Harry potter wer ist grindelwald

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  1. TagsSummary

    At the age of 130, Harry Potter dies long after his friends and family have. After the war, he deams his life meaningless yet lives on to satisfy the expectations of others. Upon his death, the entity of death itself offers their master a choice of whether to live or not.

    Harry Potter reincarnates several times to feed his greed that was squashed and thrown away by the manipulations of Dumbledore. As Fate's favorite and Death's master, Harry unknowingly fixes different versions of the wizarding world in every kind of way.

    In his thirteenth life, he is Harry Potter once again and the wizarding world changes from the awakening of a reincarnated master of death. Unfortunately, said master of death has grown to be a sociopath that is hellbent on making Dumbledore suffer... And maybe forgot about the dark lord who takes offense to this.

    The entire world must brace itself.

    "Would I get to live for myself? Will I be able to be who I am?" Harry asked.

    Death simply chuckled, guiding Harry towards the train. The experience was similar to when Harry had first entered Kings Cross in his first year.

    "That is ultimately up to you, young master."

    • Part 1 of Fate of thirteen lives
  2. TagsSummary

    Hadria Potter, ward of one Gellert Grindelwald in disguise, has finished her first year at Hogwarts. We all know how that went.

    Welcome to the second installation of What Trouble Will Hadria Cause or Get Into This Time.
    Neville is determined to plant his way to success, the Slytherins are paranoid, there are conspiracy theories circling the student body, and Hermione would just very much like someone else to be the sensible one. Oh, and Gellert really hopes there isn't an actual dragon sleeping in the depths of Hogwarts.

    • Part 2 of Songs and Dances of Death
    • Part 9 of Hydra Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus
  3. TagsSummary

    “I can’t believe I’m giving you advice,” Rowle muttered to himself, running his fingers through his short, sandy blond hair. His blue eyes met the Slytherin Head Boy's stormy gray eyes across the library table that they sat, and a grimace crossed Ravenclaw's face. “Look Riddle, Evans isn’t someone to mess around with. I know he looks nonthreatening, being so short, and thin, like a gust of wind could blow him over; but if you keep fucking with him it’s your funeral.”
    Tom arched an incredulous brow. He looked at seventeen-year-old Theodore Rowle, all six-feet and two inches of him, and compared him to the five-foot-five fifteen-year-old Henry Evans in his mind. The fact that the Ravenclaw was in any way frightened of his small, sylphlike housemate was laughable to him when Theodore was so large and broad-shouldered in comparison. But he was. Noticeably so. Tom didn’t need to use legilimency to see it. “Why are you so afraid of him?” He wondered aloud.
    “Because I’m not stupid,” Rowle scoffed. “We’ve known each other a long time. I know what he’s capable of.”
    Tom leaned forward in his seat, interested. “And praytell, Rowle, just what is Evans capable of?”

  4. TagsSummary

    Harry Potter has met many Dark Lords in his time as Master of Death. This time, He’s an infant again, and Grindelwald finds himself shocked.

  5. TagsSummary

    This is essentially a collection of one-shots in the Danse Macabre universe. How canon or non-canon or continuous they are with the main story depends on each chapter and each chapter is a complete side-fiction story on its own unless stated otherwise.

    One - Psithurism - The one about obtaining a pet Basilisk in Greece, pre-Hogwarts
    Two - Natsukashii - A New Year one-shot feat. smatterings of Japanese mythology, pre-Hogwarts
    Three - Ingluvies - Wherein a Lethifold eats something important, third-year AU
    Four - Inheritance (HTS) - Hadria gets an Inheritance test, as one does
    Five - Creature Blood (HTS) - Creature blood in your ancestry? It's more likely than you think.
    Six - Dark Guardianship (HTS) - Time to get adopted by another Dark Wizard (or Witch)
    Seven - "Hydra" (HTS) - There's no proof an Animagus form cannot be... extraordinary
    Eight - Azkaban (HTS) - Little Harriet finds herself in Azkaban and decides to make it home

    • Part 2 of Hydra Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus
  6. TagsSummary

    After everything, she still had more to accomplish, more to do, more to see.
    She hadn't expected anything that had happened, she hadn't expected to end up here, far from home.
    But nothing that you have expected happens, especially if you're me.
    After all that has happened from the past to now she only knew she would do anything and everything to protect those she cared for.
    She had lost most of her moral senses that came towards killing and torturing, she had done both multiple times, she won't lie and say she isn't selfish because she is.
    She sometimes she wishes she was still that child, the one who was carefree and chaotic and kind and who just expected to graduate from high school, move on to college and then get a job and a house.
    Yet she knew even after everything, she would rather move on then go back, she would not dwell on those memories and what ifs and all that shit.
    She had to think of her brother, Harry.
    Had to think of her family, The Hayllows, and her Uncles.
    Had to think of herself, because she was Amaya Lillith Potter,
    And she would be dammed if she didn't try and save as much lives as she could.

