What appears on the screen when you place the mouse pointer under text that was corrected?

10.Which pointer selects a line or lines of text and appears when you point to the left edge of a line oftext?a.right-pointing arrow pointerc.I-beam pointerb.Click and Type pointersd.selection pointerANS:APTS:1REF:Word 5

OBJ:Identify elements of the Word program window11.Which Word feature causes red and green wavy lines to appear under words as you type?PTS:1REF:Word 6OBJ:Type and edit text

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12.Which key is used to remove the character before the insertion point?PTS:1REF:Word 6OBJ:Type and edit text

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13.Which key is used to move the insertion point to the start of the next line?PTS:1REF:Word 6OBJ:Type and edit text

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14.Which feature in Word automatically corrects typos, minor spelling errors, and capitalization as youtype?a.AutoCompletec.AutoCorrectb.Spelling and Grammard.AutoTypeANS:CPTS:1REF:Word 6OBJ:Type and edit text

15.What appears on the screen when you place the mouse pointer under text that was corrected byAutoCorrect?PTS:1REF:Word 7OBJ:Type and edit text

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16.The first time you save a document, which screen appears?PTS:1REF:Word 8OBJ:Use the Save As dialog box

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1) A cursor is the position indicator on a computer display screen where a user can enter text. In an operating system with a graphical user interface (GUI), the cursor is also a visible and moving pointer that the user controls with a mouse, touch pad, or similar input device. The user uses the pointing cursor and special input buttons to establish where the position indicator cursor will be or to select a particular program to run or file to view. Typically, the pointing cursor is an arrow and the text entry position cursor is a blinking underscore or vertical bar. Most operating systems allow the user to choose another appearance for the cursor.

In the Windows operating system, the pointing cursor turns into a small pointing-hand image when it moves or hovers over a specific object. This is commonly the case when the cursor passes over a text or image link on a Web page. The cursor changes into an hourglass image while the system is launching a requested program, or while a Web page is loading after the user has clicked on a link.

2) In some database programs, the term cursor is an acronym that stands for current set of records. When a group of records is selected, that group is called the current set. Selection is usually done using the pointing device, although the keyboard shift and arrow keys can also be used in some programs.

This was last updated in September 2005

Lesson 2: Using the Insertion Point



By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Use the insertion point

The insertion point

The insertion point—also called a cursor—is the blinking line in your document that indicates where text is inserted when you type. There are several ways to move an insertion point.

The I-beam shows where your mouse pointer is. The blinking insertion point shows where your next word will be once you start typing.

When you are in a Word document, your pointer changes from an arrow (

) to an I-beam (

Once the pointer leaves the Word document to perform a Windows function, it changes back into an arrow (


Notice the line that indicates the end of your document. You cannot move your insertion point below this line.

Moving the insertion point

To move the insertion point:

  • Use your mouse to move your insertion point anywhere within the document. Move your mouse until the I-beam is where you want your insertion point to be and click.


  • Use your arrow keys to move your insertion point up, down, left, or right. These movements move your insertion point one space or line at a time. This method is especially useful if you only need to move a few spaces or lines back in a document to make a correction.


  • Hold the Control key and press the up or down arrow keys to jump up or down a paragraph at a time.


  • Press Page Down (PgDn) to jump down the document one window at a time.


  • Notice the insertion point at the beginning of the document.
  • Using the methods described in this lesson, test the insertion point's ability to move.


What do you call the point where you enter text on the page?

Cursor/ Insertion Point: The cursor (also known as the insertion point) is a flashing vertical bar on the screen that indicates where entered text or objects will be placed in the document.

Which pointer selects a line or lines of text and appears when you point to the left edge of a line text?

Review for Section ABC Specialized Word Processing.

How do I locate my pointer on screen?

In Mouse Properties, on the Pointer Options tab, at the bottom, select Show location of pointer when I press the CTRL key, and then select OK. To see it in action, press CTRL.

What term is used for the blinking vertical line that indicates the place on the page where text will appear when you begin typing I beam cursor pointer paragraph mark?

As you start to type, the text cursor stays at the end of the line to indicate the insertion point. Pressing the left arrow key moves the cursor to the left and lets you insert text at the text cursor's position. If there was text after the cursor pressing the right arrow key moves the cursor to the right.


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