What command can you use to quickly move the insertion point to a specific location?


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Review for Section ABC Specialized Word Processing

How do you open the Clipboard task pane? Click the launcher in the Clipboard group.
What kind of graphic can be moved independently of text? Floating Graphic
What are sets of styles that use common fonts, colors, and formats called? Quick Styles
Which sequence of steps would you perform to add a shadow or outline to text? Click the Text Effects button, then select the desired text effect.
What is the keyboard shortcut for saving a document? [Ctrl][S]
Which automatic feature causes red and green wavy lines to appear under words as you type? Spelling and Grammar
What do you call an informal journal that is created by an individual or a group and made available to the public on the Internet? Blog
By default, how is text aligned? Left-aligned
What is the alignment of text that is positioned so that both the left and right edges of the paragraph are flush with the left and right margins? Justified
The Office Clipboard can only hold one item at a time. False
Which option do you click in the Bullets list to use a symbol or picture for a bullet character? Define New Bullet
You must apply text wrapping to a graphic in order to move it independently of text. True
Which command is used to create a duplicate copy of a file, while leaving the original file intact? Save As
User-defined details about a document that describe its contents and origin are known as: Document properties
What happens when you click Print in the File tab? The Print tab opens in Backstage view.
Which element of the Word program window is used to quickly enlarge and decrease the size of the document? Zoom slider
What command can you use to quickly move the insertion point to a specific location? Go To command
What kind of items can be stored on the Office Clipboard? Items collected from any Office program.
Where in the Word program window would you find the top and bottom margins? Vertical ruler
Which feature allows you to copy multiple format settings at once? Format Painter
Which element of the Word program window is used to display different parts of the document? Scroll bars
Which Word view displays document text so it is easy to read and to annotate with comments and highlighting? Full Screen Reading
What is a font with a small stroke at the ends of the characters is called? A serif font
Which button do you click to show formatting marks in a document? Show/Hide ¶ button
Which command is used to insert text that is stored on the Clipboard into a document? Paste
Which pointer selects a line or lines of text and appears when you point to the left edge of a line of text? Right-pointing arrow pointer
What happens when you click the Zoom level button? The Zoom dialog box opens.
Which Word view can be helpful for editing and formatting longer documents that include multiple headings? Outline
How do you ensure that the Format Painter remains active until you turn it off? Double-click the Format Painter.
What happens when you click an item on the Office Clipboard? The item is pasted in the document at the location of the insertion point.
The first time you save a document, which dialog box appears? Save As dialog box
If a document window has been split into two panes, how can you restore the window to a single pane? Double-click the split bar.
Which of the following formats cannot be changed using the Paragraph dialog box? Font
“Drag and drop” describes what operation? Moving text using the mouse.
What are the lines that appear in front of tabbed text called? Tab leaders
Which button is not on the Mini toolbar? Line and Paragraph Spacing
Which type of document would you create with the Word Mail Merge feature? Personalized form letter
Which key is used to insert a blank line in a document? Enter
What tool helps you detect and remove private or confidential information from a document? Document Inspector
What are bold and italics examples of? Font styles
Which of the following is not a way to add the selected text to the Clipboard? Use the mouse to drag the text to a new location.
To change the formatting of text from Calibri to Arial, which tool would you use? Font list arrow
Word tabs, such as the File and Home tabs, are organized in groups on the Ribbon
Which feature could you use to highlight all instances of a word in a document? The Find command in the Navigation pane
What extension do files created in older versions of Word (Word 97-2003) use? .doc
You must select an entire paragraph to change its paragraph formatting. False
What is the keyboard shortcut for pasting text? [Ctrl][V]
What would you change in order to make characters narrower and give text a tall, thin appearance? Scale
By default, what is the active tab type? Left tab
What is an interactive object that you use to customize a document with your own information called? Content Control
By default, Word automatically creates a hyperlink to which of the following? An e-mail address
A hyperlink is a text or graphic that, when clicked, jumps the viewer to a different location or program. True
What type of indent would you use to move the left edge of a paragraph to the left of the left margin? Negative indent
How do you delete an individual item from the Office Clipboard? Click the list arrow next to the item, then click Delete.
What is the keyboard shortcut for cutting text? [Ctrl][X]
Which task does Word not give you the ability to accomplish? Perform calculations in a spreadsheet.
How does the Mini toolbar appear on your screen? In a faint, ghosted fashion over the selected text
How do you add new reference sources in the Research task pane? Click Research options
How do you remove a tab stop? Drag it up or down off the ruler.
What is the default font formatting in Word 2010? 11-point Calibri
When you save a document, what is the name you give it called? filename
Which automatic feature in Word automatically corrects typos, minor spelling errors, and capitalization as you type? AutoCorrect
What are shadows and outlines examples of? Text effects
The Office Clipboard can hold up to how many items? 24
Where are Clip art images stored? The Clip Organizer
Which command would you use to display two open documents at the same time? Arrange All
Which feature would you use to correct words that you frequently misspell as you type? AutoCorrect
Which feature would you use to find and insert a synonym for an overused word? Thesaurus
The ____ indicates where text appears as you type. Insertion point
What appears on the screen when you place the mouse pointer under text that was corrected by AutoCorrect? A blue box
Which of the following is true of an inline graphic? It can be moved like text.
Where are the Word keyboard shortcuts listed? In Word ScreenTips
Which key is used to remove the character before the insertion point? Backspace
Which command is used to display two different parts of the same document in the document window? Split

How can you quickly move the insertion point to a specific point in a long document?

How can you quickly move the insertion point to a specific point in a long document? Create a bookmark.

How do you move the insertion point to the top of a document?

Pressing Home moves the insertion point to the beginning of the current line. Pressing Ctrl+Home moves it to the beginning of the document. Specifically, this combo moves the insertion point to the space before the first character in your document.

Which key is used to move the insertion point to the start of the next line?

New paragraph line: Press Enter on your keyboard to move the insertion point to the next paragraph line.

How do you move the insertion point to the end in Word?

To the beginning or end of a document: Move the insertion point quickly to the beginning of the document by using the command Ctrl + Home. Use the command Ctrl + End to quickly move to the end of the document.


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