Critical thinking is most closely related to which challenge/opportunity for organizations?


At OECollaboration, a technology company that develops virtual collaboration software for new companies, Mike Jones is a new manager. One of the biggest challenges he has faced is that the team that he is managing is well established and because he is an outsider, the team members haven’t yet developed trust in him.

Two weeks into his new employment, Mike held a meeting and discussed all of the changes to the remote work agreements as well as implementing new meeting requirements for each employee to have a biweekly meeting scheduled with him to discuss their projects. The team was outraged, they were not excited, and the following days he wasn’t greeted in a friendly way; in addition, his team seemed less engaged when asked to participate in team functions.

Tracy James is also a new manager at OECollaboration who started at the same time as Mike, in a similar situation where she is a new manager of an existing team. Tracy was able to hold a meeting the first day on the job to listen to her team and get to know them. During this meeting she also told the team about herself and her past experiences. Additionally, she held one-on-one meetings to listen to each of her team members to discuss what they were working on and their career goals. After observation and discussion with upper management, she aligned her own team goals closely with the skills and experiences of her new team. She met with the whole team to make changes to a few policies, explaining why they were being changed, and set the strategy for the team moving forward.

Because she got her team involved and learned about them before implementing her new strategy, this was well received. Her team still had questions and concerns, but they felt like they could trust her and that they were included in the changes that were being made.


  1. What challenges can a new manager encounter when starting to manage an existing team?
  2. What strategies can a new manager implement to ensure that his new team is engaged with him and builds relationships to succeed in his new role?

Sources: J. Morris, “How Smart Manager’s Win over New teams Without Bringing in Free Food” The Muse, accessed January 4, 2019, //; B. Tulgan, “The Challenge of Taking Over Leadership of an Existing Team,” Association for Talent Development, January 5, 2015, //;

SKU: Test Bank Organizational Behavior A Skill-Building Approach, 2nd edition By Christopher P. Neck A+


_ is a field of study focused on understanding, explaining, and improving attitudes of individuals and groups in organizations.

A. Organizational behavior

B. Values in organizations

C. Management

D. Strategic human approach

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.1: Explain the basic concept of organizational behavior (OB) and its value in organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: What Is Organizational Behavior and Why Is It Important?

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

2. Why is the understanding of organizational behavior important?

A. There has been a broad trend of organizations shifting focus from employee connections and wellbeing to numbers.

B. Organizational behavior gives one a deep understanding of macroeconomics.

C. Understanding OB allows you to explain behaviors, predict them, and therefore influence them to achieve your organizational goals.

D. Because it is important to have an understanding of how to manipulate employers in order to secure pay increases.

Ans: C

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.1: Explain the basic concept of organizational behavior (OB) and its value in organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: What Is Organizational Behavior and Why Is It Important?

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

3. Of the three reasons in understanding human behavior, which one is of the greatest interest to a practicing manager?

A. predict

B. influence

C. explain

D. guidance

Ans: B

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.1: Explain the basic concept of organizational behavior (OB) and its value in organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: What Is Organizational Behavior and Why Is It Important?

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

4. Understanding the ways people act and interact within organizations provides three key advantages. Which of the following is not one of the three key advantages?

A. explaining behavior

B. predicting behavior

C. influencing behavior

D. controlling behavior

Ans: D

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.1: Explain the basic concept of organizational behavior (OB) and its value in organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: What Is Organizational Behavior and Why Is It Important?

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

5. Jade is in charge of a group of employees who distribute packages around the world. Her main focus is measuring the percentage of time packages are received at the proper location and on time. Jade’s focus is on which management function?

A. planning

B. organizing

C. leading

D. controlling

Ans: D

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.1: Explain the basic concept of organizational behavior (OB) and its value in organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: What Is Organizational Behavior and Why Is It Important?

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge

6. At the end of each year, the management team goes on a retreat to set goals and strategies for the upcoming year. The management team is engaging in which management function?

A. planning

B. organizing

C. leading

D. controlling

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.1: Explain the basic concept of organizational behavior (OB) and its value in organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: What Is Organizational Behavior and Why Is It Important?

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge

7. Joanie is making an employee schedule to make certain that she has adequate staff to meet the store’s daily sales goals. Joanie is engaging in which management function?

A. planning

B. organizing

C. leading

D. controlling

Ans: B

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.1: Explain the basic concept of organizational behavior (OB) and its value in organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: What Is Organizational Behavior and Why Is It Important?

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge

8. Each week, Eli leads an all-employee meeting to communicate sales goals, answer questions, and provide motivation for achieving goals. Eli is engaging in which management function?

