In mammals which of the following events occurs during mitosis but does not occur during meiosis I

Solution: The correct answer is A.

After introducing the idea of fluid homeostasis, which is obtained by balancing hydrostatic and osmotic pressures, the question asks the examinee to predict the consequences of a blood clot on the venous side of a capillary bed. To answer this, it is necessary to know that blood flows from arteries to capillaries and then to veins. If flow is blocked at the venous side, blood would accumulate in the capillaries. Thus, hydrostatic pressure would build up in the capillaries, causing a net increase in fluid flow into the interstitial spaces. A is therefore correct. B is incorrect because there will be an increase in net fluid flow into the interstitial spaces, not a decrease. C is not the best answer because the increase in osmotic pressure in the capillaries would be an indirect result of the fluid flow out of the capillaries. D is incorrect because the flow of fluid out of the capillaries would slightly increase, not decrease, the osmotic pressure. Thus, A is the best answer.

Solution: The correct answer is C.

The development of incomplete embryos, described in choice A, falsifies the Regulative Hypothesis. Answer choice B states that the fate of a cell depends on its own internal factors, but this would be true whether the Mosaic Hypothesis or the Regulative Hypothesis was true. Cells must have genes to guide their fate. The question is whether they have a full complement of the organism's genes or just a part. Answer choice D restates the Mosaic Hypothesis, that genes are distributed unevenly to daughter cells during development. Answer choice C, the correct answer, however, supports the Regulative Hypothesis. If all cells contain identical information for construction of the organism, then some external factor must tell different parts what they should become. If specific courses of development were shown to be dependent on the position of the cell in the embryo, it would explain this aspect of the Regulative Hypothesis. By supplying an answer to the question of how the parts of an animal develop differently when they have the same genes, that information buttresses the Regulative Hypothesis. Thus, answer choice C is the best answer.

Which of the following events occurs during mitosis but does not occur during meiosis I?

Crossing over is the only answer choice that does not occur during mitosis. Crossing over occurs during prophase I of meiosis and involves swapping of genetic information between homologous chromosomes. This require the formation of tetrads, which does not occur during mitosis.

Which process that occurs during meiosis does not occur during mitosis?

1 Answer. In meiosis , synapsis ( Pairing of homologous chromosome ) , Crossing over ( exchange of chromosomal segment between nos sister chromatids ) occurs which does not occur in mitosis.

Which event does not occur during meiosis?

Meiosis is important to, but not the same as, sexual reproduction. Meiosis is necessary for sexual reproduction to occur, as it results in the formation of gametes (sperm and eggs). However, sexual reproduction includes fertilization (the fusion between gametes), which is not part of the meiotic process.

Which of the following events occurs in meiosis but not in mitosis quizlet?

Which of the following occurs during meiosis but not during mitosis? Synapsis occurs. The pairing of homologous chromosomes that only occurs during prophase I of meiosis is called synapsis.


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