The appropriate type of salesforce specialization depends on all of the following except

Which of the following is the best example of selling for the purpose of consumption:

Xerox selling a photocopier to BGSU.

All of the following are common responsibilities of today’s sales managers, EXCEPT:

The job of a missionary salesperson might involve

Such activities as setting up promotional displays and working with retailers' or wholesalers' sales forces, but not soliciting orders.

Today, to be successful as a sales manager, _________ skills are more important than ________________ skills.

When using selling teams, firms tend to:

As defined in the text, outside selling does not include:

Selling recordable DVDs to students in an office supplies store.

Excellent salespeople may not make good sales managers because:

Some of the traits and skills needed to be a good sales rep are different from those needed to be a successful manager.

When a student goes to the college book store to buy a sweatshirt, the type of selling involved in the situation is called:

Which of the following is the best example of selling for the purpose of resale:

Goodyear selling tires to Tire America.

A salesperson whose main job is to deliver a product to retailers or household consumers – Pepsi Cola, fuel oil, milk, for example – ordinarily is classified as a:

Consultative salesperson.

Which of the following represents the correct order of hierarchy of the given concepts?

Objectives – strategies – tactics.

Toward the end of the 19th century, most manufacturers distributed their goods through drummers. All of the following is generally true, EXCEPT:

Drummers used sophisticated, high-pressure sales strategies.

Production-orientation involves salespeople who are ________; whereas product-orientation is likely to have salespeople who are ________.

Which of the following statements is wrong?

Objectives should derive from tactics.

Which of the following is NOT a component of relationship marketing?

When a company that pays its salespeople straight-commission changes its strategy from transactional selling to consultative selling, it would be wise for that company to:

move toward more of a salary-based compensation plan

Regarding strategic planning in a company, it is correct to say that:

None of these is correct.

As a general rule in a company, sales force management:

Should be done within the context of the strategic company planning and strategic marketing planning in the firm.

When an account manager posts relevant content and/or publishes articles on LinkedIn, this is an example of:

The salespeople of ABC Company do not take “no” for an answer, and might even engage in trickery to get the sale. Which stage of marketing does this represent?

How do these maintenance problems affect your operations?

Is an implication question.

Which of the following is a common sales close?

After creating sales call objectives during the preapproach, salespeople often alter their initial plans during the face-to-face meeting with the customer. This is:

known as adaptive selling.

Which of the following is not a Needs Assessment type of question identified by the spin technique?

When not understanding what the rep is talking about, customers:

Which of the following activity is typically involved in the approach step of the selling process?

gaining the buyer’s agreement to move into the need assessment stage

Today, many companies realize that the _______ is in the best position to develop effective prospecting systems.

Which of the following activity is typically involved in the presentation step of the selling process?

Which of the following activity is typically involved in the need assessment step of the selling process?

asking need-payoff questions

Place the following steps of the sales process in order.

Approach, Need Assessment, Meeting Objections, Follow-up.

An informal organization:

None of these is correct.

A company is likely to use a line organization when:

The company is small and sells a few related products.

When designing a new sales organization or revising an existing one, a good generalization to follow is:

The structure should reflect a market orientation, so focus attention first on the market's needs and the sales force.

Which of the following selling activities are well adapted to an e-commerce program?

A firm is least likely to sell through a wholesale distributor in situations where:

The buying process is very complex.

A selling team is usually a group of people:

Which of the four basic sales organization structures is trending? That is, which structure has been recently adopted by some of the U.S.' biggest companies is?

A functional type of sales organization is likely to be used when:

In none of these situations.

When IBM reconfigured its sales force by assigning reps to different industries, it was using:

In a functional type of sales organization:

Functional executives (for example, advertising manager or marketing research director) may have line authority over the sales force in matters relating to the given functional area.

An informal organization:

None of these is correct.

A company is likely to use a line organization when:

The company is small and sells a few related products.

When designing a new sales organization or revising an existing one, a good generalization to follow is:

The structure should reflect a market orientation, so focus attention first on the market's needs and the sales force.

Which of the following selling activities are well adapted to an e-commerce program?

A firm is least likely to sell through a wholesale distributor in situations where:

The buying process is very complex.

A selling team is usually a group of people:

Which of the four basic sales organization structures is trending? That is, which structure has been recently adopted by some of the U.S.' biggest companies is?

