How did the so called new imperialism of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries differ from earlier imperial traditions?

journal article

Roman and Modern Imperialism: A Reassessment

Comparative Studies in Society and History

Vol. 32, No. 4 (Oct., 1990)

, pp. 629-659 (31 pages)

Published By: Cambridge University Press


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Comparative Studies in Society and History (CSSH) is an international forum for new research and interpretation concerning problems of recurrent patterning and change in human societies through time and the contemporary world. CSSH sets up a working alliance among specialists in all branches of the social sciences and humanities as a way of bringing together multidisciplinary research, cultural studies, and theory, especially in anthropology, history, political science, and sociology. Review articles and discussion bring readers in touch with current findings and issues. Instructions for Contributors at Cambridge Journals Online

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journal article

The Evolution of the Imperial Idea and U.S. National Identity

Diplomatic History

Vol. 26, No. 4 (Fall 2002)

, pp. 511-540 (30 pages)

Published By: Oxford University Press


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How was the new imperialism of the 19th century different from earlier forms of imperialism?

How was the "new imperialism" of the late nineteenth century different from earlier forms of imperialism? Instead of seeking colonies and trading posts, the "new imperialists" sought direct control over vast territories.

How did the new imperialism differ from old imperialism?

Under New Imperialism, Empires were established in Africa and Asia and there were political and social reforms in those colonies. Old Imperialism led to exploration of new trade routes, establishment of new settlements in new lands and ultimately led to establishment of Political rule in those lands.

How was imperialism of the late 19th century different from imperialism in the 1450 1750 time period?

Old imperialism lasted from 1450- 1750, but imperialism alone remained until 1914. Old imperialism and new imperialism shared the same basic concept of controlling and utilizing foreign countries. Old imperialism focused mainly on systems of trade while new imperialism took bolder steps to overtaking nations.

How was the new imperialism different from earlier expansion by European nations?

How was the "new imperialism" different from earlier expansion by European nations? European expansion in Africa and Asia were limited to setting up trade posts, now European nations wanted direct control over vast territories. Imperialism? The extension of a nation's power over other lands.


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