A. planning

B. organizing

C. leading

D. controlling

Ans: C

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.1: Explain the basic concept of organizational behavior (OB) and its value in organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: What Is Organizational Behavior and Why Is It Important?

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge

9. Besides technical and conceptual skills, a manager should possess ______.

A. analytical skills

B. leading skills

C. human skills

D. planning skills

Ans: C

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.1: Explain the basic concept of organizational behavior (OB) and its value in organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: What Is Organizational Behavior and Why Is It Important?

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Interpersonal relations and teamwork

10. Technical skills can be learned on the job. ______ are learned throughout your life.

A. Human skills

B. Leading skills

C. Management skills

D. Emotional skills

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.1: Explain the basic concept of organizational behavior (OB) and its value in organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Analysis

Answer Location: What Is Organizational Behavior and Why Is It Important?

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Reflective thinking

11. In order to carry out roles effectively, employees need to have ______, or a basic aptitude for performing and applying specialized tasks.

A. human skills

B. leading skills

C. management skills

D. technical skills

Ans: D

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.1: Explain the basic concept of organizational behavior (OB) and its value in organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Analysis

Answer Location: What Is Organizational Behavior and Why Is It Important?

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Reflective thinking

12. ______ is an awareness of how your actions and emotions affect those around you.

A. Human intelligence

B. Psychological intelligence

C. Emotional intelligence

D. Management intelligence

Ans: C

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.1: Explain the basic concept of organizational behavior (OB) and its value in organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: What Is Organizational Behavior and Why Is It Important?

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Reflective thinking

13. The success of an organization lies with its ______.

A. people

B. products

C. customer service

D. manufacturer

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.1: Explain the basic concept of organizational behavior (OB) and its value in organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: What Is Organizational Behavior and Why Is It Important?

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Systems and processes in organizations

14. People with effective ______ skills take the feelings of others into account and are adept at dealing with conflict?

A. conceptual

B. technical

C. leading

D. human

Ans: D

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.1: Explain the basic concept of organizational behavior (OB) and its value in organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: What Is Organizational Behavior and Why Is It Important?

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Reflective thinking

15. When looking at an organization as a whole, one needs to visualize how it fits into its overall environment and understand how each part relates to the others. What management skill is this?

A. human

B. conceptual

C. technical

D. leading

Ans: B

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.1: Explain the basic concept of organizational behavior (OB) and its value in organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: What Is Organizational Behavior and Why Is It Important?

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

16. An example of an intangible resource is ______.

A. Jantix Corporation has a reputation of having high quality customer service

B. Jantix has a large and easily accessible inventory of products

C. Jantix owns the largest production facility in Montana

D. Jantix employs the second largest number of employees in Montana

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.2: Describe the key role of managing human capital in creating a sustainable competitive advantage for organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: Managing Human Capital

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking

17. What are the two different kinds of resources that organizations have?

A. intangible and tangible

B. natural and unnatural

C. reliable and unreliable

D. financial and technical

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.2: Describe the key role of managing human capital in creating a sustainable competitive advantage for organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: Managing Human Capital

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Systems and processes in organizations

18. Human capital falls into the category of ______.

A. competitive resources

B. tangible resources

C. intangible resources

D. natural resources

Ans: C

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.2: Describe the key role of managing human capital in creating a sustainable competitive advantage for organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Managing Human Capital

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Systems and processes in organizations

19. What are the three aspects of human capital that enhance competitive advantage?

A. value, rareness, and importance

B. rareness, inimitability, and importance

C. morals, vision, and inimitability

D. value, rareness, and inimitability

Ans: D

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.2: Describe the key role of managing human capital in creating a sustainable competitive advantage for organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Managing Human Capital

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Systems and processes in organizations

20. ______ accumulates when employees work toward the strategic goals of an organization to achieve competitive advantage.

A. Company morale

B. Human capital value

C. Return on investment

D. Earnings per share

Ans: B

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.2: Describe the key role of managing human capital in creating a sustainable competitive advantage for organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: Value

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Systems and processes in organizations

21. ______ is the level of exceptional skills and talents employees possess in an industry.

A. Human capital importance

B. Human capital rareness

C. Human capital inimitability

D. Human capital value

Ans: B

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.2: Describe the key role of managing human capital in creating a sustainable competitive advantage for organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: Rareness

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Systems and processes in organizations

22. An example of human capital rareness would be ______.

A. Jake, who is an excellent computer programmer with an eye for detail

B. Justine, who shares in the same values, attitudes, and type of culture as the organization

C. Jennifer, who feels she is in the right organization and does not want to move to another organization

D. Jose, who has a genuine willingness to contribute to the performance of his organization

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.2: Describe the key role of managing human capital in creating a sustainable competitive advantage for organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Analysis

Answer Location: Rareness

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge

23. ______ is the degree to which the skills and talents of employees can be emulated by other organizations.

