What are three major physical milestones that a baby should meet by twelve months of age quizlet?

evaluation toys:
-is it safe?
-is it well-made and durable?
-will is be easy to care for?
-does it encourage the use of the child's imagination?
-it is colorful?
-will it be easy for the child to handle?
-is it something the child will enjoy?
1-2 years: children are practicing motor control at this stage. (household items, bath toys, swings, riding toys, dolls, sturdy books)
2-3 years: coordination and understanding are improving at this point. (child size household appliances, crayons, play dough, books, blocks)
3-4 years: more complex toys contributing to fine motor skills. (dolls, construction sets, books, musics, puzzles)

1st days: response to voices
1 month: response to touch, response to familiar people
2 month: smile at people, watch people
3 month: turns head to voices
4 month: laugh, look for entertainment
5 month: show interest in family members, cry when alone, babble to objects and selves
6 month: love attention like games such as peekaboo
7 month: prefer parents to other family members or strangers
8 month: prefer to be with people, crawl looking for company
9-10 month: follow parents, playing games
11-12 month: friendly, happy, sensitive to others emotions, center of attention

18 months: self-centered, negativism, wants control over life
2 years: very affectionate, more patient, easier to reason with, outgoing and friendly
2 1/2 years: often overwhelmed, easily frustrated-anger
3 years: happy, cooperative, like to help, take directions, better playmates
3 1/2 years: insecure, many fears, bossy

18 months: parallel play, treat others as objects, conflicts may arise, understands immediate consequences of actions
2 years: interact with main caregiver, communicates better, parallel play, begin sharing/ taking turns, people pleasers
2 1/2 years: may do things for one person but not other, fairness, parallel play, few fights
3 years: agreeable, share, help others, cooperative play, work together with few problems, seek friends their own age
3 1/2 years: play is more complex, more verbal, can solve own conflicts, evaluate friendships, comparisons
making friends

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What are three major physical milestones that a baby should meet by twelve months of age?

Creeping, crawling and cruising along the furniture will eventually lead to walking. By 12 months, your baby might take his or her first steps without support. Better hand-eye coordination. Most babies this age can feed themselves finger foods, grasping items between the thumb and forefinger.

What should a baby be doing at 12 months?

Movement Milestones.
Gets to sitting position without assistance..
Crawls forward on belly by pulling with arms and pushing with legs..
Assumes hands-and-knees position..
Creeps on hands and knees supporting trunk on hands and knees..
Gets from sitting to crawling or prone (lying on stomach) position..
Pulls self up to stand..

What are three major milestones that an infant should achieve in the first year of life?

Developmental Milestones Children reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, behave, and move (like crawling, walking, or jumping). In the first year, babies learn to focus their vision, reach out, explore, and learn about the things that are around them.

What are the milestones 0 to 12 months?

Baby development milestones 0-12 months.
1 Month. Lifts head when lying on tummy. ... .
2 Months. Gurgles and coos. ... .
3 Months. Recognises your face and scent. ... .
4 Months. Smiles and laughs. ... .
5 Months. distinguishes between bold colours. ... .
6 Months. Turns towards sounds and voices. ... .
7 Months. Can sit independently without support. ... .
8 Months..


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