In relationship-oriented cultures such as France, Mexico, and Japan, sales representatives




I. Define the following terms (


1. Relationship marketing 

4. TCN 

2. Expatriate 


“Master of destiny” philosophy

3. Local nationals 

6. Separation allowance 

II. Multiple Choice Questions (




The most direct tie to the customer is the:  

A. product. 

B. manager of the company. 

C. salesperson. 

D. advertising specialist. 

E. public relations specialist. 


According to sources, which of the following may be a reason that substantial reductions in 

field sales may occur in the future?  

A. cost 

B. security 

C. lack of knowledge on the part of this sales force 

D. advances in information technology 

E. increasing competition 


The first step in managing a sales force is its:  

A. management selection. 

B. concept of power. 

C. design. 

D. position in company schematics. 

E. usefulness to the company. 


Which of the following reasons would best explain why a country such as Germany allows 

for greater use of expatriates in international sales forces?  

A. it is cheap to live there 

B. the language is easy to master 

C. it wants to spread its arms to the international community 

A. are available to fill vacant positions perennially. B. tend to be on the bottom rung of the social ladder. C. are better paid than their U.S. counterparts. D. lack proper knowledge of their culture. E. are respected and held in high esteem. In relationship-oriented cultures such as France, Mexico, and Japan, sales representatives tend to be on the bottom rung of the social ladder. Thus, recruiting the brightest people to fill sales positions in foreign operations can be very difficult indeed.