A. Human capital importance

B. Human capital rareness

C. Human capital value

D. Human capital inimitability

Ans: D

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.2: Describe the key role of managing human capital in creating a sustainable competitive advantage for organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: Inimitability

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Systems and processes in organizations

24. Marigold enjoys where she works and feels she has the same values and attitudes as her company. This is an example of what type of human capital?

A. rareness

B. inimitability

C. importance

D. value

Ans: B

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.2: Describe the key role of managing human capital in creating a sustainable competitive advantage for organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: Inimitability

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge

25. Swansea can easily answer questions about complex finance issues within the bank, yet her knowledge is beyond what can be easily trained. She has worked in the organization for so long that she has a feel or instinct for how to navigate tough issues beyond what she can easily articulate. This is an example of ______.

A. value

B. rareness

C. tacit knowledge

D. emotional intelligence

Ans: C

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.2: Describe the key role of managing human capital in creating a sustainable competitive advantage for organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: Inimitability

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge

26. Miguel feels that it is important to nurture his high-performing employees in order for his company to keep a competitive advantage. What aspect of human capital is Miguel focusing on maintaining in his company?

A. rareness

B. inimitability

C. importance

D. value

Ans: D

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.2: Describe the key role of managing human capital in creating a sustainable competitive advantage for organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: Value

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge

27. What statement reflects the change from early management theory to current theory?

A. There has been a shift from how workers could perform more efficiently to the human element through behavior sciences.

B. There has been a shift from why workers perform to how much they can produce.

C. The shift occurred within the past few years in the millennium.

D. The shift occurred because there was too much focus on the behavioral sciences and needed to place the focus back on production.

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.3: Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Behavioral Science Disciplines That Contribute to OB

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

28. Which of these sciences is not linked to organizational behavior?

A. social psychology

B. accounting

C. political science

D. anthropology

Ans: B

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.3: Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: Behavioral Science Disciplines That Contribute to OB

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

29. Which of the five behavioral sciences, related to organizational behavior, has a primary focus on the mental health and well-being of employees in relationship to their work performance?

A. psychology

B. sociology

C. social psychology

D. political science

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.3: Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: Psychology

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

30. Leigh is interested in reducing the level of prejudice and discrimination in her company. Which of the five behavioral sciences would help her change attitudes and improve the way her teams work together?

A. political science

B. sociology

C. social psychology

D. anthropology

Ans: C

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.3: Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: Social Psychology

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge

31. Of the five behavioral science disciplines, which one studies how conflict is managed and how power is distributed?

A. psychology

B. sociology

C. social psychology

D. political science

Ans: D

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.3: Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Political Science

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

32. Which of the five behavioral sciences related to organizational behavior studies people and their activities in relation to societal, environmental, and cultural influences?

A. political science

B. sociology

C. social psychology

D. anthropology

Ans: C

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.3: Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: Anthropology

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

33. Brant is managing three competing advertising teams within his organization. While there will only be one team picked for the final job, he wants the teams to have an even distribution of power without self-interest, which can reduce team conflict. Which of the five behavioral sciences, related to organizational behavior, could help Brant with this power struggle?

A. psychology

B. sociology

C. social psychology

D. political science

Ans: D

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.3: Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: Political Science

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge

34. Of the five behavioral science disciplines, which one has helped organizational behavior with designing performance appraisals and recruitment techniques?

A. psychology

B. sociology

C. social psychology

D. political science

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.3: Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Psychology

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

35. Of the five behavioral science disciplines, which one has increased understanding of other cultures and different types of values held by people from other countries?

A. political science

B. sociology

C. social psychology

D. anthropology

Ans: D

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.3: Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Anthropology

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

36. Which of the sciences listed below looks at the way groups behave and the way they communicate and exchange information?

A. political science

B. sociology

C. social psychology

D. anthropology

Ans: B

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.3: Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Sociology

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

37. ______ is the use of your intelligence, knowledge, and skills to question and carefully explore situations and arrive at thoughtful conclusions based on evidence and reason.

