How did changing marriage patterns influence accusations of witchcraft in 17th century New England?

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  • How did Puritans in New England interpret the threat of Indian attacks and the ongoing cultural conflict in the late seventeenth century quizlet?

    How did Puritans in New England interpret the threat of Indian attacks and the ongoing cultural conflict in the late seventeenth century? They believed that these conflicts were the work of the devil.

    Which of the following behaviors was typical of a New England wife of the colonial period?

    Which of the following behaviors was typical of a New England wife of the colonial period? were becoming permanent, firmly-rooted societies. Which of the following best describes the results of the glorious revolution??? How did New Netherland become New York?

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    Why were late-seventeenth-century Puritan ministers such as Samuel Sewell so concerned about the clothes people wore? fashionable attire was seen as a needless luxury.

    What characterized colonists approaches to Indians religions and cultural practices in the middle of the eighteenth century in Pennsylvania?

    What characterized colonists' approaches to Indians' religions and cultural practices in the middle of the 18th century in Pennsylvania? Religion did not become a sharp impediment to economic cooperation in Pennsylvania in the 1740s and 1750s.


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