    • Part 1 of This shall end in my way (whether you like it or not)
    Language:EnglishWords: 2,025Chapters:2/50Kudos:4Hits:139
  7. TagsSummary

    Harry Potter is the Master of Death and, as such, an immortal. He has reincarnated into the past, future, other dimensions, and countless other impossibilities. Suffice to say, Harry Potter has lived many, many lives, and - this time - he gets to choose where he goes.

    There's just one catch: He always starts out as a baby, and this life will be no different.


    Grindelwald was not expecting for there to be a child in the villa - an infant, really. He'd entered the room after hearing a faint cry, and the juvenile simply stared up at him with wide, emerald eyes, head tilted in what could only be guileless curiosity. And then the boy, no older than three, turned into a fine, black mist that darted out of sight.

    • Part 1 of Grindelwald and the MoD
    • Part 1 of HP Crossovers
    Language:EnglishWords:12,380Chapters: 5/?Collections:2Kudos:1201Bookmarks:373Hits:12826
  8. TagsSummary

    Harry thinks to himself; why the f-ck not? So he picks up a little Tom Riddle and tries to indoctrinate the boy into following a Gryffindor approved set of morals. He grabs Gellert Grindelwald too because if he f-cks up with one, he still has another try.

    (Poor Harry doesn't stand a chance.)

  9. TagsSummary

    Not long before Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts, a new wizard emerges and the future is not the same.

  10. TagsSummary

    Newt Scamander has devastating news for an incarcerated Gellert Grindelwald. They will have their revenge.

    Language:EnglishWords: 3,084Chapters:4/4Kudos:416Bookmarks:48Hits:6279
  11. TagsSummary

    Dumbledore was lucky enough to meet his soulmate when he was a teenager; well he was lucky until Grindelwald had run off and started a war against the muggles. Unfortunately it is impossible for Soulmates who have met each other to stay apart for longer amounts of time. During the war Grindelwald and Dumbledore somehow manage to steal away often enough to keep their incessant need for each other at bay but after Dumbledore finally manages to beat his lover he can’t leave him in Nurmengard while staying in Hogwarts himself.

    Years later few people know about Dumbledore’s secret in the castle but every time a student has an especially… difficult time with their soulmate Dumbledore introduces them to how even the most problematic relationships can work out.

    Featuring an apathetic Tom Riddle, a jealous Severus Snape, a lonely Remus Lupin, a desperate Draco Malfoy, a brilliant Hermione Granger and a battle-hardened Harry Potter.

    • Part 2 of Stop punishing Dumbledore for beeing gay
  12. TagsSummary

    The world was ending.
    The muggles were destroying them all.
    And Harry knew that soon he’d be the last one.


    “Where do you want to go, Master?” Death asked, voice chill-inducing as Harry turned around from the seaside cliff, a salty breeze ruffling his hair as his Avada Kedavra eyes seemed to pierce into the Immortal’s soul.


    Writers block FINALLY let up, I started writing a few chapters of my other story, and then while I was taking a break via reading, I was hit by inspiration.


  13. TagsSummary

    A potential collection of Danse-Macabre-canon-related writings. (Future non-canon side-fics will go under Märchen, while crossovers will be posted individually). Requests are open, topics limited to events or characters already featured in the main fic.

    • Part 8 of Hydra Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus
  14. TagsSummary

    "(...) The last glimpse of sunset, a green flash shoots up into the sky (...) And some say—"
    "It signals when a soul comes back to this world from the dead."
    —Pirates of the Caribbean

    The Higher Entities end up letting three souls have a second chance at life. One flash of green light the colour of death. Three souls return to the Living. History is rewritten. And Fate laughs.

    Or... The one story where Gellert Grindelwald takes a leaf out of Gru's book and adopts a kid despite being a former Dark Lord with no parenting skills whatsoever... And of course the kid is none other than Hadria Potter.

    Btw, we have a small TVTropes Page
    And an ongoing Spanish Translation

    • Part 1 of Hydra Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus
    • Part 1 of Songs and Dances of Death
  15. TagsSummary

    Harry Potter lived his life as the puppet hero, died as a scapegoat. Tom Riddle was born with nothing and his birthright denied, died with nothing but contempt. Gellert Grindelwald lived to be great but died to be hated. Lastly, Loki lived to walk in his brother's shadow and died not knowing that his sacrifice went in vain.