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in the context of integrated marketing communication, in many markets, the availability of appropriate ____ to customers can determine entry decision. communication channels
integrated marketing communications are composed of all the following except. political rallying
For most companies, which of the following are the major components in the marketing communications mix? advertising and personal selling
_____ are marketing activities that stimulate consumer purchases and improve retailer or middlemen effectiveness and cooperation sales promotion
_____ are short-term efforts directed to the consumer or retailer to achieve such specific objectives as consumer product trial or immediate purchase. sales promotion
In-store demonstrations, samples, coupons, contests, and sweepstakes are examples of _____ devices. sales promotions
All of the following are specific objectives of sales promotion EXCEPT: building brand loyalty
An especially effective promotional tool when a product concept is new or has a very small market share is known as _____. product sampling
Creating good relationships with the popular press and other media to help companies communicate messages to their publics—customers, the general public, and governmental regulators—is the role of _____. public relations
Which of the following elements of integrated marketing communications is related to encouraging the press to cover positive stories about companies and managing unfavorable rumors, stories, and events? public relations
_____ might be classified as an aspect of sales promotions or public relations, though their connections to advertising are also manifest. road shows
In the context of international advertising, global mass media advertising is a powerful tool for _____. cultural change
Of all the elements of the marketing mix, decisions involving _____ are those most often affected by cultural differences among country markets. advertising
In the context of international advertising, it has been observed that advertising expenditures are generally _____. cyclical
While developing an international advertisement campaign, which of the following is the first step of the process? perform marketing research
Of all the elements of the marketing mix, decisions involving which of the following are those most often affected by cultural differences among country markets? Advertisement of the product
Of the seven steps involved in international advertising, _____ almost always represents the most daunting task for international marketing managers. developing messages
Which of the following is an example of the primary attribute of a product the ability of a camera to take a picture
Due to differences in culture in different markets, standardized products that are marketed globally will require: a different advertising appeal
The emergence of pan-European communications media will most likely cause companies to: choose more standardized promotional effects
During which step of the international communications process does the receiver of the message interpret symbolism transmitted from the information source? decoding
In the international communications process, during _____, the message from the source is converted into effective symbolism for transmission to a receiver. encoding
In the international communications process, the sales force of a company that conveys the encoded content to the intended receiver acts as a _____. message channel
In the international communications process, an international marketing executive with a product message to communicate acts as a(n) _____. information source
In the international communications process, _____ is defined as the interpretation by the receiver of the symbolism transmitted from the information source decoding
Which of the following elements of the Ibus com. process comprises external influences, such as competitive advertising, other sales personnel, and confusion at the receiving end that can detract from the ultimate effectiveness of the communication? noise
In the communications process in advertising, during the _____ stage, a consumer takes certain actions to respond to a decoded message. receiver
In the context of the communications process in advertising, problems of literacy, media availability, and types of media create challenges in the communications process at the _____ step. encoding
Using newspapers or magazine ads as a channel of communication when the majority of the intended users are illiterate, is an example of ineffective _____ in the communications process media channel selection
With reference to the communication process in advertising, using the Internet as a medium when only a small percentage of an intended market has access to it, is an example of an error related to: message channel selection
Which of the following steps of a communications process is important as a check on the effectiveness of the other steps? feedback
Which of the following statements about advertising laws around the world is correct toy, tobacco, and liquor advertising is restricted in numerous countries
Which of the following is an example of comparative advertising an ad showing a dog choosing one brand of dog food over another
Which of the following are especially vulnerable as EU member states decide which area of regulation should apply to these services? internet services
Companies that rely on television infomercials and television shopping are restricted by the limitations placed on the _____ of television commercials permitted when their programs are classified as advertisements. length and number
_____ is one of the major barriers to effective communication through advertising. language
________ in countries can distort media choice by changing the cost ratios of various media. advertising taxation
The only way to avoid linguistic problems in advertising communication is by: in-country testing with the target consumer group.
With respect to advertising, _____ is especially important when a budget is small or where there are severe production limitations creativity
Certain advertising media are forbidden by government edict to accept some advertising materials. Such restrictions are most prevalent in: radio and tv broadcasting
One of the reasons for the notably low use of foreign national consumer magazines by international advertisers is that: few magazines provide reliable circulation data
