What are the implications of these developmental tasks to your role as a teacher and or parent

A developmental task is a task that arises at or about a certain period in life, unsuccessful achievement of which leads to inability to perform tasks associated with the next period or stage in life.

Developmental Task

1. Learning to get along with friends of both sexes.

2. Accepting one's physical body and keeping it healthy.

3. Becoming more self-sufficient.

4. Making decisions about marriage and family life.

5 Preparing for a job or career.

6. Acquiring a set of values to guide behavior.

7. Becoming socially responsible.

Nature of Task

To learn to look upon girls as women and boys as men; to become an adult among adults; to learn to work with others for a common purpose, disregarding personal feelings; to lead without dominating.

To accept one's body; to keep it healthy through good nutrition, exercise, disease prevention, and other health practices.

To develop affection for parents without dependence upon them; to develop respect for older adults without dependence upon them.

To explore attitudes toward family life and having children; to acquire the knowledge necessary for home management and, if desired, child rearing.

To develop career/vocational goals and ways to reach these goals; to be able to make a living.

To develop an outlook toward life based on what is important.

To participate as a responsible person with friends at home, and in the community; to develop personal moral values to guide behavior.

Adapted from Havighurst, R.

  • What are developmental tasks explain?
  • Why do teachers need to know the developmental tasks in each developmental period?
  • What is the developmental task theory?
  • What is the significance of these developmental tasks to your role as an educator and or parent?
  • Why is developmental milestones important for teachers?
  • What are the developmental tasks of childhood?

A developmental task is a task that arises at or about a certain period in life, unsuccessful achievement of which leads to inability to perform tasks associated with the next period or stage in life.

Why do teachers need to know the developmental tasks in each developmental period?

Developmental knowledge can also help you teach learners who are experiencing learning and adjustment problems. Developmental psychology can help you identify the many forces that affect growth, maturation, learning, and development and that affect your learners’ behavior.

What is the developmental task theory?

In developmental task theory, Havighurst (1972) identified six age-specific life stages covering birth to old age, each with a discrete set of developmental tasks. For Havighurst, developmental tasks derived from physical maturation, personal values and the pressures of society.

What is development task explain with example?

Developmental tasks refer to a physical or cognitive skill that a person must accomplish during a particular age period to continue development. A developmental task for infants is walking, which is followed by the development of a sense of autonomy in the toddler period.

What is an example of a developmental task?

Developmental tasks during midlife relate to, for example, achieving adult responsibilities, maintaining a standard of living, assisting children with the transition into adulthood, and adjusting to the physiological changes of middle age (e.g., menopause).

What is the significance of these developmental tasks to your role as an educator and or parent?

Good parental support helps child to be positive, healthy and good life long learner.By helping children when planning roles, encouraging children to talk to peers, posing open ended questions, and becoming involved in play, the teacher extends and enhances learning.

Why is developmental milestones important for teachers?

By knowing the different stages of a child’s development (Mental, Behavioural and Gross-Motor), the teacher could properly assessed whether a particular child has learning problems and needs additional help or support. This is also a way for them to know how to properly discipline them if they are misbehaving.

What are the developmental tasks of childhood?


  • Early childhood is characterized by basic tasks such as learning to walk, to take solid food, and to control the elimination of body wastes.
  • During midlife, people reach the peak of their control over the environment around them and their personal development.

What are the personal characteristics needed for developmental tasks?

Developing conscience, morality and a scale of values. Achieving personal independence. Developing attitudes toward social groups and institutions. Achieving new and more mature relations with age mates of both sexes.

What are the implications of these developmental task to your role as a teacher?

What are the implications of developmental task as a student?

Developmental Tasks:.
Choosing a career path (more focus on personal and academic life and job opportunities).
Increased commitment to intimate relationships including friendships and a better sense of interdependence..
Better sense of values clarification..
Increased self-confidence in purpose, role, beliefs etc….

Why is it important for a teacher to understand the developmental task of his/her learners?

In addition to its effect on your expectations, your understanding of development will help you interpret differences in the learning and social behavior of your learners.

What is the main purpose of developmental task?

Developmental Tasks: the broad “jobs” of childhood that need to be accomplished in each stage in order for children to learn life skills at the appropriate times. The tasks of one stage do not need to be completely mastered before a child begins the tasks of the next stage.

What are the roles of schools and teachers in child's development?

Social Skills The school plays an important role in helping children learn to interact positively with their peers and teachers. They learn about healthy relationship skills and develop them further through interactions, both in the classroom and on the playground.


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