The classical view of social responsibility holds that managements only social responsibility is to


1) According to the classical view of social

responsibility, management’s only social responsibility

is to maximize profits. TRUE

2) The most outspoken advocate of the classical view of

organizational social responsibility is Milton F. TRUE

3) According to socioeconomic view, managers’ social

responsibilities go beyond making profits to include

protecting and improving society’s welfare. TRUE

4) When a firm engages in social actions because of its

obligation to meet certain economic and legal

responsibilities, it is said to be socially responsive.


5) One argument against businesses championing social

responsibility issues is that businesses already have too

much power. TRUE

6) Possession of resources is an argument for social

responsibility. TRUE

7) The legal approach to going green is also known as

the dark green approach. FALSE

8) An organization is said to adopt the market approach

to going green when it responds to the environmental

demands made by its stakeholders. FALSE

9) The activist approach to going green is when an

organization looks for ways to protect the earth’s natural

resources. TRUE

10) In the preconventional stage of moral development,

individuals make a clear effort to define moral

principles apart from the authority of the groups to

which they belong or of society in general. FALSE

11) At the conventional level of moral development,

ethical decisions rely on maintaining expected standards

and living up to the expectations of others. TRUE

12) At the principled level of moral development, an

individual values the rights of others and upholds

absolute values and rights regardless of the majority’s

opinion. TRUE

13) The term “values” refers to the principles and beliefs

that define what is right and wrong behavior. FALSE

14) People with an internal locus of control believe that

what happens to them is due to luck or chance. FALSE

15) An organization’s structural design, its goals,

performance appraisal systems, and reward allocation

procedures influence the ethical choices of employees.


16) When employees are evaluated only on outcomes,

they may be pressured to do whatever is necessary to

look good on the outcomes, and not be concerned with

how they got those results. TRUE

17) The Global Compact is a document created by the

United Nations outlining principles for doing business

globally in the areas of human rights, labor, the

environment, and anticorruption. TRUE

18) The Organization for Economic Co-Operation and

Development developed a global code of ethics. FALSE

19) Employees who raise ethical concerns or issues to

others inside or outside the organization are called social

activists. FALSE

20) Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, whistle-blowers in

the United States who report suspected corporate

violations of laws now have broad protection from

reprisals and retaliation. TRUE

21) Social obligation is the obligation of a business to

meet its ________.

A)social and technological responsibilities

B)economic and social responsibilities

C)technological and economic responsibilities

D)economic and legal responsibilities

22) The ________ view of social responsibility holds

that management’s only social responsibility is to

maximize profits.





23) The most outspoken advocate of the classical view

of social responsibility is economist and Nobel laureate


A)George Stigler

B)Arthur F. Burns

C) Homer Jones

D)Milton Friedman

24) Under the concept of social obligation, the

organization does what is required by the ________.





25) The ________ view is that management’s social

responsibility goes beyond making profits to include

protecting and improving society’s welfare.

What is the classical view of management's social responsibility?

According to the Milton Friedman an economist that today managers are professionals, their social responsibility is to minimize the profit. According to him their first priority should be to run the business in the best interest of owners.

What is the social responsibility view?

Social responsibility is an ethical theory in which individuals are accountable for fulfilling their civic duty, and the actions of an individual must benefit the whole of society. In this way, there must be a balance between economic growth and the welfare of society and the environment.

What is social responsibility in management?

Corporate Social Responsibility is a management concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and interactions with their stakeholders.

What are the 3 major areas of social responsibility?

Three Key Areas of Corporate Social Responsibility.
Community Relations,.
Training and Development, and..
A Cohesive Global Corporate Social Responsibility Platform..


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