Which of the following are considered to be major communications media in most countries due to their inherent entertainment value? radio and tv
One of the drawbacks of satellites is: their ability to span a wide geographical region
_____ allows ESPN to fill visual real estate—blank walls, streets, stadium sidings—with computer-generated visuals that look like they belong in the scene. Princeton Video Imaging
Direct mail is an unpopular medium in Chile because the letter carrier must collect additional postage for every item delivered.
_____ suffer(s) from issues such as difficulty in assessing taxes, unfair competition, import duties, and privacy. the internet
With regard to consumer products, which of the following is the major limitation of the Internet? coverage of the internet
Social media such as blogs and social networking permits consumers to: become authorized virtual brand agents for the product manufacturers.
Blogs, social networking, and video sharing are examples of media commonly known as _____. texas visual imaging
In which of the following countries is the time spent on social media sites the highest? israel
In the context of media planning and analysis, billboards are especially useful in countries: with high illiteracy rates
In the context of international advertising, _____ is the neon capital of the world. hong kong
In Spain, a new medium for advertising called Publicoche includes: private cars that are painted with advertisements.
In the context of international advertising, companies are moving from the commission system to a _____ system. reward by results
The assault on advertising of _____ is escalating internationally, as evidenced by the World Health Organization launching a global campaign against it. tobacco
Which of the following is true of advertising agencies for international advertising? Cross-cultural communication between a foreign client and a local agency can be problematic.
_____ in advertising is a thorny issue, because most member countries of the European Commission have different interpretations of what constitutes a misleading advertisement deception
In the context of international marketing, the first step in managing a sales force is making a decision regarding its design. T
For selling in relationship-oriented countries, a sales force consisting of American expatriates proves to be most efficient. F
Only a limited number of American high-caliber sales personnel are willing to live abroad for extended periods of time as expatriates. T
For a company, the chief advantage of an expatriate sales force is the low cost involved in the process. F
Since expatriates are not locals, they often have a negative effect on the prestige of the company and its product line in the eyes of foreign customers F
Virtual expatriates find it easy to maintain close contact with subordinates and customers due to advances in communication technology. F
Local salespeople are better able to lead a company through the maze of unfamiliar distribution systems and referral networks of a foreign land. T
The main disadvantage of hiring local nationals for an international sales force is the tendency of headquarters personnel to ignore their advice. T
In relationship-oriented cultures, sales representatives tend to be on the bottom rung of the social ladder. T
For an American company, one of the disadvantages of recruiting a U.S. home-country national for a foreign sales assignment is the cost of double taxation. T
Though maturity and emotional stability are essential, the transnational manager is rarely expected to have considerable breadth of knowledge of many subjects both on and off the job. F
An international salesperson must have a high level of flexibility when working in a foreign country or in the home country. T
Generally, the traits that make for successful sales representatives in the United States are important in other countries as well. F
In the context of international sales management, a manager’s culture affects personnel decisions T
In the context of international marketing, training for expatriates focuses on the company, its products, technical information, and selling methods. F
Marketing is a business function requiring high motivation regardless of the location of the practitioner. T
Social recognition is a more important motivating factor for an American sales representative as compared to a Japanese salesperson. F
Japanese sales representatives are motivated more by the social pressure of their peers than by the prospect of making more money based on individual effort. T
Compensation packages in eastern European countries typically involve a substantially greater emphasis on performance-based incentives than in the United States. F
In the context of motivating sales personnel, differences in languages and culture can make mutual understanding between foreign managers and sales representatives difficult. T
In the context of motivating sales personnel, expatriate managers fear that they will lose opportunities for promotion because they will be forgotten by the home office. T
Expatriates working in high-tax countries prefer direct income instead of fringe benefits as part of their compensation package. F
Separation allowances are benefits paid when an expatriate manager leaves a company. F
In Europe, work councils are involved in setting compensation rules for sales people. T
In the context of American sales representatives’ performance, poor performers typically stay with the company and are seldom fired. F
In the context of evaluating and controlling sales representatives, the primary control tool used by American sales managers is the incentive system. T
The inability of a manager’s spouse to adjust to a different cultural environment adversely affects the expatriate’s effectiveness in a foreign assignment. TRUE T
Personal career planning for the expatriate is a significant strategy that helps companies prevent returnee attrition. T
An expatriate with excellent management and technical skills is sure to excel in any environment even if he or she lacks an understanding of cultural differences. F
An expatriate with excellent cultural skills does not tolerate ambiguity and upholds the superiority of his or her culture. F
Most companies today limit their search for senior-level executive talent to their home countries. F