A. Deductive logic

B. Emotional intelligence

C. Critical thinking

D. Hypotheses thinking

Ans: C

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.4: Demonstrate the value of critical thinking in the context of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: A Critical-Thinking Approach to OB

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Interpersonal relations and teamwork

38. As stated in the textbook, what skill is ranked most important among senior human relations professionals?

A. oral communication

B. emotional intelligence

C. leadership

D. critical thinking

Ans: D

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.4: Demonstrate the value of critical thinking in the context of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: A Critical-Thinking Approach to OB

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Interpersonal relations and teamwork

39. Emily has a problematic employee, and uses the critical-thinking methodology to consider the situation. She starts by suspending her own bias, and recording his actual behaviors while at work. Emily is engaging in which step of the critical-thinking methodology?

A. observe

B. interpret

C. evaluate

D. explain

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.4: Demonstrate the value of critical thinking in the context of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: Research in OB

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking

40. Critical thinking and evidence-based management is closely related to the theory of ______.

A. contingency thinking

B. outside the box thinking

C. reciprocal thinking

D. positive thinking

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.4: Demonstrate the value of critical thinking in the context of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Research in OB

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking

41. When more than 400 senior HR professionals were asked to name the most important skill their employees will need in the next 5 years, ______ ranked the highest.

A. critical thinking

B. innovation

C. information technology

D. positive thinking

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.4: Demonstrate the value of critical thinking in the context of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: A Critical-Thinking Approach to OB

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking

42. Heather added a database to her inventory system. As a result, her employees fulfilled orders more quickly. In this example, the new database is an example of a(n) ______.

A. dependent variable

B. independent variable

C. hypothesis

D. correlation

Ans: B

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.4: Demonstrate the value of critical thinking in the context of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: Research in OB

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking

43. The owner of a local ice-cream shop in a small tourist town realized that when hotel occupancy is up, sales in her ice-cream shop are also up. The relationship between hotel occupancy rate and ice-cream sales is an example of a(n) ______.

A. dependent variable

B. independent variable

C. hypothesis

D. correlation

Ans: D

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.4: Demonstrate the value of critical thinking in the context of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: Research in OB

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking

44. What is one way to enhance critical thinking in organizational behavior as stated in the textbook?

A. deductive reasoning

B. inductive reasoning

C. using the scientific method

D. selective reasoning

Ans: C

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.4: Demonstrate the value of critical thinking in the context of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Research in OB

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking

45. ______ states that our actions must be dependent on the nature of the situation.

A. Outside the box thinking

B. Contingency thinking

C. Reciprocal thinking

D. Positive thinking

Ans: B

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.4: Demonstrate the value of critical thinking in the context of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: Research in OB

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking

46. Successful organizational behavior managers use ______, which is a wealth of proven research as a basis for understanding different situations.

A. evidence-based management

B. strategic management

C. human resource management

D. crises management

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.4: Demonstrate the value of critical thinking in the context of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Research in OB

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking

47. According to ______, all organizations are unique, and subject to internal and external environmental influences that can affect their efficiency.

A. chaos theory

B. open systems theory

C. network theory

D. closed system theory

Ans: B

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.4: Demonstrate the value of critical thinking in the context of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Open Systems Theory

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Contexts of organizations in a global society

48. Tixla Corporation has a good relationship with its suppliers and consumers are happy with their product, but their employees are unhappy and production is low. There is likely a break in which of the following?

A. evidence chain

B. organization chain

C. open system chain

D. value chain

Ans: D

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.4: Demonstrate the value of critical thinking in the context of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Analysis

Answer Location: Open Systems Theory

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge

49. Per the text, open systems interact with their environments primarily via ______.

A. inputs and outputs

B. employees and managers

C. goods and services

D. consumers and suppliers

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.4: Demonstrate the value of critical thinking in the context of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Open Systems Theory

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Systems and processes in organizations

50. Siva has noticed a problem with his team that he manages. He has come up with a theory to explain the problem. He then tests his theory with independent and dependent variables. Siva has used what to help his critical-thinking process?

A. leadership

B. the scientific method

C. evidence-based management

D. the open systems theory

Ans: B

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.4: Demonstrate the value of critical thinking in the context of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: Research in OB

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge

51. Isabella has been transferred to an office overseas. She is going to need to learn about this new culture and new business customs. This is an example of what challenge/opportunity that faces organizations today?

A. people skills

B. innovation and change

C. sustainability

D. globalization

Ans: D

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.5: Identify the major challenges and opportunities in the field of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: Globalization

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Contexts of organizations in a global society

52. Recessions and financial crises have led to layoffs, reduced wages, unemployment, bankruptcy, and labor shortages. These are examples of which challenge/opportunity for organizations?

