What are some actions the athlete may take before during and after exercise competition to maintain and replenish fluid intake quizlet?

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Terms in this set (93)

Physical activity ______ overall energy expenditure.


Each of the following individuals plans to start a new fitness program. Which of them should seek a physician's advice before they begin?

Curtis is a 48-year-old male who wants to start jogging to lose weight.
Shelly is a 36-year-old female who wants to try aerobics classes to help lower her hypertension.
Althea is a 60-year-old female who wants to work out with a personal trainer to get back into shape after hip-replacement surgery.

When making behavior changes, it is helpful to set ____ that are challenging yet attainable.


A balanced fitness program should include aerobic exercises, strength training, and flexibility exercises.


Some examples of aerobic exercise are

stair climbing.

Physical activity aids in weight control by

increasing overall energy expenditure.
raising post-exercise resting energy expenditure.

Before embarking on a new fitness program, men over age 40, women over age 50, and anyone with existing health problems should

seek medical advice.

The maximal force a muscle can exert against a load one time is

muscular strength.

An effective fitness goal should be


Select the three key types of activities that should be included in a balanced fitness program.


Walking, running, dancing, and biking are examples of _____ activities.


Which of the following exercises most effectively builds muscular endurance?

50 push-ups

Which of the following exercises would most effectively build muscular strength?

4 to 6 biceps curls with very heavy weights

Which of the following exercises is an example of a muscular power move?

Jump squats

True or false: Lifting weights can decrease a person's risk for cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes.


The ability to move a joint through its full range of motion is


Which of the following are proven benefits of regularly performing flexibility exercises?

Improved balance
Reduced risk of falls

Muscular ______ describes the ability of the muscle to perform many repetitions of an exercise with light or moderate resistance.


Which of the following activities would be appropriate for a warm-up before an aerobic workout?

Light jogging

Muscular power is a combination of muscular strength and


Body cells must convert the chemical energy in carbohydrates, proteins, or fats into ______ in order to fuel body functions. (HINT: Spell out the term.)

adenosine triphosphate

Which of the following are benefits of incorporating strength-training into your workout routine?

Better able to handle activities of daily living (ADLs)
Increases basal metabolic rate through increases in lean mass
Reductions in risks for CVD, osteoporosis, and type 2 diabetes

Carbohydrates, proteins and fats can be converted to energy in the form of ______ in the cell as an immediate source of energy for all body functions.


Which of the following exercises aim to improve flexibility?

Quadriceps stretch
Shoulder reaches

What fuel source is readily available to all cells from the bloodstream?


Which of the following exercises would be especially helpful for an older adult who wishes to improve strength, balance, and stability?

Tai chi

What are the benefits of the warm-up prior to the start of an exercise routine?

Decreased risk of muscle injury
Increased range of motion

During exercise, what do muscle cells immediately use as the energy source for contractions?

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

What are the two main storage sites of glycogen?

Muscle cells
Liver cells

True or false: Glucose is the immediate source for energy for all body functions, regardless of whether an individual is at rest or exercising.


Which of the following forms of carbohydrates do muscle cells prefer to use for fuel?


What is pyruvic acid?

A three-carbon compound formed during glucose metabolism

At rest and during typical daily exercise, amino acids contribute about ______% of total energy needs.


Which of the following statements are true concerning lactic acid?

It is a three-carbon compound formed during anaerobic cell metabolism.
It can be used by the liver to synthesize glucose.

_____ is the main storage form of glucose.


Aerobic glucose breakdown is prominent when exercise is of ______ intensity.

low or moderate

______ is a three-carbon compound formed during glucose metabolism.


Which statements are true about why aerobic energy supply may be sustained for hours?

Aerobic energy supplies more ATP.
Aerobic metabolism releases more energy at a slower rate.

Name the fuel that supplies twice as much energy as carbohydrate, is a concentrated energy source, and we have plenty stored.


A three-carbon acid formed during anaerobic cell metabolism is

lactic acid.

______ contribute about 5% of the body's energy needs.

Amino acids

During exercise, our cells break down glucose to generate ATP. Glucose can be broken down anaerobically (without oxygen) to generate ATP, but the ATP yield is greatest when glucose is fully broken down aerobically (in the presence of oxygen). Our cells use glucose most efficiently (i.e., to make the most ATP) when exercise is of ______ intensity.

low or moderate

Which of the following are physiological changes that occur in response to regular exercise?

Increased number of mitochondria
Increased glycogen storage ability

True or false: Dietary intake is the most important determinant of athletic performance.


Which type of metabolism can sustain a slow rate of activity for hours?

aerobic glucose breakdown

If an athlete is experiencing daily fatigue during training, what should be the first dietary factor to consider?

Adequacy of calorie intake

For your cells, what are some advantages of using fat for fuel?

Fat fuel provides twice as much energy in comparison to carbohydrate.
We generally have more fat stores than carbohydrate stores.

For athletes, depletion of ______ during a workout is a leading cause of fatigue.


With physical training, the ability of muscle cells to break down ______ to yield ATP increases.

amino acids
fatty acids

What are the two major determinants of athletic performance?

Genetic makeup
Athletic training

If a male soccer player is experiencing frequent fatigue during training, it is most likely related to insufficient ______ intake.


Which of the following represents a healthy fat intake for an athlete?

35% of total kcal

Most sports nutrition experts recommend that athletes should consume ______ the RDA for protein.

more than

What are the two main reasons endurance athletes need to increase their daily carbohydrate intake?

Load muscles and liver with glycogen
Prevent chronic fatigue

Do most athletes need to take vitamin and mineral supplements?