Which of the following is the final link in the culmination of a company’s marketing and sales efforts Sales representative
In the context of designing an international sales force, which of the following is true of information-oriented cultures? Such cultures allow for greater use of expatriates in the sales force.
Countries such as Germany allow for greater use of expatriates in international sales forces. Which of the following is most likely to be the reason for this? Germany is an information-oriented culture.
In the context of designing an international sales force, which of the following is true of Japan? In Japan, complete local knowledge is important for salespeople.
In countries like Japan, a sales force is likely to be most effective if it consists mostly of: local nationals.
A multinational company, with its headquarters in the U.S., wants to sell a new high-technology product in foreign markets. For effective selling, the sales force for this company should consist mostly of: American expatriates.
The largest personnel requirement for international marketing for most companies is in the Sales force
Which of the following is true of an expatriate sales force? When selling requires an extensive background of information, an expatriate sales force is the best choice.
In which of the following situations is an expatriate sales force most likely to have an advantage over a native sales force? When the product is highly technical.
Which of the following is one of the advantages of a sales force consisting of expatriate sales representatives? They possess greater technical training.
Which of the following is a disadvantage associated with a sales force comprising expatriate salespeople? Large cultural barriers.
Why are third-country nationals sought by American companies for their international sales forces? They are able to speak several languages.
Which of the following is a strategy that international companies use to encourage sales personnel to accept foreign assignments? International experience is considered important to join top management.
Which of the following is a characteristic of a professional expatriate? They work abroad in country after country for the greater part of their careers.
Which of the following best defines a virtual expatriate? They manage operations in foreign countries but do not move there.
Which of the following is true of virtual expatriates? They stay in hotels, make long visits to the foreign country to which they have been assigned, and maintain their families at home
Which of the following is an advantage of virtual expatriates? Their families do not have to be uprooted from their home country.
From an international firm’s perspective, which of the following is an advantage associated with virtual assignments? The extra expense involved in an actual executive move may be avoided.
Which of the following is a disadvantage of teams managed by virtual expatriates? It is difficult to build a close contact with subordinates and customers.
The difference between professional expatriates and virtual expatriates is that: virtual expatriates work from their home branch and do not relocate to the assignment country.
In the context of recruiting sales and marketing personnel for an international sales force, there is a clear biased in favor of the locals. The reason for this is most likely that: they transcend both cultural and legal barriers.
Which of the following is an advantage of hiring local nationals in the sales force They are more knowledgeable about a country’s business structure and systems.
Which of the following is an advantage that a sales force consisting of local nationals is likely to have over a sales force of expatriates? They cost the firm less with respect to maintenance
Which of the following is the main disadvantage of hiring local nationals in the sales force Headquarters personnel tend to ignore the advice of local nationals.
A disadvantage of hiring local nationals is the tendency of headquarters personnel to ignore their advice. Which of the following is most likely to be the reason for this tendency? Foreign nationals lack the understanding of how home-office politics work.
In the context of recruiting marketing and sales personnel, which of the following is true of local nationals They are better able to lead a company through the maze of unfamiliar referral networks.
In relationship-oriented cultures such as France, Mexico, and Japan, sales representatives: tend to be on the bottom rung of the social ladder.
Which of the following is considered to be the most common job in the United States despite being viewed negatively? Personal selling
_____ are expatriates from their own countries working for a foreign company in another country. Third-country nationals
David is a Canadian national who works for a U.S. company in Japan. David may be considered to be a _____. third-country national
Which of the following is true of third country-nationals? Their nationality has little to do with where they work or for whom.
Which of the following is the most important quality that a recruiter should consider while hiring marketing personnel? They should possess a considerable breadth of knowledge of many subjects both on and off the job.
The marketer who expects to be effective in the international marketplace should have a positive outlook on an international assignment.
Cultural empathy involves: the ability to understand another culture and not be antagonistic.
When hiring new personnel for international marketing, which of the following is considered to be the best way to assess the traits necessary for success? Interviews and role-playing exercises.
Japanese sales representatives are most satisfied with their jobs when their values are consistent with those of their company.
Which of the following is the reason for the fact that continual training is more important in foreign markets than in domestic ones? Lack of routine contact with the parent company.
The training of foreign employees is likely to be most effective when: it is tailored to the recipients’ ways of learning.
Which of the following is likely to be most effective in making home-office personnel aware of the problems of foreign operations? Cross-cultural training.
