If an independent-measures design is being used to compare two treatment conditions

Asked by licyoxendine11

35. If an independent-measures design is being used to compare two treatment conditions, then how many different groups of participants would be needed and how many scores would there be for each participant?

a.           1 group, 1 score each    

b.           2 groups, 1 score each  

c.            1 group, 2 scores each

d.           2 groups, 2 scores each

36. Which of the following is the correct null hypothesis for an independent-measures t test?

a.           μ1 - μ2 = 0           

b.           M1 - M2 = 0        

c.            μ1 - μ2 < 0

d.           M1 - M2 > 0

37. For the independent-measures t statistic, what is the effect of increasing the difference between sample means?

a.                An increase in the likelihood of rejecting H0 and an increase in measures of effect size

 b.          An increase in the likelihood of rejecting H0 and a decrease in measures of effect size

 c.          A decrease in the likelihood of rejecting H0 and an increase in measures of effect size

 d.          A decrease in the likelihood of rejecting H0 and a decrease in measures of effect size

38. Which of the following is not an assumption underlying the independent-measures t formula for hypothesis testing.

 a.          The observations within each sample must be independent.

 b.          The two populations from which the samples are selected must be normal.

 c.          The two samples must have equal sample sizes.

 d.          The two populations from which the samples are selected must have equal variances.

39. An independent-measures study comparing two treatment conditions produces a t statistic with

df = 18. If the two samples are the same size, how many participants were in each of the samples?

a.           9                             

b.           10                          

c.            19

d.           20

40. Which combination of factors is most likely to produce a significant value for an independent-measures t statistic?

a.           Large samples and large variance             

b.           Large samples and small variance

c.            Small samples and large variance

d.           Small samples and small variance

41. For the independent-measures t statistic, what is the effect of increasing the difference between sample means?

a.           Increase the likelihood of rejecting H0 and increase measures of effect size

b.           Increase the likelihood of rejecting H0 and decrease measures of effect size

c.            Decrease the likelihood of rejecting H0 and increase measures of effect size

d.           Decrease the likelihood of rejecting H0 and decrease measures of effect size

42. Two samples, each with n = 5 scores, have a pooled variance of 40. What is the estimated standard error for the sample mean difference?

a.           4             

b.           8             

c.            10

d.           20

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Answered by BarristerStar550









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What does an independent measures study use?

An independent-measures study uses a separate group of participants to represent each of the populations or treatment conditions being compared.

Which of the following is an example of an independent measures design?

An independent measures design is a research method in which multiple experimental groups are used and participants are only in one group. Each participant is only in one condition of the independent variable during the experiment. An example would be a drug trial for a new pharmaceutical.

Which of the following accurately describes an independent measures study?

Which of the following accurately describes an independent-measures study? There is a non-zero mean difference between the two populations being compared.

What value is estimated with a confidence interval using the independent measures t statistic?

The correct answer is B) The value for an unknown population mean. The t-statistic is calculated during a t-test, giving it the name. This attempts to infer the value for some unknown population average.


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