Our minds usually select, organize, and interpret perceptual information ______ and subconsciously.

We notice physical experiences, such as fatigue, body aches, and congestion, and perceive that we are ill.
We notice environmental experiences, such as cold air, wind, and rain, and we perceive that a storm is underway.
When we apply the same process to people and relationships, we engage in interpersonal perception, which helps us to make meaning about people from our own and others' behavior.

1. Physical constructs- emphasize people's appearance, causing us to notice objective characteristics such as height, age, ethnicity, and body shape, as well as subjective characteristics such as physical attractiveness.

2. Role constructs- emphasize people's social or professional position, so we notice that a person is a teacher, an accountant, a father, and so on.

3. Interaction constructs- emphasize people's behavior, so we notice that a person is outgoing, aggressive, shy, or considerate.

4. Psychological constructs- emphasize people's thoughts and feelings, causing us to notice that a person is angry, self-assured, insecure, or carefree.

Whichever constructs we notice about people (we may notice more than one), the process of organization helps us determine the ways in which various pieces of information we select for attention are related to one another (little league softball coach and 3 children)

primacy effect the tendency to emphasize the first impression over later impressions when forming a perception.

first impressions are critical because
they set the tone for all future interactions, more than the second, third, fourth impression do.

person described as "intelligent, industrious, impulsive, critical, stubborn, and envious" was evaluated more favorably than one described as "envious, stubborn, critical, impulsive, industrious, and intelligent

recency effect: the tendency to emphasize the most recent over earlier impressions when forming a perception.

What are the three main factors that influence interpretation of behavior quizlet?

Three factors influence the accuracy of our perceptions and can lead to errors; our physiology, our cultural and co-cultural backgrounds, and our social roles. Many aspects of our physiology influence the way we perceive the world. Physiological state-conditions that are temporary.

What is perception and what factors influence our perception quizlet?

"The many factors influencing perception include characteristics of the perceiver, the setting, and the perceived." "The Perceiver A person's past experiences, needs or motives, personality, values, and attitudes may all influence the perceptual process.

Which term is the stage in the perception process in which selected information is arranged in some meaningful way?

Organization is the stage where selected information must be arranged in some meaningful way to make sense of the world through four types of schema to classify information and punctuation, which is the determination of causes and effects in a series of interactions.

In what part of the process of perception do you choose to pay attention to certain stimuli?

Selecting is the first part of the perception process, in which we focus our attention on certain incoming sensory information. We tend to pay attention to information that is salient. Salience is the degree to which something attracts our attention in a particular context.


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