In the context of the rewards from work, Japanese and American salespersons are similar barring one aspect which the Japanese rate as more important than their American counterparts. Identify this aspect. Social recognition
Considering the specific characteristics of Japan’s culture, which of the following strategies would be most successful in motivating employees in Japanese organizations? Group bonus schemes
Which of the following is the main reason for the failure of individual incentives to motivate employees in Japan? Emphasis on paternalism.
Nontaxable perks such as a company vehicle given to an expatriate is an example of a(n): fringe benefit.
Overseas premiums that are paid to the family of expatriates during short-term assignments if they do not relocate to the foreign country are called separation allowances
Which of the following agencies or bodies is actively involved in setting rules about compensation companywide in Europe? Work council.
In the context of designing compensation systems, the program element most often determined at the global level is: Program Design Principles
Which of the following is true of sales compensation practices across the globe? Most companies establish sales compensation practices locally either at the country or regional levels.
In the context of global compensation, which of the following strategies should be practiced? Consistent communication and training themes should be used worldwide.
Unlike the Japanese, the American sales managers do not have to worry about the problem of motivating poor performers. Which of the following is the reason for this situation? The team usually does not have any low performers as they either quit or are fired.
Which of the following practices, with respect to motivating sales personnel, is most common in relationship-oriented countries like Japan? Companies motivate sales representatives through frequent interaction with supervisors.
In the context of evaluating and controlling sales representative, the primary control tool used by American sales managers is the: incentive system.
Qualified and ambitious sales personnel refuse to take up foreign assignments for fear of hampering their career development. This “out of sight, out of mind” fear is most closely linked to the problems of: repatriation
Which of the following is the single most important reason for expatriate dissatisfaction? Unsuccessful family adjustment.
Which of the following is a reason for an expatriate’s failure to function effectively in a foreign assignment? Unsuccessful family adjustment.
Which of the following factors differentiates companies with the least amount of returnee attrition from those with the highest attrition? Personal career planning for expatriates.
In the context of international marketing, most expatriate failures are caused by a lack of: an understanding of cultural differences.
Which of the following is a trait of a person with good cultural skills? They convey a sincere interest in people and their culture.
Assuming that the international marketer has produced the right product, used the proper channel of distribution, and promoted the good correctly, the effort can fail badly if the international marketer fails to: set the right price for the goods or services.
In general, price decisions are viewed in two ways. Which of the following is one of them? Pricing is an active instrument of accomplishing marketing objectives.
Which of the following is true of a company that views prices as an active instrument of accomplishing marketing objectives? The company sets prices to achieve specific objectives.
A company that views pricing as a static element in a business decision: exports only excess inventory.
Since it encourages retailers to stock large assortments of a product, the practice of _____ distribution often creates a favorable condition for parallel importing. exclusive
Firms that are unfamiliar with overseas marketing and firms that produce industrial goods orient their pricing solely on the basis of: the costs of production of the good.
In _____ pricing, the firm is concerned only with the marginal or incremental cost of producing goods to be sold in overseas markets. variable-cost
Which of the following characterizes the variable-cost pricing approach? In this approach, any contribution to fixed cost after variable costs are covered is profit to the company.
_____ pricing is a practical approach to pricing when a company has high fixed costs and unused production capacity. marginal cost
In _____ pricing, the philosophy is that no unit of a similar product is different from any other unit in terms of cost and that each unit must bear its full share of the total fixed and variable cost. full cost
Which of the following approaches to pricing is suitable when a company has high variable costs relative to its fixed costs? full cost pricing
Which of the following is true of the full-cost pricing approach? In this approach, prices are often set on a cost-plus basis, that is, total costs plus a profit margin.
A company uses _____ when the objective is to reach a segment of the market that is relatively price insensitive and thus willing to pay a premium price for the value received. price skimming
If the supply of a good in a market is limited, a company may follow a _____ approach to maximize revenue and to match demand to supply. price skimming
A _____ policy is used to stimulate market and sales growth by deliberately offering products at low prices. penetration pricing
In most cases, the reason that products which cost relatively little in one country cost more in another is: cost of exporting
_____ results from the added costs incurred as a result of exporting products from one country to another. price escalation
A(n) _____ duty is a flat charge per physical unit imported. specific
_____ duties are levied as a percentage of the value of the goods imported. ad valorem
_____ are the primary discriminatory tax that must be taken into account in reckoning with foreign competition. tariffs
In a _____ market, it is essential for a company to keep prices low and raise brand value to win the trust of consumers. deflationary
Which of the following is true of international currencies? All major currencies are free floating relative to one another.
When the value of the dollar is weak relative to the buyer’s currency, sellers generally employ _____ pricing. cost plus
