The nurse provides discharge teaching for the parents of a child newly diagnosed with hemophilia A

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Terms in this set (21)

What is the best activity for a school-aged child hospitalized for vaso-occlusive sickle cell crisis?

1. Finger painting.
2. Playing a game of Chinese checkers in the activity room.
3. Playing video games.
4. Watching a favorite movie.

4. Watching a favorite movie.

The nurse provides discharge teaching for the parents of a child newly diagnosed with hemophilia A. Which statements by the parents indicate that teaching has been effective? Select all that apply.

1. "A high-calorie, high-protein diet is best for our child."
2. "It is extremely important that we do not allow our child to become hydrated."
3. "Our child should wear a medical alert bracelet at all times."
4. "We should avoid giving our child over-the-counter medicine containing aspirin."
5. "We should encourage an on contact sport such as swimming."

3. "Our child should wear a medical alert bracelet at all times."
4. "We should avoid giving our child over-the-counter medicine containing aspirin."
5. "We should encourage an on contact sport such as swimming."

A 12-month-old with Kawasaki disease received IV immunoglobulin (IVIG) 2 months ago. The child is in the clinic for follow-up and scheduled immunizations. Which vaccine should be delayed? Select all that apply.

1. Haemophilus influenza type b (Hib).
2. Hepatitis B (Hep B)
3. Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR).
4. Pneumococcal conjugate (PVC).
5. Varicella

3. Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR).
5. Varicella

For the past month, the nurse has been providing care to a 7-year-old client recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Initially, the family seemed devastated over the diagnosis. The client's parent stated, "Our lives will never be the same." What statement now made by the parent best indicates that nursing interventions have been effective?

1. "Our child will not be able to participate in sporting events."
2. "Our whole family will have to make sacrifices to deal with this disease."
3. "We have set aside a place in the pantry for our child's special foods."
4. "We will not let this disease take control of our child's life."

4. "We will not let this disease take control of our child's life."

A nurse is admitting a child who has leukemia. Several rooms are available on the pediatric unit. Which client could share a room with this child?

1. A client recovering from a ruptured appendix.
2. A client with cystic fibrosis.
3. A client with minimal change nephrotic syndrome.
4. A client with rheumatic fever.

3. A client with minimal change nephrotic syndrome.

A child received the varicella immunization. The day after the injection, the parent calls the nurse to say that the child has discomfort, slight redness, and 2 vesicles at the injection site. What instruction would be appropriate for the nurse to provide to this parent?

1. Administer aspirin to decrease discomfort.
2. Cover the vesicles with a small bandage until they are dry.
3. Isolate the child from other children for 21 days to avoid exposure.
4. Make an appointment with the health care provider (HCP) as soon as possible.

4. Make an appointment with the health care provider (HCP) as soon as possible.

The nurse is caring for a pediatric client with end-stage leukemia who is on comfort care and is unresponsive. The child's parent asks, "How can you tell if my child is in pain?" Which of these would the nurse describe as signs of discomfort? Select all that apply.

1. Blank facial expression
2. Facial grimacing
3. Groaning
4. Knees bent up near chest
5. Lying still

2. Facial grimacing
3. Groaning
4. Knees bent up near chest

A teenage client with sickle cell disease reports having a vaso-occlusive crisis (pain crisis). Family members say that the client is just "drug seeking." Which expected laboratory findings would help confirm the presence of a sickle cell crisis? Select all that apply.

1. Elevated bilirubin
2. Elevated eosinophils
3. Elevated reticulocyte count
4. Hemoglobin <10 g/dL (100 g/L)
5. Potassium <3.5 mEq/L (3.5 mmol/L)

1. Elevated bilirubin
3. Elevated reticulocyte count
4. Hemoglobin <10 g/dL (100 g/L)

A nurse manager on a pediatric oncology unit is leading a discussion about personal coping strategies that nurses can use to remain effective when caring for dying children. What should be included in the discussion?

1. Attending a child's memorial service can be helpful.
2. Avoid expressing personal feelings of grief or los directly with the family.
3. Personal contact with the family of the deceased should end after they leave the hospital.
4. The length of daily exercise routines should be increased.

1. Attending a child's memorial service can be helpful.

The nurse is triaging a 7-year-old with sickle cell crisis. The client is short of breath and vomiting and has severe generalized body and joint pains. Which assessment finding requires the most immediate intervention?

1. Blood work showing anemia.
2. Enlarged spleen on palpation.
3. Right arm weakness.
4. Swelling of hands and feet.

2. Enlarged spleen on palpation.

Several children seen at a local pediatric clinic are found to have a hemoglobin level of 10-11 g/dL (100-110 g/L). Which strategy would most likely help increase the hemoglobin levels in these clients?

