Kann Mac OS exFAT lesen und schreiben?


  • Introduction
    • Box content
    • Minimum system requirements
  • LED Indicator and Cables
    • Status Light Information
    • USB-C
    • USB-C–to–USB-C
    • USB-C–to–USB 3.0/2.0 Type A
  • Getting Connected
    • STEP 1 - Connect the USB cable
    • STEP 2 - LaCie Setup Assistant
  • LaCie Desktop Manager
    • Install LaCie Desktop Manager
    • LaCie Desktop Manager quick access
    • Info tab
    • Eco tab
  • Unmounting Your Drive
    • Mac
    • Windows
  • Optional Formatting and Partitioning
    • About file system formats
    • Formatting instructions
  • Frequently asked questions
    • All users
    • Mac
    • Windows

You can use LaCie Setup Assistant to format your LaCie hard drive when it is first connected to a computer (Windows or Mac). LaCie Setup Assistant helps you to quickly format the storage device according to your needs.

Read the information below if you:

  • Aborted LaCie Setup Assistant while it was formatting.
  • Want to reformat your storage device after LaCie Setup Assistant has successfully completed.
  • Own a LaCie storage device that does not feature Setup Assistant (for example, LaCie USB keys or RAID devices).

About file system formats

Before following the instructions to format your hard drive, review the hard drive file formats available on your computer.


Mac OS Extended (HFS+): compatible with Mac only. Mac OS Extended refers to the file system used by Mac OS X.
exFAT: compatible with Mac and Windows. exFAT is used as an alternative to FAT32 since it does not share the same limitations. It is therefore an excellent cross-platform file system.
FAT32: compatible with Mac and Windows. A FAT32 partition can reach 2TB when formatted on a Mac. The individual file size is limited to 4GB. FAT32 can affect your hard drive’s performance.

Mac file system formats

Use HFS+ if:

…you will be using the storage device on Macs only.

Use exFAT if:

…you will be using your storage device with both Windows and Mac computers.

Use FAT32 if:

…you will be using your storage device with Windows and Mac computers, and at least one of these computers is incompatible with exFAT.


NTFS: since it is the native file system for Windows, volumes created in NTFS are read and write with computers running Windows. Earlier versions of Mac OS X 10.5 or higher may read and write to the NTFS partitions with the help of third-party drivers. There are two formats for NTFS, MBR and GPT. The maximum volume size for MBR is 2TB while the more recent GPT format does not assign limits to file or partition sizes.
exFAT: compatible with Mac and Windows. exFAT is used as an alternative to FAT32 since it does not share the same limitations. It is therefore an excellent cross-platform file system.
FAT32: compatible with Mac and Windows. A FAT32 partition can reach up to 32GB when formatted with Windows. The individual file size is limited to 4GB. FAT32 can affect your hard drive’s performance.

Windows file system formats

Use NTFS if:

…you will be using the storage device only with Windows computers since performance is optimal when compared to exFAT or FAT32.

Use exFAT if:

…you will be using your storage device with both Windows and Mac computers.

Use FAT32 if:

…you will be using your storage device with Windows and Mac computers, and at least one of these computers is incompatible with exFAT.

Formatting instructions

The steps below can help you format and partition a storage device.

  Caution: Formatting erases everything on the storage device. LaCie highly recommends that you back up all data on your storage device before performing the steps below. LaCie is not responsible for any data lost due to formatting, partitioning or using a LaCie storage device.

  Note: Refer to your operating system's documentation for more information on formatting and partitioning storage devices.


  1. Make sure the storage device is connected to and mounted on the computer.
  2. Right click on Computer and choose Manage. From the Manage window select Disk Management.
  3. From the list of storage devices in the middle of the Disk Management window, locate your LaCie device.
  4. To create a new partition, right click on the volume and select New Simple Volume. Follow the on-screen instructions when the New Simple Volume Wizard appears.


  1. Make sure the storage device is connected to and mounted on the computer.
  2. Select Go > Utilities in the Finder menu bar.
  3. In the Utilities folder, double-click Disk Utility. All connected storage devices, partitions or disk images are displayed in the left column.
  4. Select the LaCie drive in the left-hand column.
  5. Click the Erase tab.
  6. Choose a format from the drop-down window.
  7. Enter the volume a name.
  8. Click Erase and confirm your selection in the pop-up window.

Kann ein Mac exFAT lesen?

Mac OS Extended (HFS+): nur mit Mac kompatibel. Mac OS Extended ist das von Mac OS X verwendete Dateisystem. exFAT: mit Mac und Windows kompatibel.

Welche Dateiformate kann Mac lesen?

Das Festplattendienstprogramm auf dem Mac unterstützt verschiedene Dateisystemformate: Apple File System (APFS): Das von macOS 10.13 oder neuer verwendete Dateisystem. Mac OS Extended: Das von macOS 10.12 oder neuer verwendete Dateisystem. MS-DOS (FAT) und ExFAT: Dateisysteme, die mit Windows kompatibel sind.

Hat exFAT Nachteile?

Allerdings hat exFAT den Nachteil, dass es, im Vergleich zu NTFS, nicht komprimiert werden kann. Im Hinblick auf die Performance ist exFAT bei kleineren Laufwerken besser, während sich bei größeren Laufwerken die Nutzung von NTFS empfiehlt.

Was ist exFAT Mac?

ExFAT als gemeinsames Dateisystem für eine externe Festplatte am Mac und Windows formatieren. Damit ein PC (Windows oder Linux) und ein Mac auf einer externen Festplatte Dateien größer 4 GB lesen und schreiben können, muss man die Platte als ExFAT formatieren!


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