What are the two steps involved in the first method of amending the constitution?

Adding a New Amendment to the United States Constitution

Not an Easy Task!

The United States Constitution was written "to endure for ages to come" Chief Justice John Marshall wrote in the early 1800s. To ensure it would last, the framers made amending the document a difficult task. That difficulty was obvious recently when supporters of congressional term limits and a balanced budget amendment were not successful in getting the new amendments they wanted.

The Constitution has been amended only 27 times since it was drafted in 1787, including the first 10 amendments adopted four years later as the Bill of Rights.

Not just any idea to improve America deserves an amendment. The idea must be one of major impact affecting all Americans or securing rights of citizens.

Recently, an amendment to outlaw flag burning may be gathering steam and President Clinton has endorsed the idea of a crime victims' rights amendment. Other amendment proposals that are popular with some congressional leaders would allow voluntary school prayer, make English the country's official language, and abolish the Electoral College.

Among amendments adopted this century are those that gave women the right to vote; enacted and repealed Prohibition; abolished poll taxes; and lowered the minimum voting age from 21 to 18.

The amendment process is very difficult and time consuming: A proposed amendment must be passed by two-thirds of both houses of Congress, then ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the states. The ERA Amendment did not pass the necessary majority of state legislatures in the 1980s. Another option to start the amendment process is that two-thirds of the state legislatures could ask Congress to call a Constitutional Convention.

A new Constitutional Convention has never happened, but the idea has its backers. A retired federal judge, Malcolm R. Wilkey, called a few years ago for a new convention. "The Constitution has been corrupted by the system which has led to gridlock, too much influence by interest groups, and members of Congress who focus excessively on getting reelected," Wilkey said in a published series of lectures.

But Richard C. Leone, president of the New York-based Twentieth Century Fund, a nonpartisan research group, says recent efforts to amend the Constitution go too far. "I think we're overreacting to some people's dissatisfaction with the government," Leone said. His organization hopes to balance the argument by publishing The New Federalist Papers, taking the name from the original Federalist Papers which were written to promote ratification of the Constitution.

Polsby, the Northwestern law professor, said the number of proposed amendments is not uncommon. But he agreed that political fixes do not necessarily belong in the Constitution - with Prohibition being the prime example.

Information Resource: Amendment Fever Grips Washington: by Laurie Asseo © Associated Press - edited for html by Robert Hedges

Multiple Choice Item: 1 point value

Question Overview:This question requires you to draw a contrast between the process of amending the U.S. Constitution and the process of creating federal laws. Using your own knowledge of how federal laws are made and a chart showing methods of amending the Constitution, you must analyze the major steps in each process and the governmental branch( es) involved. This question engages the reasoning skills needed to analyze both processes and identify the major difference between them.

Answer Rationale:

Option A is correct. If you selected this option, you likely noticed that the legislative branch is the only government branch mentioned on the chart. Of the three branches of the U.S. government, only the legislative is involved in the amendment process.

Option B is incorrect. When selecting this option you may have focused on the information in the right hand column of the chart which shows that legislative bodies can conclude the amendment process. However, it is also important to notice, at the bottom of the same column, that ratification conventions can end the process.

Option C is incorrect. If you selected this option, you likely noticed that both columns in the table show that state legislatures are involved in the amendment process. However, it is also important to note that state legislatures are not the only legislatures involved in the ratification process. The top two boxes of the left hand column show that the national legislative body (Congress) is also critical to the amendment process.

Option D is incorrect. If you selected option 0, you probably noticed that state governments may start the amendment process. This can occur when two-thirds of the states' legislatures agree to call a national constitutional convention. However, as shown in the top two boxes of the left hand column, an amendment may also be proposed to the American people by a two thirds vote of both houses of Congress.

What are the 2 steps involved in the first method of amending the Constitution quizlet?

Amending the Constitution requires two stages: proposal and ratification. Both Congress and the states can play a role in the proposal stage, but ratification is a process that must be fought in the states themselves. Once a state has ratified an amendment, it cannot retract its action.

What are the 2 steps involved in the third method of amending the Constitution?

Four Methods of Amending the U.S. Constitution.

What are the two ways to amend the Constitution quizlet?

The two ways in which an amendment to the Constitution can be proposed is by the Congress proposing an amendment by a two-thirds vote in both houses. The second way is the legislatures of two-thirds of the states - 34 out of 50 - can ask Congress to call a national convention to propose an amendment.

What is the process of amending the Constitution step by step?

Passage by Congress. Proposed amendment language must be approved by a two-thirds vote of both houses..
Notification of the states. The national archivist sends notification and materials to the governor of each state..
Ratification by three-fourths of the states. ... .
Tracking state actions. ... .


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