Discuss a recent change in the technological environment that impacts marketing

Founder, Digital Day.


Remember those days when you were compelled to watch TV ads just to see your favorite show? There was no “skip ads” option, and people seemed to be more patient. To address the demands of today’s customers, technology has drastically changed the shape of everything. Today, we have TVs in the palms of our hands, and we can go anywhere and have any experience while staying at home.

In the same way, technology is also revolutionizing marketing, which can be considered the key to the success of most businesses. When digital marketing was first being shaped, many overlooked its importance and continued their traditional marketing. But soon, everyone realized that online presence and reputation are indispensable. Traditional marketing still has its place, but digital marketing and technology in marketing altered everything. Today, it is your website, application or e-commerce store in front of the world representing your business and its values. This would have not been possible without modern technology.

Nonetheless, many of my fellow marketers are curious and worried about the upcoming trends we’re seeing in marketing and the fast-paced evolution of technology. How will artificial intelligence change marketing in 2022 and beyond? What will be the new technologies to spice up marketing? How will they alter marketing? Let’s take a look at some of the important technological developments that are expected to revolutionize marketing in the coming years.

Artificial Intelligence

We all know how AI is contributing to marketing by helping businesses collect user data and deliver ads and suggestions to users with similar interests. Many consumers have privacy concerns related to AI and data collection, but AI is just helping many businesses market more effectively by providing audiences with content that aligns with their interests. It is essential for brands to master the consumer persona and have a firm grasp on who their target audience is to provide customers with what they want.

The AI market is growing rapidly. In 2020, the global AI market was worth $51 billion, and it is predicted to reach $641 billion by 2028. From creating content, to powering chatbots that answer customer queries, to identifying consumer behaviors, AI is evolving to automate more and more processes.

The Metaverse

When Facebook became Meta in October, the company took the next big step into the metaverse — a connected virtual world for social connection and interaction via the internet and augmented and virtual reality headsets.

Like other technologies that didn’t seem that important at first, the metaverse will likely transform marketing. It’s only in its initial stages right now, but the metaverse is coming. No one knows how big it will be, but not preparing for it is a huge mistake.

Many big brands, such as Nike and Adidas, have already started exploring the concept of the metaverse. Both of these companies have started their work on virtual shoes.


Virtual reality is the simulation of objects in a 3D interactive environment to give users an immersive experience. Augmented reality is enhancing real-world objects using visuals, sounds or other sensory stimuli.

AR technology has already taken its place in the market, with many furniture stores developing mobile apps that use the technology to allow customers to place furniture into a room via mobile camera and see whether it fits or not. Indeed, this is a great convenience for customers and businesses. Other kinds of brands are using the technology as well — Gucci’s app, for example, enables users to try on shoes virtually.

While not quite mainstream yet — likely due to cost and poor user experience — VR has the potential to be an effective way of marketing as it lets you experience things whether they exist in real life or not. You can enable customers to experience your products and services without even buying them. You can use VR to take customers on a tour of stores or showrooms for an immersive experience.

Web 3.0

While Web 2.0 is still the current version of the internet as we know it, Web 3.0 has the potential to transform businesses. Technologies associated with Web 3.0 include cryptocurrency, the blockchain, non-fungible tokens and decentralized autonomous organizations. I believe that decentralization is the magic of Web 3.0 that will enable businesses and users to store and access information from all over the world simultaneously, unlike Web 2.0.

Web 3.0 could revolutionize marketing as well — it will likely be more than social media or SEO marketing. It could enhance the user experience more than ever and help marketers produce even more immersive content. How? With Web 3.0 focusing heavily on AI and natural language processing, computers will be able to understand humans better to provide better search results. And combining Web 3.0 with the metaverse will allow marketers to create highly intriguing and immersive content for advertising and communicating.

Technology is indeed revolutionizing the world for the better, and those who leverage it will be the successful ones, while the rest may suffer. New technologies such as Web 3.0 will help marketers and businesses decentralize their processes, and this will help them to break silos, conduct fast and secure transactions, and improve their customer relationships. Technology is never going to stop evolving — it will continue to transform marketing. Now and in the future, the key to success for most businesses is getting ready for this revolution.

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How does technological changes can affect marketing?

Technological advances can create many opportunities for businesses, but it often means changing their marketing mix e.g. to enable them to interact with customers through increasingly popular technologies such as online messaging and digital advertising.

What are some technological advances that affect marketing today?

Wearable tech integration..
VR/AR content..
Big-data platforms for in-depth monitoring and analytics..
Programmatic ads..
Blockchain-based marketing tools..
Voice technology..
Mobile-first solutions..

What are the technological factors of marketing environment?

Technological factors include production techniques, information and communication resources, production, logistics, marketing, and e-commerce technologies. These affect how an organisation operates, sells its products, interacts with, and gathers intelligence on customers, suppliers, and competitors.

What are three examples of current and emerging technologies that may impact on marketing efforts?

Marketers say real-time marketing, analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI) are the three emerging technologies that will have the most impact on their strategies in the year ahead, according to recent research from Ascend2.


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