Iron deficiency impairs athletic performance because of its key role in

red blood cell production.

Irregular menstrual cycles for the female athlete may lead to the development of


______ fat and ______ fat intake should be limited in diets of athletes and nonathletes alike.

Saturated; trans

The American College of Sports Medicine, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and the Dietitians of Canada recommend a protein intake of _____ grams of protein per kilogram of body weight for athletes.

1.2 to 2.0

True or false: Fluid and electrolyte needs for athletes vary widely and are highly individualized.


Why do most athletes, except those on calorie-restricted diets, not need to take a vitamin/mineral supplement?

Due to their higher-calorie diet, they are most likely consuming enough vitamins and minerals to meet their needs.

Which functions of iron are associated with optimizing athletic performance?

Red blood cell production
Oxygen transport
Energy metabolism

Female athletes who have irregular or absent menstrual cycles are at increased risk for

stress fractures.

What are some actions the athlete may take before, during, and after exercise/competition to maintain and replenish fluid intake?

Hydrate with sports drinks if exercise lasts more than 1 hour.
Consume fluids during exercise to prevent weight loss of more than 2% body weight.
Drink 2 cups of fluid about 4 hours prior to exercise.

What are some reasons why fluid and electrolyte needs vary widely among people/athletes?

Body mass
Environmental conditions

True or false: When consuming energy bars or gels, it is important to consume adequate fluid as well.


______ helps to maximize the amount of energy stored as glycogen prior to an athletic event.

Carbohydrate loading

What is the carbohydrate loading technique?

The process in which high-carbohydrate intake is consumed while tapering training prior to competition.

Which statements are true about pre-event meals eaten within 1 or 2 hours of a scheduled athletic event?

The meal should be liquid or blended.
The meal should be small.

To maintain adequate hydration, for every pound lost during exercise, consume ______ cups of water during or immediately after exercise.

2 to 3

Why is it important to consume fluids with carbohydrate-containing foods, especially energy bars and gels?

Fluids should be consumed with carbohydrate foods to ensure adequate hydration.

Carbohydrate loading is recommended for

intense aerobic events lasting more than 90 minutes

What are some examples of good food choices for a meal eaten about three hours before a marathon?


The purpose of carbohydrate loading is to maximize storage of ______ prior to competition.


In relation to an athletic event, when is the optimal time to consume fiber-rich foods?

Consume fiber-rich foods 1 day prior to the event to help empty the colon, but do not eat high-fiber foods the night before or morning of the event.

Which of the following are metabolic effects of a high-carbohydrate diet for athletes?

Increased secretion of insulin
Storage of glycogen in muscles and liver

What are some reasons why carbohydrate intake during exercise is more important in longer bouts of exercise (greater than or equal to 60 minutes) as opposed to shorter bouts of exercise (about 30 minutes)?

During short bouts of exercise, muscles rely primarily on glycogen stores for fuel.
It is important to maintain adequate blood glucose levels during longer bouts of exercise.

Which of the following would be the best meal to eat about 1 hour before an event?

Carnation instant breakfast blended with a banana

Sports drinks are a good source of _____ calories during endurance events.


Choose the ideal composition of an energy bar for an endurance athlete.

10 grams of protein
4 grams of fat
5 grams of fiber
40 grams of carbohydrate

The rationale for following a fat adaptation diet (60% of kcal from fat) is to

preserve glycogen stores.

What are the key factors necessary for glycogen synthesis after prolonged exercise?

Availability of adequate carbohydrate
Selection of foods with high glycemic index
Ingestion of carbohydrate immediately after exercise

When is carbohydrate intake during exercise most important?

During events lasting longer than 60 minutes.

What is a benefit of consuming sport drinks during exercise?

Sport drinks supply necessary fluid, electrolyte, and carbohydrate for optimal performance.

What is the recommendation for the nutrient composition of energy bars to produce optimal performance?

40 g carbohydrate, no more than 10 g protein, no more than 4 g fat, no more than 5 g fiber

Consuming foods with high glycemic index immediately after a bout of exercise will

rapidly restore glycogen stores.

Why is protein used more for fuel in endurance exercise as opposed to resistance exercise/strength training?

Strength training requires brief bursts of activity, so phosphocreatine (PCr) and carbohydrate are the major muscle fuels used as opposed to protein.

True or false: Amino acid supplements are necessary to meet the protein needs of athletes.


What are the two primary fuel sources used for strength and power moves?

phosphocreatine (PCr) and carbohydrates

Which dietary substances are known to be effective ergogenic aids to performance?








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What is the most important action to take before beginning an exercise program?

Warming up before exercise is a good way to reduce the risk of injury and to prepare yourself physically as well as mentally for activity. Concentrate on warming up the specific muscle groups you will be using in your exercise and include dynamic flexibility exercises. It is important to cool down after exercise.

How can an athlete determine his/her fluid needs during exercise?

The best way to know how much fluid to drink during exercise is to calculate your sweat rate to know how much fluid you are losing during activity. After sweat rate is calculated you can calculate how much you need to drink.

What are the advantages for athletes to consume an appropriate pre exercise meal?

Carbs help maximize your body's ability to use glycogen to fuel short and high intensity exercises, while fat helps fuel your body for longer exercise sessions. Eating protein helps improve muscle protein synthesis, prevent muscle damage, and promote recovery. Good hydration is also linked to enhanced performance.

What steps can you take to prevent injury during physical activity quizlet?

Three ways to prevent sports injuries are by drinking enough fluids an avoiding dehydration, avoid overtraining by following the guidelines for your workouts, and warming up and cooling down to properly warming up your muscles before working out and cooling down your muscles after your workout.


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