A. innovation and change

B. sustainability

C. economic factors

D. customer service

Ans: C

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.5: Identify the major challenges and opportunities in the field of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Economic Factors

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Contexts of organizations in a global society

53. In order to flourish in a work environment with economic factors that are constantly in flux, one must ______.

A. align themselves with powerful political factions

B. adapt and learn new skills when required

C. learn to be an autocratic leader

D. gain as much coding experience as possible

Ans: B

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.5: Identify the major challenges and opportunities in the field of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Economic Factors

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

54. Kanye from Challenge Appliances went through a training process to learn the importance of respecting individual differences. This is an example of which challenge/opportunity for organizations?

A. workforce diversity

B. people skills

C. customer service

D. sustainability

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.5: Identify the major challenges and opportunities in the field of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: Workforce Diversity

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

55. The ability to communicate and interact with others is an example of which challenge/opportunity for organizations?

A. customer service

B. workforce diversity

C. people skills

D. innovation and change

Ans: C

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.5: Identify the major challenges and opportunities in the field of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: People Skills

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Written and oral communication

56. Critical thinking is most closely related to which challenge/opportunity for organizations?

A. people skills

B. innovation and change

C. customer service

D. workforce diversity

Ans: B

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.5: Identify the major challenges and opportunities in the field of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Innovation and Change

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking

57. Which challenge/opportunity looks at environmental factors during decision-making and goal setting?

A. globalization

B. workforce diversity

C. sustainability

D. economic factors

Ans: C

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.5: Identify the major challenges and opportunities in the field of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Sustainability

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Social responsibility

58. How many levels of analysis are within the organizational behavior model?

A. Five

B. Four

C. Three

D. Seven

Ans: C

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.6: Differentiate the three basic levels of analysis at which OB may be examined.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: Three Levels of Analysis in OB

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

59. Which concept is not one of the levels of analysis within the organizational behavior model?

A. individuals

B. departments

C. teams

D. organizations

Ans: B

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.6: Differentiate the three basic levels of analysis at which OB may be examined.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Three Levels of Analysis in OB

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

60. Which level of analysis is considered the foundation of the organizational behavior model?

A. individuals

B. departments

C. teams

D. organizations

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.6: Differentiate the three basic levels of analysis at which OB may be examined.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Individuals

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

61. To have a good understanding of a team, a manager should also understand the underlying behaviors of ______.

A. individuals

B. departments

C. teams

D. organizations

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.6: Differentiate the three basic levels of analysis at which OB may be examined.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Teams

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

62. Manchester United, the British soccer team, has well documented personality conflicts among team members, yet the members are highly effective together on the field. Which level of organizational analysis does their ability to cooperate to be effective represent?

A. departments

B. individuals

C. organizations

D. teams

Ans: D

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.6: Differentiate the three basic levels of analysis at which OB may be examined.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: Teams

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

63. ______ provide individuals and groups with the tools and systems to achieve objectives and goals.

A. Individuals

B. Departments

C. Teams

D. Organizations

Ans: D

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.6: Differentiate the three basic levels of analysis at which OB may be examined.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: Organizations

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

64. Yohan and Nancy do not get along outside of the office. However, when they are at work they are able to cooperate with each other to accomplish their goals. Their manager, Eli, has a good understanding of their personality differences, and therefore understands how to motivate them at work. Eli is illustrating ______ of the organizational behavior model.

A. individuals and teams

B. teams and organizations

C. individuals and organizations

D. teams and departments

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.6: Differentiate the three basic levels of analysis at which OB may be examined.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: Teams

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

65. Which level of the organizational behavior model lays the foundation for the other levels?

A. individuals

B. departments

C. teams

D. organizations

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.6: Differentiate the three basic levels of analysis at which OB may be examined.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Three Levels of Analysis in OB

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking

66. Why is the organizational level the final component of the organizational model?

A. because organizational culture is a function of teamwork and individual output

B. because the individuals and teams of an organization are the building blocks to a smooth-running business

C. because leadership begins with individuals and teams

D. because individual success is the most important thing in organizations

Ans: B

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.6: Differentiate the three basic levels of analysis at which OB may be examined.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Analysis

Answer Location: Three Levels of Analysis in OB

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

67. Google’s employee-centered flexible working structure is an example of what level of the behavior model?

A. individuals

B. departments

C. teams

D. organizations

Ans: D

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.6: Differentiate the three basic levels of analysis at which OB may be examined.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Organizations

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

68. ______ focuses on the strengths, virtues, vitality, and resilience of individuals and organizations.

