What are 2/3 physical activities that are examples of cardiovascular endurance *?

Endurance exercise is one of the four types of exercise along with strength, balance and flexibility. Ideally, all four types of exercise would be included in a healthy workout routine and AHA provides easy-to-follow guidelines for endurance and strength-training in its Recommendations for Physical Activity in Adults.

They don’t all need to be done every day, but variety helps keep the body fit and healthy, and makes exercise interesting. You can do a variety of exercises to keep the body fit and healthy and to keep your physical activity routine exciting. Many different types of exercises can improve strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance. For example, practicing yoga can improve your balance, strength, and flexibility.  A lot of lower-body strength-training exercises also will improve your balance.

Also called aerobic exercise, endurance exercise includes activities that increase your breathing and heart rate such as walking, jogging, swimming, biking and jumping rope.

Endurance activity keeps your heart, lungs and circulatory system healthy and improves your overall fitness. As a result, people who get the recommended regular physical activity can reduce the risk of many diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

How much do I need?

Building your endurance makes it easier to carry out many of your everyday activities. If you’re just starting out on an exercise routine after being sedentary, don’t rush it. If you haven't been active for a long time, it's important to work your way up over time.

Start out with 10-15 minutes at a time and then gradually build up. The AHA recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes (2 1/2 hours) of moderate to vigorous activity per week. Thirty minutes a day five days a week is an easy goal to remember. Some people will be able to do more. It's important to set realistic goals based on your own health and abilities.

Making Progress

When you're ready to do more, you can build on your routine by adding new physical activities; increasing the distance, time, or difficulty or your favorite activity; or do your activities more often. You could first build up the amount of time you spend doing endurance activities, then build up the difficulty of your activities. For example, gradually increase your time to 30 minutes over several days to weeks by walking longer distances. Then walk more briskly or up hills.

Examples of endurance exercise:

  • Walking briskly
  • Running / jogging
  • Dancing
  • Biking
  • Climbing stairs at work or at home (if available)

What if I’m recovering from a cardiac event or stroke?

Some people are afraid to exercise after a heart attack. But regular physical activity can help reduce your chances of having another heart attack.

The AHA published a statement in 2014 that doctors should prescribe exercise to stroke patients since there is strong evidence that physical activity and exercise after stroke can improve cardiovascular fitness, walking ability and upper arm strength.

If you’ve had a heart attack or stroke, talk with your doctor before starting any exercise to be sure you’re following a safe, effective physical activity program.

Written by American Heart Association editorial staff and reviewed by science and medicine advisers. See our editorial policies and staff.

Cardiovascular endurance is a measure of how well you can do exercises that involve your whole body at moderate to high intensity for an extended time. Improving your cardiovascular endurance can make it easier for you to carry out your daily tasks. It can also lessen your risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. 

Effects of Aerobic Exercise

You can raise your level of cardiovascular endurance by doing exercises that increase your heart and breathing rates, or aerobic exercise. According to many experts, aerobic exercise is the most important part of physical fitness. To achieve cardiovascular endurance, you should exercise aerobically 30 minutes per day, 3 to 7 days per week.

When you do aerobic exercise, your body responds in the following ways:

  • Your heart pumps more efficiently.
  • Your lungs work better.
  • Your blood volume and delivery system are improved.
  • Your resting heart rate is lowered.
  • Your heart pumps out more blood.
  • Your muscles get stronger.
  • Your ligaments, tendons, and bones get stronger.
  • Your body is more able to use fat as an energy source. 

Benefits of Cardiovascular Endurance

As you increase your cardiovascular endurance through aerobic exercise, you'll get stronger and fitter. You'll also reap the following benefits: 

Lowered risk of disease. Aerobic exercise reduces your risk of developing many diseases, including: 

  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Some types of cancer
  • Stroke

Better strength and stamina. Your heart and lungs will get stronger as you exercise. You'll also gain bone and muscle fitness. You may feel tired when you first start exercising, but you'll develop stamina over time.

A more active immune system. You're less likely to catch viral illnesses such as colds and flu if you're a regular exerciser. Your immune system is activated by aerobic exercise. 

Managed weight. Aerobic exercise, together with a healthy diet, can help you lose weight and keep it off.  

Stronger bones. Weight-bearing aerobic exercise, such as walking, can help reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis. 

Better mood. Aerobic exercise may help you relieve tension and anxiety. It may also help you relax and sleep better. For some people, exercise is as effective as antidepressants at lessening depression.  

Staying independent longer. Exercising makes you stronger and can help you stay mobile longer. It can also lower your risk of falls and injuries. Fitness will improve the quality of your life as you age.   

Fewer unhealthy behaviors. Time spent exercising is better than that spent smoking, drinking alcohol, or gambling. Exercise may also help regulate overeating. 

How to Increase Your Cardiovascular Endurance

Almost everyone can benefit from physical exercise. However, not every exercise is right for everyone. Talk to your doctor about the best type of exercise for you. 

Start simple. If you're new to exercise, you may benefit from as little as 15 minutes of exercise. Work your way up to 30 minutes per day at least 3 days per week. Doing this should result in a measurable improvement in your cardiovascular endurance in eight to 12 weeks.  

Pick something you enjoy. Aerobic exercise is any nonstop activity that uses your large muscles and makes your heart and lungs work harder. You can pick one you enjoy or rotate through many different ones. Some examples include:

  • Walking
  • Running
  • Jogging
  • Hiking
  • Swimming
  • Dancing
  • Cross country skiing
  • Aerobics
  • Stair climbing
  • Rowing

Don't overdo it. Doing the same type of exercise more than 5 days per week puts you at a higher risk for injuries. If you want to work out more than 5 days per week, change it up with exercises that use different muscle groups. Do some low- and then some high-impact activities to avoid too much stress on your joints and muscles.

Gradually work up. You should aim to push yourself slightly more than your normal movement level. Bump up your speed or distance no more than 10% to 20% each week. You should feel challenged, but not completely exhausted. For every 10 minutes you exercise, add 1 or 2 minutes weekly. 

Warm up, cool down, and stretch. Start by working at a low level for 5 to 10 minutes to warm up. Then gradually build up how hard you work until you reach your limit.

After you finish working at full intensity, slow down for 5 to 10 minutes before you stop. Stretch at this point, since your muscles will be warmed up.  

What are 3 cardiovascular endurance activities?

Activities like walking, jogging, running, cycling, swimming, aerobics, rowing, stair climbing, hiking, cross country skiing and many types of dancing are “pure” aerobic activities. Sports such as soccer, basketball, squash and tennis may also improve your cardiovascular fitness.

What are 3 examples of cardiovascular exercise?

Examples: Brisk walking, running, swimming, cycling, playing tennis and jumping rope. Heart-pumping aerobic exercise is the kind that doctors have in mind when they recommend at least 150 minutes per week of moderate activity.

What are 3 endurance exercises?

Endurance exercises improve the health of your heart, lungs, and circulatory system..
Brisk walking or jogging..
Yard work (mowing, raking).
Climbing stairs or hills..
Playing tennis or basketball..

What physical activity is the best example of cardiovascular endurance?

Cardiovascular endurance is the ability to exercise without becoming overly tired because your heart, lungs and blood vessels are healthy. Exercise examples include walking, jogging, cycling, dancing, running and bike riding. Distance swimming is also a good cardiovascular endurance exercise.


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