The processual approach to viewing change is underpinned by the ____ image of managing change.

Linking Vision and Change


The ____ image is based on an image of management as control and of change outcomes as being achievable

What is Director


According to the ____ perspective of resistance to change, resistance is a sign that not everybody is on board in terms of making the change and resistance can and must be overcome in order to move forward.

What is Director


Underpinned by the ____ image, the organizational development (OD) approach has dominated the organizational change field for over half of a century.

What is Coach


The contingency change approach is underpinned by the ____ image of managing change.

What is Director


According to the ____ image of change, vision is something that is essential to producing successful organizational change. It should be articulated early on and it is up to the leaders to do this.

What is Director


In the ____ image, control is still seen as at the heart of management action, although a variety of factors external to managers mean that while they may achieve some intended change outcomes, others will occur over which they have little control.

What is Navigator


According to the ____ perspective, resistance is something that needs to be recognized and expected as change takes people out of their comfort one; change managers need to work with resistance in a way that reveals to the resistor that such actions are not in accord with good teamwork within the organization.

What is Coach


Underpinned by the ___ image, the sense-making approach maintains that change emerges over time and consists of a series of interpretive activities that help to create in people new meanings about their organizations and about the ways in which they can operate differently in the future.

What is Interpreter


Change management is most closely related to what image?

What is Director


According to the ____ image of change, vision is the ability to articulate the inner voice of the organization, that which is lived, be it core ideology or values and that underpins the identity of the organization.

What is Interpreter


In the ____ image, the assumption is that change managers are able to intentionally shape the organization's capabilities in particular ways.

What is Coach


Which of the following is NOT a reason why people react positively to change: A. Security B. Money C. Responsibility D. Apathy

What is Apathy


According to the core values of the OD field, ____ values relate to openness, honesty and integrity.

What is Humanistic Values


____ change theorists and practitioners take an "it depends" approach in which style of change, especially the style of leadership is dependent on the scale of the proposed change and the readiness of the staff to receive it.

What is Contingency


____ depicts what the organization is and does. A. Vision B. Mission C. Philosophy D. Goals

What is Mission


The ____ image to managing change places the change manager in the position of creating meaning for other organizational members, helping them to make sense of various organizational events and actions.

What is Interpretor


The signs of ____ resistance to change are identified as being critical, finding fault, ridiculing or using facts selectively. A. Active B. Passive C. Malignant D. Benign

What is Active


According to the core values of the OD field, ____ values relate to social justice, freedom of choice and involvement.

What is Democratic Values


The Processual Approach to viewing change is underpinned by the ____ image of managing change.

What is Navigator


The ____ approach is more externally focused. A. Intuitive B. Analytical C. Benchmarking D. Inverted

What is Benchmarking


The ____ image to managing change assumes that even small changes may have a large impact on organizations and managers are not able to control the outcome of these changes.

What is Nurturer


In reviewing the tridimensional factors regarding resistance to change, the ____ factor involves how a person thinks about change. A. Affective component B. Cognitive component C. Behavioral component D. People do not consciously think about change

What is Cognitive component


What has been dubbed as a "new movement in organizational science" since emerging in the early 2000s?

What is positive organizational scholarship


According to the Processual Approach, external context means: A. Strategy, structure, culture and power relations B. Economic, political and competitive environment C. Both of the above D. Neither of the above

What is Economic, political and competitive environment


According to the ____ image of change, vision is in many ways immaterial to the way change will proceed. Inexorable forces, often external to the organization, will have the most influence on change

What is Caretaker

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Which of the following is a strength of Processual perspectives?

According to the text, which of the following is a strength of the processual perspective on change? It recognizes the complexity of change, draws attention to the interaction between many factors at different levels, and shapes the nature, direction, and consequences of change.

What is the first step in Kotter's eight stage model of transformational change quizlet?

Kotter proposed an eight step process for leading organizational change: 1. Establish a sense of urgency - unfreeze the organization by creating a compelling reason for why change is needed.

Which of the following stages of change management includes setting strategic goals?

Stage 3: Intention They create a vision of where the organization should be and could be in the future. Planning and definition of major strategies occur during this stage of the change process.

Is generally regarded that one of the most effective techniques for overcoming change is?

Participation: often the most effective technique for overcoming resistance. Employees who participate in planning and implementing a change are better able to understand the reasons for the change. Uncertainty is reduced, self-interests and social relationships are less threatened.


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