A functional type of sales organization is likely to be used when:

In none of these situations.

When IBM reconfigured its sales force by assigning reps to different industries, it was using:

In a functional type of sales organization:

Functional executives (for example, advertising manager or marketing research director) may have line authority over the sales force in matters relating to the given functional area.

A good philosophy to follow in recruiting salespeople is:

To get enough qualified applicants to maximize the chances of finding the right person for the job.

A key advantage to using your own company website for recruiting is:

The cost of obtaining resumes is very low.

All of the following are true statements about the selection of salespeople EXCEPT:

A salesperson who fails in one territory almost always fails in every other territory of the firm.

The best way for a firm to protect itself from charges of discrimination in its use of recruiting sources is:

Regarding referrals as a source of sales recruits:

Some companies incentivize their employees for making qualified referrals.

An advantage of using a company's present salespeople as a source of leads to new recruits is that the present sales force:

Are likely to know what sort of person our firm is seeking.

It is critical that a sales manager fully understand the scope of sales force selection activities as stipulated by the EEOC and the OFCC because:

The burden of proof in a discrimination suit usually rests with the company.

Recruiting from this source is called “pirating” by some people – and thus can present an ethical dilemma.

Regarding colleges and universities, they are a good recruiting source because of all of the following except:

It is a good source for companies that are hiring experienced candidates.

Regarding referrals as a source of sales recruits, all of the following are true except:

Companies usually get too many of them.

Which of the following groups of salespeople should be excluded from sales training?

None of these should be excluded. That is, they all need training.

Which of the following is one of the three main reasons why many sales training programs are not very effective.

A lack of reinforcement leads to minimal behavioral change.

Which of the following is not one of the phases of developing and conducting a successful training program?

The decision-making areas in sales training usually do not include the question of:

What sources should be used to find good salespeople?

According to the textbook, the study which attempts to uncover selling difficulties in the field is called:

The amount of training needed for each sales rep depends on the training objectives. Which of the following stated objectives best matches the allotted time for sales training?

New promotional programs: half day.

Regarding sales manager’s need for training:

Sales manager candidates need training to do their jobs

Manufacturer's provide sales training for their dealer's sales force for all but one of the following reasons:

Such training costs relatively little.

An advantage of having a line executive conduct a training program is that:

Credibility – they are more credible.

For which of the following is the lecture method most likely to be used in a sales training program?

Teaching company policies, history, or benefits.

When salespeople attribute a failure to “task difficulty,” they are likely to do the following EXCEPT:

Regarding sales contests, which of the following is not correct?

They are best used to help achieve broad goals.

A sales meeting is least likely to be used as a vehicle for:

Counseling salespeople about their personal problems.

Which of the following is (are) true about reps who are in the disengagement stage of their careers?

Typical symptoms of plateauing include all of the following except:

All are typical symptoms.

With regards to recognition and honor awards it is correct to say that:

These awards should be highly publicized.

Successes/Failures can be attributed to:

Recent surveys of salespeople found that:

Salespeople who earn the most least prefer cash as an incentive

The fact that salespeople generally operate without close supervision is most likely to be a cause of:

In terms of motivation, management's challenge is:

To design a basic program which appeals to the whole group, but has some flexibility to appeal to individual needs as well.

An advantage of the straight salary plan for compensating salespeople is that it:

Helps management to control salespeople's activities.

An illustration of the method of compensation, as contrasted with the level of pay, is:

Sales reps are paid a salary plus 5 percent commission on sales.

A sales compensation plan involving a combination of salary plus commission on net sales is popular because it:

Offers some of the advantages of a salary plus the incentive and flexibility features of a commission.

A company wants to provide security and incentive in its sales compensation plan. The sales job involves some missionary activities, but management also wants to encourage aggressive selling. What type of compensation plan should this company use?

Which of the following is a trend in sales force compensation today?

Incentive pay for performance is a bigger component of compensation.

In an individualzed compensation plan:

Each salesperson decides what percentage of their compensation should be salary and incentive based.

A company will most likely use a straight salary plan for compensating its sales force when:

The sale involves a complex product, and requires lengthy periods of service and negotiations.

A good plan for compensating a sales force should:

Strive to correlate a sales representative's rewards with his or her results and efforts.