When the Indian rupee depreciated against the U.S. dollar, PC manufacturers who were dependent on imported parts had to _____ in order to retain their profit margins. raise the price of PCs
The final price of an imported product is likely to be high if: middleman markups are not standardized.
One of the possible reasons for manufacturing in a third country could be an attempt to _____. reduce manufacturing costs
Lower prices to the buyer may also mean lower tariffs, because most tariffs are levied on a(n) _____ basis. ad valorem
The creation of a free trade zone leads to: reduced price escalation.
Drew’s company imports materials and parts into a free trade zone (FTZ) within the United States and then exports finished products to other countries. Her company will: not have to pay tariffs on the imported materials and parts.
Which of the following is true of free trade zones (FTZs)? In an FTZ, payment of import duties is postponed until the product leaves the FTZ area and enters the country.
By shipping unassembled goods to a free trade zone (FTZ) in an importing country, a marketer can lower costs because: duties are assessed at lower rates for unassembled goods.
A marketer may face lower costs by shipping unassembled goods to a free trade zone (FTZ) in an importing country because: wages may be lower in the importing country.
The costs of production may be lowered if a firm ships unassembled goods to a free trade zone (FTZ) in an importing country because: unassembled goods may qualify for lower freight rates.
One approach to defining the pricing policy of dumping is to say that it is a case where a product is sold in the international market: at a price below the cost of production.
What is the function of a countervailing duty? To restrict the amount a country will import.
A _____, which restricts the amount a country will import, may be imposed on foreign goods benefiting from subsidies, whether in production, export, or transportation. minimum access volume
For _____ duties to be levied on a good, it must be shown that prices are lower in the importing country than in the exporting country and that producers in the importing country are being directly harmed by dumping. countervailing
Dumping in the world markets is likely to increase when: demand in the home country is low.
Assembly in the importing country is a way companies attempt to lower prices and avoid dumping charges. These assembly plants are known as _____ plants. screwdriver
An important selling technique to alleviate high prices and capital shortages for capital equipment is the _____ system. leasing
Which of the following would be considered an advantage of leasing equipment rather than owning it? Leasing helps guarantee better maintenance on overseas equipment.
When Polar Inc., an American fast-food company, wanted to market its burgers and fries in France, it was asked to accept French wine in return. This is an example of: countertrade
The use of countertrade in international trade: allows trade with countries short of hard currency.
The crucial problem confronting a seller in a countertrade negotiation is determining the _____ for the goods offered as payment. potential demand
Which of the following is true of countertrading? Frequently there is inadequate time to conduct a market analysis in a countertrade negotiation.
What do barter houses do? Specialize in trading goods acquired through barter arrangements.
_____ are the primary outside source of aid for companies beset by the uncertainty of a countertrade. Barter houses
Which of the following is essential while making price quotations for international sale? Price quotations must specify the currency to be used and the credit terms of the transaction.
In general, the end goal of all _____ is to reduce the impact of price competition or eliminate it. administered pricing activities
Which of the following is an example of a price-fixing arrangement? cartels
A _____ exists when various companies producing similar products or services work together to control markets for the types of goods and services they produce. cartel
_____ is a typical payment procedure for established customers where the goods are delivered, and the customer is billed on an end-of-the-month basis. An open account
A(n) _____ means that once the seller has accepted the credit, the buyer cannot alter it in any way without permission of the seller. irrevocable letter of credit
With _____, the seller assumes all risk until the actual dollars are received. dollar drafts
Which of the following leave(s) sellers in a position where most of the problems of international commercial finance work to their disadvantage? open accounts
In a(n) _____, the seller makes a one-time arrangement with a bank or other financial institution to take over responsibility for collecting the account receivable. forfaiting transactions
Which of the following is true of open accounts? Sales on open accounts are not generally recommended when there is political unrest in the importer’s country.
In _____, a company has an ongoing relationship with a bank that routinely buys its short-term accounts receivable at a discount. factoring

What practice with respect to motivating sales personnel is most common in relationship oriented countries like Japan?

MKTG 190.

Which of the following is an advantage of using expatriates in international sales forces?

For a company, the chief advantage of an expatriate sales force is the low cost involved in the process. Since expatriates are not locals, they often have a negative effect on the prestige of the company and its product line in the eyes of foreign customers.

What is an advantage that a sales force consisting of local nationals has over a sales force of expatriates?

What is an advantage that a sales force consisting of local nationals has over a sales force of expatriates? They will be better able to lead a company through referral networks.

Which of the following is a disadvantage associated with a sales force comprising expatriate salespeople?

Which of the following is a disadvantage associated with a sales force comprising expatriate salespeople? The chief disadvantages of an expatriate sales force are the high cost, cultural and legal barriers, and the limited number of high-caliber personnel willing to live abroad for extended periods.


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