What component of an organizations external environment is concerned with interest rates and employment levels?

In a short essay, describe and give an example of a sharing economy.

A sharing economy is an economic environment in which asset owners share with other individuals through a peer-to-peer service, for a fee, their underutilized physical assets (such as a home, car, clothing, tools, or other physical assets). Some analysts have included the sharing of knowledge, expertise, skills, or time, as well.The concept behind the sharing economy (or collaborative consumption) is putting underutilized assets to good use. Asset owners "rent out" assets they're not using to consumers who need those assets but who don't want to or who can't afford to purchase them. Airbnib, Uber, Zipcar and SnapGoods are examples of sharing companies. For instance, SnapGoods is a service through which individuals lend and borrow expensive household items, such as cameras, musical instruments, kitchenware, etc., for a fee.

Which component of an organization's external environment is concerned with scientific and industrial innovations?

The technological component is concerned with scientific or industrial innovations. The sociocultural component is concerned with societal and cultural factors such as values, attitudes, trends, traditions, lifestyles, beliefs, tastes, and patterns of behavior.

Which of the following may be an example of the external environment of an organization?

Example of external environment are Institutions, organizations, forces operating outside the company.

Which environment includes all elements existing outside the boundary of the organization that have the potential to affect the organization?

The external organizational environment includes all elements existing outside the boundary of the organization that have the potential to affect the organization.

What are the four components of the general environment?

General environment: economic, technological, sociocultural, and political legal trends that indirectly affect all organization.


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