Mutual exclusion should be eliminated from a computer system to avoid deadlock.

If we simulate deadlock with a table which is standing on its four legs then we can also simulate four legs with the four conditions which when occurs simultaneously, cause the deadlock.

However, if we break one of the legs of the table then the table will fall definitely. The same happens with deadlock, if we can be able to violate one of the four necessary conditions and don't let them occur together then we can prevent the deadlock.

Let's see how we can prevent each of the conditions.

1. Mutual Exclusion

Mutual section from the resource point of view is the fact that a resource can never be used by more than one process simultaneously which is fair enough but that is the main reason behind the deadlock. If a resource could have been used by more than one process at the same time then the process would have never been waiting for any resource.

However, if we can be able to violate resources behaving in the mutually exclusive manner then the deadlock can be prevented.


For a device like printer, spooling can work. There is a memory associated with the printer which stores jobs from each of the process into it. Later, Printer collects all the jobs and print each one of them according to FCFS. By using this mechanism, the process doesn't have to wait for the printer and it can continue whatever it was doing. Later, it collects the output when it is produced.

Although, Spooling can be an effective approach to violate mutual exclusion but it suffers from two kinds of problems.

  1. This cannot be applied to every resource.
  2. After some point of time, there may arise a race condition between the processes to get space in that spool.

We cannot force a resource to be used by more than one process at the same time since it will not be fair enough and some serious problems may arise in the performance. Therefore, we cannot violate mutual exclusion for a process practically.

2. Hold and Wait

Hold and wait condition lies when a process holds a resource and waiting for some other resource to complete its task. Deadlock occurs because there can be more than one process which are holding one resource and waiting for other in the cyclic order.

However, we have to find out some mechanism by which a process either doesn't hold any resource or doesn't wait. That means, a process must be assigned all the necessary resources before the execution starts. A process must not wait for any resource once the execution has been started.

!(Hold and wait) = !hold or !wait (negation of hold and wait is, either you don't hold or you don't wait)

This can be implemented practically if a process declares all the resources initially. However, this sounds very practical but can't be done in the computer system because a process can't determine necessary resources initially.

Process is the set of instructions which are executed by the CPU. Each of the instruction may demand multiple resources at the multiple times. The need cannot be fixed by the OS.

The problem with the approach is:

  1. Practically not possible.
  2. Possibility of getting starved will be increases due to the fact that some process may hold a resource for a very long time.

3. No Preemption

Deadlock arises due to the fact that a process can't be stopped once it starts. However, if we take the resource away from the process which is causing deadlock then we can prevent deadlock.

This is not a good approach at all since if we take a resource away which is being used by the process then all the work which it has done till now can become inconsistent.

Consider a printer is being used by any process. If we take the printer away from that process and assign it to some other process then all the data which has been printed can become inconsistent and ineffective and also the fact that the process can't start printing again from where it has left which causes performance inefficiency.

4. Circular Wait

To violate circular wait, we can assign a priority number to each of the resource. A process can't request for a lesser priority resource. This ensures that not a single process can request a resource which is being utilized by some other process and no cycle will be formed.

Among all the methods, violating Circular wait is the only approach that can be implemented practically.

Mutual Exclusion

(Tanenbaum, chapter 2)


Using a queue with shared memory, while one process is executing ``add'', no other process should be allowed to access the queue data structure.
Example: In a file update, where records are read, modified and written back, no other process should be allowed access to a record while one process is changing it.
Example: On a single lane bridge, no other vehicle should be allowed on the bridge while a vehicle is on it.

These are all examples of access to a resource by a process. If no other process is allowed access during this time, then access must be mutually exclusive.

Critical section

Suppose you implemented mutual exclusion in this way:

  • While one vehicle is on the road containing the single lane bridge, no other vehicle is allowed on the road.
  • Suppose a process is modifying one record in a file of fixed size records. Access to the file could be denied only during the update or for any time that the process has the file open.
  • While a process is executing that contains queue modification, no other process is allowed to run.

These examples exclude too much. A critical section is the smallest amount of the program that must have exclusive access to the resource(s).

Disabling interrupts

In an interrupt driven system, context switches from one process to another can only occur on interrupts (timer, I/O device, etc). If a process disables all interrupts then it cannot be switched out.