    Four lives that went down the drain, four lives are now given a chance to rewrite history as it should be.

    Language:EnglishWords:2,399Chapters:1/? Kudos:131Bookmarks:33Hits:1677
  16. TagsSummary

    Dumbledore would regret the decision to hand over the school letters to the house elves, even if it did save him hours in admin. Eleven year old Harry Potter was expected... Tom Riddle and Gellert Grindelwald... yeah, not so much. However they might turn out to be the least of the school's problems.

    • Part 1 of Triple Trouble
    Language:EnglishWords:48,765Chapters:10/?Collections: 5Kudos:2454Bookmarks:817Hits:41425
  17. TagsSummary

    Alternate Universe ; Albus Dumbledore decides that the best thing for Harry would be to remain dead in the eyes of the world ; He sends Harry thousands of miles away from Britain with a guardian! ; Harry will train with this guardian to come back to Britain a little older, a little wiser to avenge his parents' death!

    • Part 1 of The 4 Dimensions
    Language:EnglishWords: 32,855Chapters:10/?Kudos:17Bookmarks:5Hits:1256
  18. TagsSummary

    Harry Potter has been the only human left on the planet for the past thirteen years, and now everything is dead — thanks to Albus Dumbledore encouraging the overuse of Light spells and dooming Magic to collapse due to the imbalance. When Death tells him he can go back and prevent this, who is he to reject it?

    (In which Harry Potter hasn’t interacted with humans for 13 years, Gellert Grindelwald’s life ambition is to be a fish, Tom Riddle has a whole soul again, and Luna Lovegood knows what’s good)

  19. TagsSummary

    Hadria gets summoned by the Order of the Phoenix to another universe to Help. They expected the second coming of Merlin, not a different version of the Harry Potter they know. It was a mistake of epic proportions.

    Instead of Gellert Grindelwald, the summoning ritual on the Dark side spits out a young Tom Riddle. Tom takes one look at the terrible-looking Voldemort of this universe, and decides to have nothing to do with him. Instead, he begins planning on how to collect all the Horcruxes of this world and shove them down the throat of Voldemort. Not literally, of course.

    But of course, when it rains, it pours, and the instability of summoning two powerful beings from another universe at the same time causes a third entity to be pulled through the Veil. Thus, Gellert finds himself in the middle of the Department of Mysteries, annoyed and exasperated, but knowing instinctively that his ward is involved.

    As for the others? They're just going along with the ride.

    Presenting, Hadria Potter and the-Drama-that-follows-her-everywhere, featuring her guardian Gellert Grindelwald, a resigned Order of the Phoenix and the Unspeakables *coughs*.

    • Part 1 of The S.O.S Universe
  20. TagsSummary

    Harry Potter's life holds two truths: it revolves around missions and quests, and it never stays simple or happy for long. When he throws himself 83 years into the past to stop a new enemy from bringing back an old one, both those truths hold—despite the best efforts of strange homeless Squibs, far too many kids, a long-dead mentor and an impressively tyrannical Dark Lord du jour.


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Was hat Grindelwald mit Harry Potter zu tun?

Harry Potter-Verbindung: Gellert Grindelwald Um sein Ziel zu erreichen, die Zauberer und Hexen aus der Verborgenheit und über die Muggel zu heben, verbündet er sich sogar zeitweise mit Albus Dumbledore. Der spätere Schulleiter von Hogwarts und Mentor von Harry Potter teilt lange Zeit Grindelwalds Ideale.

Wird Grindelwald zu Voldemort?

Im Film "Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes, Teil 1" sehen wir, wie er, dessen Name nicht genannt werden darf, den gealterten Grindelwald aufsucht und sich nach dem Elderstab erkundigt. Anschließend tötet Voldemort Gellert Grindelwald.

Wo wird Grindelwald in Harry Potter erwähnt?

In den Archiven taucht der Name Gellert Grindelwald erst später auf – nämlich im ersten Band der Harry Potter-Reihe. Und dort wird er auch nur kurz auf der Rückseite der Schokofroschkarte von Albus Dumbledore erwähnt.

Sind Grindelwald und Dumbledore ein Paar?

2007 hat "Harry Potter"-Autorin J.K. Rowling offenbart, dass Albus Dumbledore, der Schuldirektor von Hogwarts, schwul ist. Sie verkündete zudem, dass er in seiner Jugend in den zwielichtigen Gellert Grindelwald verliebt war.


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