Alias is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

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'-alias' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch fil


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ll is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Questions : ll is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

2022-08-01T23:17:11+00:00 2022-08-01T23:17:11+00:00


Error : 'll' is not recognized as an anycodings_docker internal or external command, operable anycodings_docker program or batch file.

I'm getting this error when trying to get anycodings_docker detailed information about files and anycodings_docker directories in present working directory, anycodings_docker I'm using cmd.

My dockerfile containes below code:

FROM ubuntu MAINTAINER my name <my email address> RUN apt-get update CMD ["echo","Hello World...! from my first docker image"]

I'm fairly new with docker and I've tried anycodings_docker everything mentioned on below link but anycodings_docker nothing worked for me. Linux command 'll' is anycodings_docker not working

Please if someone could help.Thanks.

Total Answers 1


Answers 1 : of ll is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

ll is an alias(shorthand) for ls -alF as anycodings_docker specified in the same SO question that anycodings_docker has been pointed out. In Linux, you can anycodings_docker use the alias to shorten any command. anycodings_docker The format of alias is anycodings_docker alias_name='<full command>'.

Some Linux releases come pre-loaded with anycodings_docker a set of default aliases like alias anycodings_docker rm='rm -i', mv='mv -i'. ll is one among anycodings_docker them. If you are getting such error then anycodings_docker you need to add alias ll='ls -alF'.

Now the problem is where to anycodings_docker add? Everyone will suggest putting the anycodings_docker alias in ~/.bashrc. But this file will anycodings_docker be read-only if you use the bash shell. anycodings_docker Hence there is always a chance that it anycodings_docker might be missed out. You need to put it anycodings_docker in a place which will be always(most anycodings_docker likely) be read.

I agree that most people will suggest anycodings_docker you add it to /etc/profile but here you anycodings_docker are not supposed to make changes unless anycodings_docker you know what you are doing. But you can anycodings_docker put this kind of workarounds as a small anycodings_docker shell script and put it under anycodings_docker /etc/profile.d with *.sh extension as anycodings_docker this directory is always read in almost anycodings_docker all shells.

So the solution is you need to create a anycodings_docker file with sh extension containing the anycodings_docker alias and put it in /etc/profile.d/.

Applying all these in your Dockerfile it anycodings_docker can be rewritten as

FROM ubuntu MAINTAINER my name <my email address> RUN echo "alias ll='ls -alF'" > /etc/profile.d/ && apt-get update CMD ["echo","Hello World...! from my first docker image"]

Note: It seems alpine images don't read anycodings_docker /etc/profile.d by default hence follow anycodings_docker this in case if you use it.


2022-08-01T23:17:11+00:00 2022-08-01T23:17:11+00:00Answer Link


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