A pediatric client has just been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus what would the nurse do first



If there is a complete blockage of cortisol formation, aldosterone production will also be deficient. Without adequate aldosterone, salt is not retained by the body, so fluid is not retained. Almost immediately after birth, affected infants begin to have vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, loss of weight, and extreme dehydration. If these symptoms remain untreated, the extreme loss of salt and fluid can lead to collapse and death as early as 48 to 72 hours after birth. The salt-losing form must be detected before an infant reaches an irreversible point of salt depletion. This disorder does not cause hypoglycemia, excessive bleeding, or excessive cortisone secretion.

What do you do if your child has diabetes?

Lifestyle and home remedies.
Encourage him or her to take an increasingly active role in diabetes management..
Stress the importance of lifelong diabetes care..
Teach your child how to test his or her blood sugar and inject insulin..
Help your child make wise food choices..
Encourage your child to remain physically active..

What do you say to a child that is diagnosed with diabetes?

Give Your Child Support.
Talk about daily care. If your child is upset about needing an insulin shot, you may say, “I know it's scary — you're so brave.”.
Talk about emotions. You can ask, “What has it been like for you to have diabetes so far?” or “Is there anything you feel worried about?”.

How can I help a child with type 1 diabetes?

How Can I Help My Child?.
Acknowledge your child's feelings. ... .
Encourage active health care management. ... .
Build independence. ... .
Help kids find their strengths. ... .
Focus on friendships. ... .
Find ways to cope with bullying. ... .
Correct misconceptions. ... .
Tell friends, teachers, and others about your child's diabetes..

What are the symptoms of child diabetes?

If you're concerned that your son or daughter is showing signs of childhood diabetes it's important that you schedule a doctor's appointment as soon as possible..
Frequent Urination. ... .
Extreme Thirst..
Blood Sugar Levels..
Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) ... .


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