This is the study of primary documents to explain the connection of past events to the present time.

6Content and Discourse Analysis.This method requires theexamination or analysis of the substance or content of thecommunication that takes place through letters, books, journals, photos,video recordings, short message services, online messages, emails,audio-visual materials, etc.Historical Analysis.This is the study of primary documents to explainthe connection of past events to the present time. An example of this isexplaining the happenings during the Marcos regime.Characteristics and Uses of Qualitative ResearchQualitative research takes place in a natural setting like home, school,institution, or community.Researchers gain actual experiences of theresearch participants.It focuses on participants’ perceptions and experiences (Franenkel andWallen, 1988 in Creswell, 2013)Researchers are sensitive to participants’ needs and participants are activelyengaged in the process.Data are collected through observation, interviews, documents, e-mails,blogs, videos, etc.It may result in changes in research questions after new discoveries occur.Itdevelops from a specific to a general understanding of concepts.It is a process of describing a situation, analyzing data for themes orcategories, and making interpretations or drawing conclusions.Itmay be subjected to the researcher’s personal interpretation.The researchers, as a primary instrument in data collection, view socialphenomena and situations holistically.Strengths of Qualitative Research1. Issues can be analyzed through detailed and deep examination.

Primary Sources for Historical Research

What are primary sources? Why are they useful?

Primary sources refer to documents or other items that provide first-hand, eyewitness accounts of events. For example, if you are studying the civil rights movement, a newspaper article published the day after the 1965 Selma to Montgomery march and a memoir written by someone who participated in the march would both be considered primary sources.

Historians use primary sources as the raw evidence to analyze and interpret the past. They publish secondary sources - often scholarly articles or books - that explain their interpretation. When you write a historical research paper, you are creating a secondary source based on your own analysis of primary source material. 

Examples of primary sources include diaries, journals, speeches, interviews, letters, memos, photographs, videos, public opinion polls, and government records, among many other things.

Online Databases - Poll, Survey, & Demographic Data

Online Databases - U.S. Government Information

Along with the below databases, there is also a huge collection of government information in Randall Library. Much of it is findable in the library catalog and is able to be checked out like other books.

Finding Published Primary Sources in Randall Library

Primary sources are available both online and in the library. To locate published primary source materials in Randall Library, use the UNCW Library Catalog. You can start with a keyword search for your topic (e.g. "civil rights movement"), which will retrieve secondary sources as well as primary. From there, drill down to focus on primary sources by:

 1. Clicking on a relevant record, such as this book.

 2. Scrolling down to the section labeled "Subject" and clicking on a relevant subject term. Subject terms are "controlled vocabulary" terms that classify all items in the library catalog to make it easier to find things on those topics. In this example, you can click on the subject "Civil rights movements -- United States -- History -- 20th Century."

 3. After you've done that, you'll see a list of subject terms in alphabetical order. Use the search box and add words onto the end of the subject term that signify primary sources. Sources is always a good places to start, but you can also try words such as correspondence or diaries. Since the list is in alphabetical order, you can also scroll through to find subject terms that sound like they'd relate to primary sources. 

4. So, in this example, you would add " -- Sources" onto the end of the existing subject term - "Civil rights movements -- United States -- History -- 20th Century -- Sources" - and search for that. If you click on the resulting term, you will see a list of all items in Randall Library that have been given that classification - including, for example, this book entitled Eyes on the Prize that probably contains a number of useful primary sources for this topic.​

Finding Archives and Special Collections in Randall Library

Randall Library also contains some unpublished materials in its archives and special collections departments. These are primary source materials that are often one-of-a-kind or rare. The University Archives collects materials on the history of UNCW, and Special Collections focuses on the history of Southeastern North Carolina, but both of these collections have significance beyond just our university or our region. For example, if you are researching the civil rights movement, you might use University Archives to investigate how college students in the South responded to this movement.

To find these collections, you can use the search box on the Archives and Special Collections webpage, but definitely also contact the University Archives or Special Collections staff. They know best what's in the collections and can tell you if anything they have is relevant to your research.

Online Databases for Historical Research

Below, I've listed some primary source databases that are freely available online. These only scratch the surface of online collections of primary sources. To search more specifically for your topic, try searching for the topic plus archivesprimary sources, or digital collection. For example, doing a quick search for civil rights primary sources in Google finds this Civil Rights Digital Library, containing important documents, photographs, and videos from the Civil Rights era. 

PLEASE NOTE: Randall Library also pays for access to a number of primary source databases. These are listed here (or, from the library homepage, go to Databases --> By Type --> Primary Sources (Historical)). They cover both U.S. and international topics, stretching back centuries.

Before you begin

Before you start your search, make a list of the terms, places, people, and specific events about which you want to find primary resources. Remember to keep in mind the language used during the time period you are researching, as those words will allow you to find materials that you might not otherwise locate using modern terms. For example, during the Civil Rights era, some newspapers might have used the term "Negro," rather than "African American" as we use today. Keep this list handy and add to it as you learn more about the topic.

History Librarian

Kiana Webster

Social Sciences & History Librarian

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What are the primary sources in relation to the past events?

Primary sources are the historical documents used by historians as evidence. Examples of primary sources include diaries, personal journals, government records, court records, property records, newspaper articles, military reports, military rosters, and many other things.

What is a primary document and why would this be an important source for understanding history?

A primary source is a document or record containing firsthand information or original data on an event, object, person, or work of art. Primary sources are usually created by individuals who experienced the event and recorded or wrote about it.

What is a primary source when it comes to learning about history?

Primary sources may include diaries, letters, interviews, oral histories, photographs, newspaper articles, government documents, poems, novels, plays, and music. The collection and analysis of primary sources is central to historical research.

How can primary source documents help us to understand the past?

Primary sources fascinate students because they are real and they are personal; history is humanized through them. Using original sources, students touch the lives of the people about whom history is written. They participate in human emotions and in the values and attitudes of the past.

What is the term for a document that was created at the time of an event by someone who was there?

A PRIMARY SOURCE is a document or physical object which was written or created during the time under study. These sources were present during an experience or time period and offer an inside view of a particular event.


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