The burial depicted in the image most likely resulted from the spread of which of the following?



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Terms in this set (50)

Voyages such as those referred to in the third paragraph were most directly facilitated by which of the following?

Merchants' understanding of the patterns of the monsoon winds

The first paragraph most directly illustrates how increasing regional interactions led to which of the following developments in the Indian Ocean in the period 1200-1450?

The introduction of new cultural traditions

The breakup of the Mongol Empire into separate khanates during the mid-thirteenth century was most connected to which of the following developments?

Mongol traditions emphasized tribal and personal loyalties and made it difficult to establish long-lasting centralized dynastic rule, which led to civil war.

Which of the following best describes an effect of the establishment of the Mongol Empire upon Silk Road long distance trade?

The Silk Road trade increased because the Mongol conquests helped connect more regions of Eurasia economically and commercially.

The expansion of the Mongol Empire most directly led to which of the following political developments in Afro-Eurasia?

The collapse of previously existing states, such as the Song dynasty of China

What can be inferred from the map above?

The plague hit more urban areas in Europe

From the map, The Bubonic plague was spread but what sort of activity ?

Trade from one place to another along the silk road and indian coast

How do the Mongols see Marco Polo?

They see him as trustworthy and someone they want to impress

How does the money represent technological advancement for the Mongols?

The money is being used in place of gold and silver which other countries used

What did Marco Polo think of the paper money?

He is very impressed

Which was the most important impact of the improvements in saddles in assisting the spread of Islam in Africa?

They contributed to increased trans-Saharan trade.

The information on camel saddles is an example of how

people adapted technology based on their needs

Which of the following would have been most likely to "set the stage" for Marco Polo to have been able to travel to the lands that he did?

the Pax Mongolica

Which of the following were most responsible for influencing the point of view of the travelers mentioned in the passage?

religion and economics

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the difference in the worlds in which Polo and Ibn Battuta traveled?

Polo traveled to regions very different from Europe while Ibn Battuta traveled mostly within the Islamic world.

Which of the following best describes a way in which the table illustrates how the spread of rice cultivation contributed to changing the total amount of land devoted to the production of agricultural crops in China, India, and the Middle East between 1200 and 1300 ?

The total amount of land devoted to the production of agricultural crops declined in all three regions.

Which of the following best describes a way in which the table illustrates how an emphasis on wheat cultivation in Europe affected the total amount of land devoted to the production of agricultural crops there compared with the rice-producing regions of China and India between 1200 and 1300?

The total amount of land devoted to the production of agricultural crops increased considerably in Europe and declined in China and India.

Which of the following best describes how the table illustrates the effect of the spread of the bubonic plague on the total amount of land devoted to the production of agricultural crops in Europe and the Middle East between 1300 and 1400?

The total amount of land devoted to the production of agricultural crops declined substantially in Europe and slightly in the Middle East.

The commercial practices shown in the images emerged in order to

facilitate a growing trade in luxury goods by providing greater access to credit and currency.

Image 1 could best be used as evidence of the ways in which

imperial states attempted to expand commercial activity.

The author's portrayal of the activities shown in Image 2 was most directly informed by

Christian religious ideals

The burial depicted in the image most likely resulted from the spread of which of the following?

Bubonic plague

Which of the following best explains why, in the mid fourteenth century, events of the type depicted in the image were more common in urban areas of Afro-Eurasia than in rural or mountainous regions?

The disease principally spread along trade routes, and most commerce occurred in urban areas.

Galileo, Kepler, and Copernicus were influential leaders in which of the following humanistic endeavors of the early modern era?

The Scientific Revolution

In Western Europe and the early modern era, how were scientists such as Galileo able to incite "one tiny spark of reason in an individual man" ?

Spreading ideas through the printing press

Why were scientists of the early modern era "ridiculed and condemned"?

Their findings and theories stood in direct contradiction of the Catholic Church's teachings that God had placed man at the center of the universe

Which would be the most useful source of evidence to support McNeill's contention that "the Safavi [Safavid] empire remained a profoundly disturbing force in the Moslem [Muslim] world"?

writings by Ottoman religious leaders of that time about the Safavids

Today, Iran and Turkey are often political rivals. This passage suggests that this rivalry is based on historical conflicts over

how to practice Islam correctly

What brought an end to the "normal state of hostility" between the Safavids and Ottomans mentioned in the passage?

Safavid fervor for its brand of Islam slowly declined until the two empires stopped fighting

The passage by King James I reflects which of the following characteristics commons to empires in the period 1450-1750 CE?

The use of religious ideas to justify imperial rule.

Which development in English contradicts the centralization of political power within the monarchy of England?

The establishments of a Bill of Rights that guaranteed certain rights to people living in England.

The Songhai Empire was like the Tokugawa Shogunate because the Songhai

created a strong central government to rule the empire

The Songhai Empire under Sunni Ali was different from the empire under Askia the Great because

Askia used religion to legitimize his control

How did Askia the Great challenge Sunni Ali's legitimacy?

He questioned Sunni Ali's faithfulness to the principles of Islam

Image 1 best illustrates which of the following political developments in the period 1450-1750 CE?

The increase in tax revenues as a result of the establishment of of Eurasian empires

The ornate nature and scale of the structure shown in Image 2 indicates which of the following developments within the late Mughal Empire?

Rulers emphasized cultural development and neglected political, social, and economic challenges

The images best illustrates which of the following continuities in world history?

The use of monumental art and architecture by rulers.

Which of the following is the most clear difference between the use of the buildings portrayed in both images?

Versailles was used to consolidate political authority, while the Taj Mahal was an expression of political and cultural authority.

The actions of Peter the Great, as described in the passage, most clearly exemplify which of the following?


In addition to the military policies and political achievements outlined in the passage, all of the following were policies of Russia's Peter the Great except for

The use of Enlightenment ideas to develop a monarchy with limited power in the king.

Which of the following developments occurred in Russia as a result of Peter the Great's reign?

Russia modernized and began to exert regional influence.

Peter the Great's desire to capture the port of Azoz coincides with what political and environmental goal of the Russian Empire during his reign?

Russia desired a warm water port.

n which other society was a bureaucracy based on merit central to its success?

The Scholar-Gentry under the Ming Dynasty

Use your knowledge of world history and the passage to answer: Why might the Janissaries be considered both an asset and a weakness for the Ottoman Empire?

The consolidation of power within the Janissaries led to a competent administration but power struggles with other institutions in the empire.

Which of the following was a long term consequence of the Ottoman succession system described in the final paragraph?

The Ottoman Empire entered into succession crises frequently after the death of a sultan.

All of the following statements about Du Halde are factually accurate. Which would most likely lead historians to question the objectivity of his portrayal of the scholars shown in the image?

He was a Jesuit and based his book on Jesuit missionary reports.

Which of the following developments in Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries most directly helps to explain the presence of the scholars shown in the image of China?

The Protestant Reformation led the Catholic Church to seek new converts outside of Europe.

How do the 95 theses symbolize the reformation?

The theses argue that Catholic Church should change its policies.

What is significant about Luther's criticism of the Catholic Church in regards to disrupting historical continuities in Europe?

Luther criticized the most significant cultural institution in Europe.

What are the indulgences that Luther discuss used for by people?

To buy forgiveness and not earn it.

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