A. High-involvement management

B. Leadership

C. Positive organizational behavior

D. Ethical organizational behavior

Ans: C

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.7: Outline the benefits of positive OB and high-involvement management.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: Positive OB and High-Involvement Management

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Interpersonal relations and teamwork

69. Scholarship on positive organizational behavior focuses on a number of key elements. Which of the following is not one of these elements?

A. strengths

B. virtues

C. vitality

D. strategy

Ans: D

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.7: Outline the benefits of positive OB and high-involvement management.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Positive OB and High-Involvement Management

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Interpersonal relations and teamwork

70. Positive organizational behavior’s main focus is on ______.

A. fixing one’s weaknesses

B. happiness as opposed to profits

C. changing organizational culture

D. nurturing one’s strengths

Ans: D

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.7: Outline the benefits of positive OB and high-involvement management.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Positive OB and High-Involvement Management

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Interpersonal relations and teamwork

71. ______ is a strategy in which managers empower employees to make decisions, provide them with extensive training and opportunities to increase their knowledge base, share important information, and provide incentive compensation.

A. High-involvement management

B. Leadership

C. Positive organizational behavior

D. Ethical organizational behavior

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.7: Outline the benefits of positive OB and high-involvement management.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: Positive OB and High-Involvement Management

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Interpersonal relations and teamwork

72. Managers who practice positive organizational behavior believe ______ is the most important resource.

A. human capital

B. equipment

C. cash liquidity

D. raw materials

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.7: Outline the benefits of positive OB and high-involvement management.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Positive OB and High-Involvement Management

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Interpersonal relations and teamwork

73. A direct primary employee outcome resulting from positive organizational behavior is ______.

A. improved self-confidence

B. increased turnover

C. enhanced liquidity

D. decreased self-confidence

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.7: Outline the benefits of positive OB and high-involvement management.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Positive OB and High-Involvement Management

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Interpersonal relations and teamwork

74. Brandon Steiner, CEO of Steiner Sports, believes health and well-being are important for employee performance, requires his employees to eat healthy while at work, and empowers them to be healthy by providing healthy snacks and gym memberships. This is an example of ______.

A. superleadership

B. autocratic leadership

C. futuristic management

D. high-involvement management

Ans: D

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.7: Outline the benefits of positive OB and high-involvement management.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Positive OB and High-Involvement Management

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Interpersonal relations and teamwork

75. Libby was the manager at Next Hamburger Palace. Libby noticed that Paige did not enjoy making burgers on the grill, but she loved and excelled at waiting on customers. As a result, Libby stopped assigning Paige to the grill and always put her in customer service–related tasks. Libby also gave Paige tapes to improve her customer service skills even more. Libby’s actions were an example of ______.

A. organizational change

B. positive organizational behavior

C. reciprocal leader

D. 360-degree feedback

Ans: B

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.7: Outline the benefits of positive OB and high-involvement management.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: Positive OB and High-Involvement Management

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge

76. Positive organizational behavior is closely linked to which type of management?

A. high-involvement

B. top-down

C. visionary

D. reverse psychology

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.7: Outline the benefits of positive OB and high-involvement management.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Positive OB and High-Involvement Management

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Interpersonal relations and teamwork

77. Which CEO’s motto was “If you don’t feel your best, you can’t do your best”?

A. Jeff Bezos,

B. Bill Gates, Microsoft

C. Brandon Steiner, Steiner Sports

D. Chris Neck, Above and Beyond Fitness

Ans: C

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.7: Outline the benefits of positive OB and high-involvement management.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Positive OB and High-Involvement Management

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Interpersonal relations and teamwork

78. Positive organizational behavior places the highest priority on the well-being of its ______.

A. suppliers

B. managers

C. employees

D. customers

Ans: C

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.7: Outline the benefits of positive OB and high-involvement management.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Positive OB and High-Involvement Management

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Interpersonal relations and teamwork

79. Gigi, the general manager of Orchard Wealth Bank, is confident that her loan officers share the same values and mission of the company. She empowers her employees to make their own decisions on loan applications because she has provided extensive training. She also has a weekly “morning meeting” to share important information about the company to help facilitate their decision-making processes. Gigi is practicing ______.

A. high-involvement management

B. positive organizational behavior

C. ethical organizational behavior

D. superleadership

Ans: A

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.7: Outline the benefits of positive OB and high-involvement management.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: Positive OB and High-Involvement Management

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge


1. A strategic organizational behavior approach is closely related to human capital.

Ans: T

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.1: Explain the basic concept of organizational behavior (OB) and its value in organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: What Is Organizational Behavior and Why Is It Important?

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

2. A strategic organizational behavior approach is based on the idea that goods are the key to productivity, competitive edge, and financial success.

