The focus of a DSS is on making effective ____________________ and helping a manager do the right thing Decisions
A system to create, store, share, and use the organization’s knowledge and experience is called a(n) ______________________________. Knowledge management system
_______ is an area of artificial intelligence in which machines take over complex, dangerous, routine, or boring tasks. Robotics
The collection of rules, procedures, and relationships that must be followed by an expert system to achieve the proper outcome is contained in the expert system’s ____________________. Knowledge Base
During the ____________________ phase of the systems development process the project team determines how the new system should be developed to meet the business needs defined during systems analysis. System design
The primary goal of a for-profit organization is to maximize shareholder value. True
An organization is a system, which means that it has inputs, processing, outputs, and feedback. True
Depending on the customer, value might mean lower prices, better service, higher quality, or uniqueness of the product. True
By adding a significant amount of value to their products and services, organizations ensure that they will exceed budgets and generate income losses. False
Customer relationship management software often uses a variety of information sources. True
Organizational culture consists of the major understandings and assumptions for a business or other organization. True
In some cases, top-level managers can form organization culture rapidly. True
Sustaining change almost always harms an organization while disruptive change almost always helps an organization False
Disruptive change often results in new, successful companies and offers consumers the potential of new products and services at reduced costs and superior performance. True
The degree to which an organization supports the use of an information system is not an important factor that can lead to better attitudes about it. False
Studies have shown that user satisfaction and technology acceptance are not particularly significant in healthcare as professionals in this industry are quick to learn and accept new technology. False
An organization can have a high level of infusion in one part of its operations and a low level of diffusion overall. True
If an organization has a high level of both diffusion and infusion, with computers throughout the organization, information systems are being used to their full potential. False
One organization can spend less than another on information systems but still get better value. True
According to Porter’s five-forces model, the more these forces combine in any instance, the less likely firms will seek competitive advantage and the less dramatis the results of such an advantage will be. False
When the threat of new market entrants is high, the desire to seek and maintain competitive advantage to dissuade new entrants is also usually high. True
Many companies in the computer industry introduce new products and services frequently in an attempt to gain a cost leadership position. False
Today, companies are shifting from strategic management to performance-based management of their information systems and carefully consider both strategic advantage and costs. True
Improved productivity can result in faster customer response, lower costs, and increased customer satisfaction. True
ROI calculations can be complex, including investment returns over multiple years and the impact of the time value of money. True
Information systems can help bring new products and services in less time thus reducing time to market. True
Because of the difficulty in determining all the costs, total cost of ownership is seldom used to plan for and maximize the value of IS investments. False
Nontechnical skills such as communications skills and knowledge of the organization are not important to IS personnel. False
Opportunities in information systems are available to people from foreign countries, including Russia and India. True
The role of a systems analyst is narrowly defined and seldom involves communications with others. False
The systems development component focuses solely on the development of new information systems and seldom becomes involved in maintenance and review of information systems False
A specialized support group often sets guidelines and standards for the rest of the organization to follow in making IS purchases. True
The IS support organization is a multi-faceted group providing user assistance in hardware and software acquisition and use, data administration, user training and assistance, and software development. False
Most IS careers involve working in a project team. True
Reengineering and continuous improvement mean the same thing. False
The ability of an organization to achieve its goals is often a function of the organization’s ____. All of the above -Culture -overall structure -ability to change
The value chain of an organization does NOT include this activity ____. Finance and Accounting
helps determine what supplies are required for the value chain,what quantities are needed to meet customer demand, how the supplies should be manufactured into finished goods and services, and how the shipment of supplies and products to customers should Supply change management
Customer relationship management programs help companies manage ____. A and C -finish product inventory -Marketing and advertising
User satisfaction with a computer system and the information it generates often depend on the ____. quality of the system
___ is a measure of how widely technology is spread throughout an organization. Technology diffusion
The extent to which technology permeates an area or department is called ____. Technology infusion
An organization ____ uses its information system to gain a competitive advantage Often
Which one the following was NOT one of five forces identified in Michael Porter’s competitive forces model? the threat of new information systems
Which of the following statements is true about the characteristics of a highly competitive industry? there tends to be more firms seeking competitive advantage
Introducing new products and services frequently is part of a(n) ____ competitive advantage strategy. Creating new products and services
____ is a competitive advantage strategy that Walmart and other retailers have followed for years and focuses on becoming more efficient and reducing costs. Cost Leadership
Porsche is an example of a company with a ____ strategy for gaining competitive advantage, producing only high-performance sports cars and SUVs. Niche
In the restaurant industry, competition is fierce primarily because ____. Entry costs are low
In the initial phase in their use of information systems, organizations focused on ____. Using information systems to reduce cost and improve productivity
Which of these is NOT a measure of performance used to evaluate the contribution of information systems to the business? NON OF THE ABOVE
_ investigates the additional profits or benefits that are generated as a percentage of the investment in IS technology. Return on Investments (ROI)
Total cost of ownership includes the ____. All of the above -

Is a computer equipment used to perform input processing and output activities?

Computer hardware: The physical equipment and computing devices used for input, storage, processing, output, and telecommunications.

What are the 4 components of information system?

As discussed before, the first four components of information systems – hardware, software, network communication, and data, are all technologies that must integrate well together.

What are the 5 components of an information system?

5 Components of Information Systems.
Computer hardware. This is the physical technology that works with information. ... .
Computer software. The hardware needs to know what to do, and that is the role of software. ... .
Telecommunications. ... .
Databases and data warehouses. ... .
Human resources and procedures..

What are the 4 types of information systems?

What Are The Types Of Information Systems?.
Knowledge Work System. ... .
Management Information System. ... .
Decision Support System. ... .
Office Automation System. ... .
Transaction Processing System. ... .
Executive Support System..


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