On entry to the critical section the process can disable all interrupts, and on exit from it can enable them again.

int add(queue *q, char ch) { if (full(q)) return 0; DISABLE INTERRUPTS if (q->empty) { q->empty = 0; q->front = q->end = 0; } else q->front = (q->front + 1) % SIZE; q->elmts[q->front] = ch; ENABLE INTERRUPTS return 1; }

This is fine when the O/S does it in supervisor mode. However it is not something that an ordinary application should be allowed to do (it could hog the CPU). So it is not a general way of implementing exclusion.


A lock is something that can be set to locked or unlocked. Locks are used to indicate access to a resource. If the lock is set, then a process is in its critical section but if it is not set then no process is in its critical section for that resource.

A process tests the lock for access:

if lock is not set then set the lock enter critical section ... leave critical section unset the lock else ...

There is a small problem here: two processes may be both trying to set the lock. P1 tests its value; P2 tests its value; P1 sets the lock and enters its critical section; P2 sets the lock and enters its critical section.

Testing and setting the lock must be an atomic or indivisible operation so that it can be guaranteed that this kind of race for the resource cannot take place.

if test the lock and set the lock then enter critical section ... leave critical section unset the lock else ...

Lock file

A lock file is a file (usually empty) that two or more processes agree to use to signal exclusion: if the lock file exists then a process is in its critical section, but if it does not exist then no process is in its critical section for that resource.

On entry to its critical section a process checks for file existence and creates it if it is does not exist. On exit it removes it.

The Unix ``creat'' and ``unlink'' are atomic file operations (ie no other file operation on that file can take place during one of these). If you attempt to create a file that exists but does not have write permission, then creat fails

int test_and_set(lockfile) { int fd; fd = creat(lockfile, 0); if (fd == -1) return 0; close(fd); return 1; } unset_lock(lockfile) { unlink(lockfile) }

The principal disadvantage of this method is speed. Creating and removing files are file system operations involving disk accesses, so are relatively slow compared to CPU operations.

Test and set instruction

At the opposite extreme, there may be hardware support for locking by special purpose machine instructions. Typical is the test and set instruction.

A test and set instruction is guaranteed to be indivisible. It reads the value of a memory location into a register. After that it sets the memory location to a value. It achieves indivisibility by holding the bus during the read and successive write so that no other memory operations can be done.

lock: if TSL(lock, 1) == 0 lock succeeded else lock failed unlock: set lock to 0

Spin locks

A process wants access to a resource. It tests the lock and finds it to be set by another process. What does it do?

A process can ``spin'':

while test_and_set(lock) fails ;

Spin locks are CPU intensive, and perform no useful work. On a single CPU it will result in the process being swapped in and out to perform no useful work while waiting.

On some multi-processor machines this can be used effectively: if you have 32 CPUs, useful work can be performed without context switching on 31 CPUs while the last one is spinning. Spin locks are used on such machines when short waits are expected.

Less expensive than spin locks are for the process to suspend in some way. It could sleep for a fixed period, and try again, or it could suspend indefinitely until some other process wakes it up.


Semaphores are an extension to test-and-set in which the semaphore also handles the sleep/spin mechanism internally, so that it is invisible to the programmer.

Suppose three or more processes P1, P2, P3,... attempt to access an exclusive resource. P1 succeeds; P2 and P3 must both sleep.

A list of these sleeping processes would need to be maintained so that when P1 terminates one of P2 or P3 could be awoken.

When it in turn finishes, the remaining process on the sleeping list would be woken up.

A semaphore is a data-type with a value and a list that it maintains. When the value of the semaphore is one, the list is empty. When the value is zero, the list may be non-empty.

Two operations are allowed on the semaphore: UP and DOWN. DOWN is used to gain access to a resource, UP is used to release it.