Ans: F

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.1: Explain the basic concept of organizational behavior (OB) and its value in organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: What Is Organizational Behavior and Why Is It Important?

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

3. When Mary motivates her team with a new reward system, she is engaging in the management function of organizing.

Ans: F

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.1: Explain the basic concept of organizational behavior (OB) and its value in organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: What Is Organizational Behavior and Why Is It Important?

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

4. Manufacturing equipment and supplies are examples of intangible resources.

Ans: F

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.2: Describe the key role of managing human capital in creating a sustainable competitive advantage for organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Managing Human Capital

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Systems and processes in organizations

5. Value, rareness, and importance are all part of human capital.

Ans: F

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.2: Describe the key role of managing human capital in creating a sustainable competitive advantage for organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Managing Human Capital

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Systems and processes in organizations

6. An example of human capital rareness is an employee who has a gift for dealing with customer complaints and can resolve dilemmas.

Ans: T

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.2: Describe the key role of managing human capital in creating a sustainable competitive advantage for organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Managing Human Capital

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge

7. Organizational behavior has looked outside of the business school and uses concepts from many other behavioral sciences.

Ans: T

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.3: Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Behavioral Science Disciplines That Contribute to OB

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

8. Accounting is one of the five behavioral sciences that has strong links to organizational behavior.

Ans: F

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.3: Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Behavioral Science Disciplines That Contribute to OB

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

9. In the labor market in the United States, there are not many available jobs for skilled laborers.

Ans: F

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.4: Demonstrate the value of critical thinking in the context of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: A Critical-Thinking Approach to OB

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Interpersonal relations and teamwork

10. The most successful senior executives score lower on critical-thinking skills than less successful senior executives.

Ans: F

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.4: Demonstrate the value of critical thinking in the context of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: A Critical-Thinking Approach to OB

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Interpersonal relations and teamwork

11. When open systems work well, they create a value chain.

Ans: T

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.4: Demonstrate the value of critical thinking in the context of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Inputs and Outputs

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Systems and processes in organizations

12. One might consider coworkers to be internal clients.

Ans: T

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.5: Identify the major challenges and opportunities in the field of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: Customer Service

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

13. An organization’s most important asset is its people because they can create, strategize, and innovate.

Ans: T

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.5: Identify the major challenges and opportunities in the field of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: Innovation and Change

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

14. The organizational behavior model consists of individuals, departments, and organizations.

Ans: F

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.6: Differentiate the three basic levels of analysis at which OB may be examined.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: Three Levels of Analysis in OB

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

15. Managers who practice positive organizational behavior value human capital as their least important resource.

Ans: F

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.7: Outline the benefits of positive OB and high-involvement management.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: Positive OB and High-Involvement Management

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Interpersonal relations and teamwork

Short Answer

1. Managers need to possess ______, or the ability to relate to other people.

Ans: human skills

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.1: Explain the basic concept of organizational behavior (OB) and its value in organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: What Is Organizational Behavior and Why Is It Important?

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

2. Human capital is essential for gaining a ______, the edge that gives organizations a more beneficial position than their competitors.

Ans: competitive advantage

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.2: Describe the key role of managing human capital in creating a sustainable competitive advantage for organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Managing Human Capital

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Systems and processes in organizations

3. ______ is defined as the study of other cultures and the types of values and attitudes held by others and is one of the five disciplines that informs OB.

Ans: Anthropology

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.3: Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Behavioral Science Disciplines That Contribute to OB

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

4. Successful OB managers use ______, which relies on research-based facts to make decisions.

Ans: evidence-based management

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.4: Demonstrate the value of critical thinking in the context of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: Using the scientific method to enhance critical thinking in OB

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

5. ______ states that our actions must be dependent on the nature of the situation because there is no one best way of managing people.

Ans: Contingency thinking

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.4: Demonstrate the value of critical thinking in the context of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: Using the scientific method to enhance critical thinking in OB

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

6. Which of the seven challenges/opportunities facing organizations explained in the textbook relates to critical thinking and the ability to strategize and create?

Ans: innovation and change

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.5: Identify the major challenges and opportunities in the field of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Innovation and Change

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking

7. ______ are the foundation of a business, and the way they work and behave makes or breaks a business.

Ans: Individuals

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.6: Differentiate the three basic levels of analysis at which OB may be examined.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: Three Levels of Analysis in OB

Difficulty Level: Easy

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

8. Of the levels of analysis of organizational behavior, ______ provide individuals and groups with the tools to achieve objectives.

