How did the Catholic Church respond to the religious changes brought about by the Reformation Quizizz?

How did the Catholic Church respond to the religious changes brought about by the Reformation?

As Protestantism swept across many parts of Europe, the Catholic Church reacted by making limited reforms, curbing earlier abuses, and combating the further spread of Protestantism. This movement is known as the Catholic Counter-Reformation. Ignatius Loyola was one such leader of Catholic reform.

How did the Roman Catholic Church respond to the religious rebellion?

The Roman Catholic Church responded with a Counter-Reformation initiated by the Council of Trent and spearheaded by the new order of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), specifically organized to counter the Protestant movement. In general, Northern Europe, with the exception of most of Ireland, turned Protestant.

How did the Reformation impact the Catholic Church?

The Reformation led to the reformulation of certain basic tenets of Christian belief and resulted in the division of Western Christendom between Roman Catholicism and the new Protestant traditions.

What was the effect of the religious Reformation movement?

The impacts of the socio-religious reform movements were huge and long-lasting especially against social evils such as atrocities on women through purdah, child marriage, hypergamy, dowry and sex-based inequality. The reform movements of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were not solely religious in nature.


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