DOWN(process) { if value is one then set value to zero allow process to continue else place process on sleeping list } UP { increase value if the value was zero remove a process from sleeping list allow it to complete DOWN }

Uusally the semaphore is initialised to 1, with an empty list, indicating that the resource is available.
Example: Processes P1, P2 and P3 attempt to access a resource controlled by a semaphore.

sem = 1 DOWN(P1) sem = 0 P1 enters its critical section DOWN(P2) P2 suspends because sem == 0 DOWN(P3) P3 suspends because sem == 0 P1 exits its critical section UP(P1) sem = 1 wakeup a process, say P2 P2 completes DOWN(P2) sem = 0 P2 enters its critical section P2 leaves its critical section UP(P2) sem = 1 wakeup P3 P3 completes DOWN(P3) sem = 0 P3 enters its critical section P3 leaves its critical section UP(P3) sem = 1

At the end of this the semaphore has the value 1, so that the resource is available.

This is what the queue looks like with semaphores:

int add(queue *q, char ch) { if (full(q)) return 0; DOWN(sem, getpid()) if (q->empty) { q->empty = 0; q->front = q->end = 0; } else q->front = (q->front + 1) % SIZE; q->elmts[q->front] = ch; UP(sem) return 1; }

Example: To control access to shared memory in L9.1, one process stored values immediately in the memory, while the other process went to sleep for 5 seconds.

This is not enough to guarantee in every case that the memory will be set before being accessed. This does:

create sem with value 1 DOWN(sem) if (fork() == 0) { DOWN(sem) access shared memory read from memory } else { create shared memory write to memory UP(sem) }

Non-binary semaphores

The semaphores above have two values: 1, the resource is available or 0, the resource is in use. There are examples where the resource may have higher initial availability, so the initial value could be higher.


A table, queue or other list has 3 empty slots. Suppose only one process has write access to this, and only one process has remove access. The write process can write upto three elements before the table becomes full and it has to suspend.

So a ``empty'' semaphore could be initialised to 3. The writing process could do three DOWN operations on this before having to suspend. Each time the removing process does an UP, another space is added and ``empty'' shows this value.

Other mechanisms

Their are many mechanisms for IPC and many mechanisms for controlling access to resources. Some have even been implemented.

The mechanisms presented are fairly low-level. Higher level abstractions include monitors, barrier synchronisation, logic variables as streams, etc, etc.

Reference: Deadlock, Tanenbaum Chapter 6


Example: Two processes wish to communicate with each other, in a 2-way manner. Two pipes can be used for this:

Deadlock detection

A resource allocation graph is a graph showing processes, resources and the connections between them. Processes are modelled by circles, resources by squares. If a process controls a resource then there is an arrow from resource to process. If a process requests a resource an arrow is shown the other way.

For example, P1 is using R1 and has requested R2, while P2 is using R2.
Deadlock can now occur if P2 requests R1 - setting up a cycle.

The total set of conditions for deadlock to occur are:

  1. Mutual exclusion. Each resource is either currently assigned to one process or is available.
  2. Hold and wait. Processes holding resources can request new ones.
  3. No preemption. Resources granted cannot be taken away, but must be released by the process holding them.
  4. Circular wait. There must be a cycle in the resource allocation graph.

Deadlock prevention

To prevent deadlocks from occurring, one of the four conditions must be disallowed.

  1. Mutual exclusion. Make some resources unsharable, such as printers, tape drives.
  2. Hold and wait. Process must request all needed resources at one time. This results in wasted resources.

    Process must release all current resources before requesting more. This is not feasible.

  3. No Preemption. Make it possible for the O/S to make a process give up a resource. This may result in lost data.
  4. Circular wait. Make it impossible for cycles to occur in the graph by restricting the types of graphs that can be made. For example, give each resource a priority number. If a resource is held with a priority, then a new resource can only be requested of lower priority.

Deadlock avoidance

Deadlock prevention is to ensure that deadlocks never occur. Deadlock avoidance is attempting to ensure that resources are never allocated in a way that might cause deadlock.

There are situations that may give rise to cycles, but in practise will not lead to deadlock. For example, P1 and P2 both want R1 and R2, but in this manner:

P1 needs R1 first, then R2, but with a slight overlap.

P2 needs R2 first, then R1 but with no overlap.

P1 can be given R1 and P2 can be given R2. P1 will require R2 before it can give up R1, but that is ok - P2 will give up R2 before it needs R1.

The Banker's algorithm can be used to ensure this, but it is too complicated for general use.


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