Ans: organizations

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.7: Outline the benefits of positive OB and high-involvement management.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Organizations

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

9. Managers who practice positive organizational behavior value ______ as their most important resource.

Ans: human capital

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.7: Outline the benefits of positive OB and high-involvement management.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Positive OB and High-Involvement Management

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Interpersonal relations and teamwork

10. Positive organizational behavior places the highest priority on the ______ of employees.

Ans: well-being

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.7: Outline the benefits of positive OB and high-involvement management.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Positive OB and High-Involvement Management

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Interpersonal relations and teamwork


1. What is organizational behavior, and what does it mean when managers take a strategic OB approach?

Ans: Organizational behavior is a field of study focused on understanding, explaining, and improving attitudes of individuals and groups in organizations. A strategic OB approach is based on the idea that people are key to productivity, competitive edge, and financial success. The success of an organization lies with its people, and without people, there would be no companies or industries. You may have the best product, but if you do not have the right people in place then your business will suffer.

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.1: Explain the basic concept of organizational behavior (OB) and its value in organizations.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: What Is Organizational Behavior and Why Is It Important?

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Systems and processes in organizations

2. Name, define, and describe the three main aspects of human capital that enhance competitive advantage.

Ans: The three main aspects are value, rareness, and imitability. Human capital value is the way employees work toward the strategic goals of an organization to achieve competitive advantage. Human capital rareness is the skills and talents of an organization’s people that are unique in the industry. For example, if it is difficult to hire employees with a specific skill set or certification, then this enhances the competitive advantage for the organization. Human capital imitability is the degree to which the skills and talents of employees can be emulated by other organizations. For example, if an employee’s skill is difficult to imitate by employees in other organizations, then it enhances the competitive advantage for the employee’s organization.

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.3: Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Analysis

Answer Location: Behavioral Science Disciplines That Contribute to OB

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking

3. Why is it important to look at the five main behavioral sciences disciplines when studying organizational behavior?

Ans: Each of the five sciences study human behavior These can be applied to work environments in an organizational behavior context.

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.3: Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Analysis

Answer Location: Behavioral Science Disciplines That Contribute to OB

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking

4. Name five of the seven challenges and/or opportunities facing the field of OB. Describe one in more detail, explaining why it is a challenge and/or opportunity.

Ans: The seven challenges are globalization, economic factors, workforce diversity, customer service, people skills, innovation and change, and sustainability. Any of these may be discussed further. For example, a more in-depth look at globalization might include a discussion about the opportunities provided by a more interconnected world, as well as the challenges that this creates.

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.5: Identify the major challenges and opportunities in the field of OB.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension | Analysis

Answer Location: OB Challenges and Opportunities

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Contexts of organizations in a global society

5. Looking at the levels within the organizational behavior model, what is considered the foundation and why?

Ans: Individuals are the foundation of organizations. If they work well together then that can be a strong base, or foundation, for teams which in turn work together to achieve organizational goals. If they do not work well together, then that could be the downfall of the entire organization.

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.6: Differentiate the three basic levels of analysis at which OB may be examined.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Individuals

Difficulty Level: Medium

TOP: AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

6. How is positive organizational behavior related to high-involvement management?

Ans: Positive OB focuses on the skills that employees do well, not what they need to work on. High-involvement management gives employees a say with their job; it empowers employees. High-involvement management is a mechanism to make positive OB come alive. Positive OB is a strategy for high-involvement management to use.

KEY: Learning Objective: 1.7: Outline the benefits of positive OB and high-involvement management.

REF: Cognitive Domain: Analysis

Answer Location: Positive OB and High-Involvement Management

Difficulty Level: Hard

TOP: AACSB Standard: Grou

What factor that influences our internal and external attributions listed below is explained as the extent to which a person behaves consistently in similar situations?

There are three types of determinants of attribution that influence our internal and external attributions: distinctiveness, consensus, and consistency. Distinctiveness is the extent to which a person behaves consistently in similar situations.

What can be described as shaping personality traits by environmental and situational factors such as culture religion and family?

What can be described as shaping personality traits by environmental and situational factors, such as culture, religion, and family life? Internal and external attributions are the two causes people look for to explain behavior of others. This is called attribution theory.

Why is understanding organizational behavior important quizlet?

Why is the understanding of organizational behavior important? -You can /explain/ behavior. You can explain why your boss, coworkers, or subordinates are doing what they are doing.

Which psychological empowerment belief is defined as the feeling of making a difference?

Impact. Which psychological empowerment belief is defined as the feeling of making a difference? Intrinsic motivation. What is it called when we perform tasks for our own innate satisfaction? Self-determination.


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