A researcher wanting to understand more about how or why something happens starts with a research

Learning Objectives

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain how the scientific method is used to develop new knowledge
  • Describe why it is important to follow a research plan

Research is a process to discover new knowledge. In the Code of Federal Regulations (45 CFR 46.102(d)) pertaining to the protection of human subjects research is defined as: “A systematic investigation (i.e., the gathering and analysis of information) designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.” The National Academy of Sciences states that the object of research is to “extend human knowledge of the physical, biological, or social world beyond what is already known.” Research is different than other forms of discovering knowledge (like reading a book) because it uses a systematic process called the Scientific Method.

The Scientific Method consists of observing the world around you and creating a hypothesis about relationships in the world. A hypothesis is an informed and educated prediction or explanation about something. Part of the research process involves testing the hypothesis, and then examining the results of these tests as they relate to both the hypothesis and the world around you. When a researcher forms a hypothesis, this acts like a map through the research study. It tells the researcher which factors are important to study and how they might be related to each other or caused by a manipulation that the researcher introduces (e.g. a program, treatment or change in the environment). With this map, the researcher can interpret the information he/she collects and can make sound conclusions about the results.

Research can be done with human beings, animals, plants, other organisms and inorganic matter. When research is done with human beings and animals, it must follow specific rules about the treatment of humans and animals that have been created by the U.S. Federal Government. This ensures that humans and animals are treated with dignity and respect, and that the research causes minimal harm.

No matter what topic is being studied, the value of the research depends on how well it is designed and done. Therefore, one of the most important considerations in doing good research is to follow the design or plan that is developed by an experienced researcher who is called the Principal Investigator (PI). The PI is in charge of all aspects of the research and creates what is called a protocol (the research plan) that all people doing the research must follow. By doing so, the PI and the public can be sure that the results of the research are real and useful to other scientists.

Module 1: Discussion Questions

  1. How is a hypothesis like a road map?
  2. Who is ultimately responsible for the design and conduct of a research study?
  3. How does following the research protocol contribute to informing public health practices?

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  • Module 2:
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  • Section 2 Discussion
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  • Quiz

Section 2: Experimental Studies

Unlike a descriptive study, an experiment is a study in which a treatment, procedure, or program is intentionally introduced and a result or outcome is observed. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines an experiment as "A test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate a known truth, to examine the validity of a hypothesis, or to determine the efficacy of something previously untried."

True experiments have four elements: manipulation, control , random assignment, and random selection. The most important of these elements are manipulation and control. Manipulation means that something is purposefully changed by the researcher in the environment. Control is used to prevent outside factors from influencing the study outcome. When something is manipulated and controlled and then the outcome happens, it makes us more confident that the manipulation "caused" the outcome. In addition, experiments involve highly controlled and systematic procedures in an effort to minimize error and bias, which also increases our confidence that the manipulation "caused" the outcome.

Another key element of a true experiment is random assignment. Random assignment means that if there are groups or treatments in the experiment, participants are assigned to these groups or treatments, or randomly (like the flip of a coin).

This means that no matter who the participant is, he/she has an equal chance of getting into all of the groups or treatments in an experiment. This process helps to ensure that the groups or treatments are similar at the beginning of the study so that there is more confidence that the manipulation (group or treatment) "caused" the outcome. More information about random assignment may be found in section Random assignment.

Definition: An experiment is a study in which a treatment, procedure, or program is intentionally introduced and a result or outcome is observed.

Case Example for Experimental Study

Experimental Studies — Example 1

An investigator wants to evaluate whether a new technique to teach math to elementary school students is more effective than the standard teaching method. Using an experimental design, the investigator divides the class randomly (by chance) into two groups and calls them "Group A" and "Group B." The students cannot choose their own group. The random assignment process results in two groups that should share equal characteristics at the beginning of the experiment.

In Group A, the teacher uses a new teaching method to teach the math lesson. In Group B, the teacher uses a standard teaching method to teach the math lesson. The investigator compares test scores at the end of the semester to evaluate the success of the new teaching method compared to the standard teaching method. At the end of the study, the results indicated that the students in the new teaching method group scored significantly higher on their final exam than the students in the standard teaching group.

Experimental Studies — Example 2

A fitness instructor wants to test the effectiveness of a performance-enhancing herbal supplement on students in her exercise class. To create experimental groups that are similar at the beginning of the study, the students are assigned into two groups at random (they can not choose which group they are in). Students in both groups are given a pill to take every day, but they do not know whether the pill is a placebo (sugar pill) or the herbal supplement. The instructor gives Group A the herbal supplement and Group B receives the placebo (sugar pill). The students' fitness level is compared before and after six weeks of consuming the supplement or the sugar pill. No differences in performance ability were found between the two groups suggesting that the herbal supplement was not effective.

Which method is used if the researcher generated new theories after the research?

Like other scientists, psychologists use the hypothetico-deductive method. They construct theories to explain or interpret phenomena (or work with existing theories), derive hypotheses from their theories, test the hypotheses, and then reevaluate the theories in light of the new results.

Why is theory important for psychological research?

They Provide a Basis for Understanding the Mind and Behavior Theories provide a framework for understanding human behavior, thought, and development. By having a broad base of understanding about the how's and why's of human behavior, we can better understand ourselves and others.

How to develop a theory in psychology?

To construct a good theory, a researcher must know in detail about the phenomena of interest and about any existing theories based on a thorough review of the literature. The new theory must provide a coherent explanation or interpretation of the phenomena of interest and have some advantage over existing theories.

How can a researcher prove a hypothesis in psychology quizlet?

To test the hypothesis, the researcher manipulates or modifies one or more variables and observes changes in others. The variable controlled an manipulated by an experimenter is known as the independent variable.


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