1. Encouraging intake of milk and other dairy products.
2. Ensuring adequate intake of meat, fish, poultry, and legumes.
3. Increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables.
4. Using orange juice fortified with vitamin D.

2. Ensuring adequate intake of meat, fish, poultry, and legumes.

The nurse plans care for a child being admitted with a diagnosis of measles. Which will the nurse include in the plan of care? Select all that apply.

1. Limit visitors to 20 minutes of contact with the client.
2. Place client on airborne precautions in a negative-pressure room.
3. Recommend post exposure prophylaxis for unvaccinated, susceptible family members.
4. Restrict client from eating raw vegetables or fruits.
5. Wear a gown, gloves, and surgical mask during all client contact.

2. Place client on airborne precautions in a negative-pressure room.
3. Recommend post exposure prophylaxis for unvaccinated, susceptible family members.

The nurse is planning a client care conference with the parents of a 3-year-old with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes mellitus. What is the priority outcome for the caregivers?

1. Demonstrating adequate coping skills.
2. Knowing how to keep blood sugars stable.
3. Understanding how to perform meal planning.
4. Understanding the need for periodic follow-up visits.

2. Knowing how to keep blood sugars stable.

Several 12-month-old infants are brought to the clinic for routine immunizations. Which situation would be most important for the nurse to clarify with the provider before administering the vaccination?

1. Haemophilus influenza type b vaccine for client allergic to penicillin.
2. Hepatitis A vaccine for a client with a "cold" and temperature of 99.0 F (37.2 C).
3. Pneumococcal vaccine for client with local swelling after last immunization.
4. Varicella-zoster vaccine for client recently diagnosed with leukemia.

4. Varicella-zoster vaccine for client recently diagnosed with leukemia.

The nurse just administered routine immunizations to a healthy 15-month-old. What information should the nurse provide the caregivers before they leave the clinic?

1. Call the office if the toddler's temperature is higher than 100 F (37.7 C).
2. Fussiness and anorexia are common for 1 week after immunizations.
3. Redness at the injection sites and a mild fever are common.
4. The toddler's activity level should be restricted for 24 hours.

3. Redness at the injection sites and a mild fever are common.

A school-age child is brought to the emergency department due to nausea, vomiting, and severe right lower quadrant pain. The child's white blood cell count is 17,000/mm3 (17.0 x 109/L). Which statement by the child is of most concern to the nurse?

1. "I am hungry and they will not let me eat."
2. "I don't like hospitals and I want to go home."
3. "I'm so tired."
4. "My belly doesn't hurt anymore."

4. "My belly doesn't hurt anymore."

A parent has brought her 6-month-old to the clinic for routine immunizations. The nurse administers which of the following to the client? Select all that apply.

1. Hepatitis B (Hep B)
2. Inactivated poliovirus.
3. Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)
4. Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PVC)
5. Varicella zoster virus (VZV)

1. Hepatitis B (Hep B)
2. Inactivated poliovirus.
4. Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PVC)

The school nurse is caring for 4 clients with type 1 diabetes. Which of these clients should the nurse assess first?

1. A 5-year old whose diabetic finger-stick glucose is 71 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L).
2. A 7-year old who had breakfast but is refusing to eat lunch.
3. An 8-year old who is sweating after recess and irritably states, "I'm so hungry!"
4. An 11-year old whose prescribed dose of insulin glargine is 30 minutes overdue.

3. An 8-year old who is sweating after recess and irritably states, "I'm so hungry!"

A nurse is providing education to the parents of a child diagnosed with chronic allergic rhinitis that is triggered by household and environmental allergies. Which statements by the parents indicate that the teaching has been effective? Select all that apply.

1. "My wife plans to wipe down our child's furniture with a damp rag every other day."
2. "Our child needs plastic covers for the mattress and pillow."
3. "We must give away the family dog."
4. "We will keep the windows open during warm weather to air out the house."
5. "We will replace the carpet with hardwood floors throughout the house."

1. "My wife plans to wipe down our child's furniture with a damp rag every other day."
2. "Our child needs plastic covers for the mattress and pillow."
5. "We will replace the carpet with hardwood floors throughout the house."

The nurse planning teaching for the parents of a child newly diagnosed with hemophilia will include information about which long-term complication?

1. Heart valve injury.
2. Intellectual disability.
3. Joint destruction.
4. Recurrent pneumonia.

3. Joint destruction.

The clinic nurse supervises a student nurse who is preparing to administer routine vaccinations to a child diagnosed with hemophilia. Which instructions should the clinic nurse provide to the student? Select all that apply.

1. Administer ibuprofen for pain relief.
2. Administer vaccines via the subcutaneous route.
3. Apply a warm compress to the injection site.
4. Hold firm pressure on the site for 5 minutes.
5. Massage the injection site to disperse the medication.

2. Administer vaccines via the subcutaneous route.
4. Hold firm pressure on the site for 5 minutes.

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