A sales compensation plan calling for a straight commission based on net sales is least likely to:

Stimulate missionary selling activities.

From the company's perspective, a good compensation plan should:

Regarding the relationship between sales quotas and strategic marketing management:

None of these is correct.

To assist in the evaluation of the productivity of salespeople, management can use:

A sales quota will most likely act as an aid in:

Controlling and directing salespeople's activities.

The most widely used type of sales quota is one based on:

A drawback to basing sales quotas on last year’s sales is that this method:

Generally ignores current changes in a territory’s sales potential.

One feature of a plan whereby the salespeople pay their own expenses is that:

The plan is relatively simple and economical to administer.

A well-designed plan for paying salespeople's expenses should:

Treat compensation and expenses as separate items.

When sales-volume quotas are based on territorial potentials:

Sometimes quotas based on territorial potentials have to be adjusted downward because a new rep is covering that district.

Activity quotas are most likely to be used in which situations:

The sales reps take no direct orders.

Regarding a fixed allowance plan for paying sales reps for their personal own car on company business:

The plan is simple and economical to administer.

A sound principle to follow in demand forecasting is to:

Only two of these are correct.

An annual (rather than quarterly) budget period is most likely to be used in a company that:

Wants to minimize the time and detail that goes into the budgeting process.

One key difference between a company's sales forecast and the firm's sales potential is that:

The sales forecast is an estimate of sales the firm expects to make under a proposed marketing plan.

A new firm with a small sales force is selling expensive textile machinery to large textile mills. This seller is most likely to use the ______ method of sales forecasting.

Changes in planned marketing expenditures have an effect on which of the following:

Sales budgets and sales forecasts.

Wayne Rexburg, a marketing analyst for Bosco Incorporated, uses exponential smoothing techniques to forecast sales. If Wayne decides to increase the smoothing constant from 0.4 to 0.8, he is:

Increasing the influence of sales in recent periods in the forecast, while decreasing the influence of sales in earlier periods.

As far as the length of a budget period is concerned:

Quarterly budgets usually provide for more flexibility than do annual budgets.

Forecasting sales is an iterative process involving the sales forecast and:

Which of the following statements is true?

The budget making process begins with a determination of the company's forecast for sales for the budget period.

The Delphi technique is used to:

Improve the accuracy of executive opinion forecasts.

A quantitative input factor which can be used as a basis for performance evaluation is:

The evaluation procedure known as 360 degree feedback involves getting feedback from which of the following?

Are based on behaviors which are usually under the salesperson's control.

A quantitative factor which may be used as a basis for performance evaluation is:

When conducting a performance evaluation, a sales manager may let his evaluation of one factor influence his evaluation of other factors. This situation is referred to as:

Which of the following is least likely to be an objective of a sales force performance evaluation?

To increase sales quotas assigned to the sales force.

Regarding the interpretation of performance data:

None of these is correct.

A qualitative factor frequently used as a basis for evaluating sales force performance is the rep's:

Ability to work with customers' salespeople.

Evaluating a salesperson's performance is a difficult job because:

Many duties of a sales rep cannot be measured objectively.

Marion sells for the Whatisits Company of Whoville. An analysis of the performance of the company's 25 person sales force shows that the average sales rep works 250 days a year, makes four calls a day, obtains an order, averaging $15,000, every ten calls made. Marion worked 200 days last year during which she made a total of 700 calls which resulted in 50 orders totaling $1,500,000 in sales volume. Why is Marion most likely only working 200 days a year?

Wants the day off and can afford to take it.

All of the following are accurate generalizations about gift-giving and entertaining by salespeople, except:

The Internal Revenue Service does not place a limit on deductible gifts as long as the seller (gift-giver) can show that it is a legitimate business expense.

Regarding business ethics and sales management:

Sales managers should not practice caveat emptor (let the buyer beware) philosophy.

Which of the following statements is true?

Unfair competition can be:

Are an important part of developing an ethical climate.

With respect to ethical situations involving salespeople and their customers:

Normally a sales rep should not pass on to one customer important information about another customer's marketing program.

Which of the following acts is least likely to be considered unethical?

Sales rep entertains her customers.

The Robinson-Patman Act is most directly related to:

Is a payment of relatively small sums of cash to expedite performance of a task.


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